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Concepts of Nursing
NUR 123
Promoting Urine Elimination
Factor affecting voiding
Developmental factor: Infant may urinate 20 times a day.
The output decreased at older people according to the
decrease of renal function.
Fluid and food intake: the healthy body maintains a
balance between the amount of fluid ingested and the
amount of fluid eliminated. Some foods and fluid change in
urine color.
Medications: diuretics increase urine formation.
Pathologic conditions: such as kidney or heart disorders.
Psychosocial factors: such as not suitable time or place.
Altered urine production and elimination
1- Hematuria: red blood cell in the urine.
2- Dysuria: painful or difficult urination.
3- Anuria: total urine out put less than 50 ml in 24 hr.
4- Oliguria: total urine out put less than 500 ml in 24 hr.
5- Urinary frequency; is voiding at frequent intervals,
that is more than usual.
6- Urgency: is sudden strong desire to void.
A complete assessment of the patient's urinary
function include:
Nursing history: normal voiding pattern and
frequency, appearance of urine and any recent
changes, habits of diet and fluid intake.
Physical examination of the genitourinary
system, hydration status, and examination of
the urine:
Measuring urinary output normally, the kidney
produce urine at a rate of approximately 60 mL
per hr or about 1500 ml per day, urine out put
below 30 ml/hr indicate kidney malfunction.
Diagnostic tests: blood urea nitrogen,
creatinine and urine analysis.
Impaired urinary elimination.
 Functional urinary incontinence.
Maintain or restore normal voiding pattern
Concepts of Nursing
NUR 123
Promoting Bowel Elimination
Process of Peristalsis
Peristalsis is a wavelike movement produced
by the muscle fibers of the intestinal wall.
Peristalsis is under control of the nervous
Contractions occur every 3 to 12 minutes.
One-third to one-half of food waste is excreted
in stool within 24 hours.
Variables Influencing Bowel Elimination
Developmental considerations.
Daily patterns.
Food and fluid intake.
Activity and muscle tone.
Lifestyle, psychological variables.
Pathologic conditions.
Surgery and anesthesia.
Nursing Interventions to Promote Normal
Bowel Elimination
The nurse can help the patient to achieve a regular defecation by
attending to:
Timing- Patients should be encouraged to defecate when the
urge to defecate is recognized.
Nutrition and fluids
Exercise- Ambulation helps to stimulate normal motility, and
therefore should be encouraged in post-surgical patients.
Nursing Interventions for constipated
Increase fluid intake. Instruct the patient to
drink fruit juices.
Include fiber in the diet with foods.
Administration of laxatives.
Administration of Enema
Nursing Interventions for patients with
Encourage intake of fluids and food.
Eating small amounts of bland foods.
Encourage the ingestion of food or fluids containing
potassium, since diarrhea can lead to great
potassium losses.
Avoid excessively hot or cold fluids and highly
spiced foods and high fiber foods that can
aggravate diarrhea.
Concepts of Nursing
NUR 123
Promoting Proper Nutrition
Functions of Nutrition
Providing energy for body processes and movement.
Providing structural material for body tissues.
Regulating body processes.
Factors Affecting Food Habits
Socio-economic status.
Health status.
Psychological factors.
Nursing Interventions
1. Screening patients for nutritional risk.
2. Observing intake and appetite.
3. Evaluating the patients tolerance.
4. Assisting the patient with eating.
5. Administering enteral and parenteral feedings.
6. Consulting with the dietitian and physician.
7. Addressing potential for drug-nutrient reactions.
8. Participating in nutrition education efforts.