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KUMEC Friday Teaching Mornings: Lesson Plan for Year 2 Session 2 2015-16
Aims for students
Session plan
To consider the issues that some patients face in accessing primary care, and
how general practice addresses the needs of vulnerable patient groups such
 Patients with personality disorders, low literacy, language difficulties,
sensory impairments, learning disabilities etc.
 Stigmatised conditions and socially excluded patient groups and
 Carers, victims of domestic abuse, vulnerable children/young adults,
frail elderly, healthcare workers etc.
Preparation: ask your receptionist to welcome students (four at 9am and four
at 11 am) and to consent four suitable patients (preferable with an acute
complaint) from the morning’s list at 9:30, 10:00 and then at 11:30 and 12:00
(if you have time you may see more patients).
To critically appraise the impact of different strategies on vulnerable patient
groups such as
 Opening hours, appointment systems, registration systems, incentives
and targets, physical environment etc.
 Access to double appointments, interpreters, home visits, health
promotion/screening/vaccination/regular check-ups etc.
 Case finding and enhanced services
To have a further opportunity to practise eliciting a basic focused history from
 Eliciting the patient’s ideas, concerns and expectations
 Eliciting symptoms and reviewing relevant system(s)
 Establishing relevant context (past medical history, medications,
health behaviours, family & social factors)
Ask practice colleagues to allow a pair of students to interview them for 30
minutes at 9:30 and 11:30 (colleague A e.g. practice manager) and 10:00 and
12:00 (colleague B e.g. receptionist).
Prepare a case example (a patient, or patient group) that needed support
accessing primary care, and how your practice addressed it.
Session outline:
1. Welcome and session orientation; explore any issues arising since you
last saw these students; discussion around what students understand
about access to healthcare and prepared case example (see above).
2. One student pair leaves to interview colleague A (e.g. practice
manager) while you observe one student from the other pair elicit a
history (you complete each consultation).
 If you have time / less complex cases you may be able to
observe more than 1 patient/pair
 Students have a list of suggested interview questions in their
KUMEC handbooks.
3. Student pairs swap after 30 minutes but interviewing colleague B (e.g.
4. Student debrief and log book sign-up; encourage students to spend
time reflecting on what they have observed and learnt, developing a
plan for how the intend to progress
5. Repeat with a second set of students at 11am.
KUMEC Friday Teaching Mornings: Lesson Plan for Year 2 Session 2 2015-16
Patient 1
colleague B
colleague A
Patient 2
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Patient 3
colleague B
colleague A
Patient 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Teaching tips
Abstract concepts, such as access to healthcare, can come alive through real life case examples
Before students have a go at eliciting a history, ask them if there are any specific aspects that they would like feedback on
After giving feedback, give students a chance to rehearse suggestions
Students had an access to healthcare symposium in January, with invited speakers on issues such as domestic abuse, LBTG health, learning
disabilities, refugees, homelessness etc.
Students have a list of questions on access to healthcare issues that they can ask your practice staff. Some of these questions are derived from a
CQC consultation on questions for practices on access to healthcare issues, and may help your practice to prepare for these visits.