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Division 1
Introduction to Advanced
Prehospital Care
Bledsoe et al., Essentials of Paramedic Care: Division 1
© 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Chapter 4
General Principles of
Part I
How Normal Body Processes Are
Altered by Disease and Injury
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Disease Risk
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
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The study of how diseases alter the
normal physiological processes of the
human body
From the root “patho” meaning disease
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How Cells Respond to
Change and Injury
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Cellular Adaptation
Cells, tissues, organs, and organ
systems can adapt to both normal and
injurious conditions.
Adaptation to external stressors results
in alteration of structure and function.
Examples: Growth of the uterus during
pregnancy, dilation of the left ventricle
after an MI.
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Types of Cellular Adaptations
(1 of 2)
– Decreased size resulting from a decreased
– An increase in cell size resulting from an
increased workload
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Types of Cellular Adaptations
(2 of 2)
– An increase in the number of cells
resulting from an increased workload
– Replacement of one type of cell by
another type of cell that is not normal for
that tissue
– A change in cell size, shape, or
appearance caused by an external
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Cellular Injury
Physical agents
Nutritional balances
Genetic factors
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Manifestation of Cellular Injury
When cells are injured metabolism is
changed, causing substances to
infiltrate or accumulate to an abnormal
degree in cells.
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Cellular Swelling
Results from a permeable or damaged
cellular membrane
Caused by an inability to maintain
stable intra- and extracellular fluid and
electrolyte levels
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Fatty Change
Lipids invade the area of injury.
Occurs most commonly in vascular
organs, most frequently the liver.
Causes a disruption of the cellular
membrane and metabolism and
interferes with the vital functions of the
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Signs and Symptoms of
Cellular Change
Fatigue and malaise
Altered appetite
Increased heart rate associated with
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Cell Death (1 of 3)
– Injured cell releases enzymes that engulf
and destroy the cell.
– Cells shrink.
– Eliminating damaged and dead cells
allows tissues to repair and possibly
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Cell Death (2 of 3)
– A pathological process
– Cells swell and rupture
– Coagulative
– Liquefactive
– Caseous
– Fatty
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Cell Death (3 of 3)
Gangrenous necrosis
– Cell death over a wide area
– Dry
– Wet
– Gas
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Fluids and Fluid
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Water is the most abundant substance
in the human body.
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Where the Water Is Found
Intracellular fluid—fluid inside the cells
Extracellular fluid—all the fluid outside
the body cells
– Intravascular fluid—fluid within the
circulatory system
– Interstitial fluid—fluid outside of the cell
membranes but not within the circulatory
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Accumulation of water in the interstitial
space due to disruption in the forces
and mechanisms that normally keep
net filtration at zero
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Mechanisms That Cause Edema
A decrease in plasma oncotic force
An increase in hydrostatic pressure
Increased capillary permeability
Lymphatic channel obstruction
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Edema (1 of 2)
Can be local or within a certain organ
– Sprained ankle vs. pulmonary edema
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Edema (2 of 2)
Water in interstitial spaces is not
available for metabolic processes.
Edema, therefore, can cause a relative
condition of dehydration.
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Intravenous Therapy
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Blood Components
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The percentage of the blood occupied by the
red blood cells is termed the hematocrit.
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Fluid Replacement
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Transfusion Reactions
Transfusion reactions occur when there
is a discrepancy between the blood
type of the patient and the type of the
blood being transfused.
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Signs and Symptoms of
Transfusion Reactions
Flushing of the skin
Loss of
Shortness of breath
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Treatment of
Transfusion Reactions (1 of 2)
IMMEDIATELY stop the transfusion.
Save the substance being transfused.
Rapid IV infusion.
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Treatment of
Transfusion Reactions (2 of 2)
Assess the patient’s mental status.
Administer oxygen.
Contact medical direction.
Be prepared to administer mannitol,
diphenhydramine, or furosemide.
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Intravenous Fluids
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Hemoglobin-Based OxygenCarrying Solutions (HBOCs)
Commonly referred to as “blood
– Compatible with all blood types
– Do not require blood typing, testing, or
– PolyHeme
– Hemopure
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Colloids remain in intravascular
spaces for an extended period of time
and have oncotic force.
Plasma protein fraction (Plasmanate)
Salt-poor albumin
Hetastarch (Hespan)
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Crystalloid solutions are the primary
compounds used in prehospital care.
– Isotonic solutions
– Hypertonic solutions
– Hypotonic solutions
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The effects of
isotonic, and
on red blood
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Most Commonly Used
Solutions in Prehospital Care
Lactated Ringer’s
Normal Saline
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Respiratory Acidosis
Caused by abnormal retention of CO2
from impaired ventilation due to problems
occurring in the lungs or respiratory
center of the brain.
Respiration =
CO2 + H2O
H+ + HCO3-
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Respiratory Alkalosis
Caused by increased respiration and
excessive elimination of CO2. The CO2
level is decreased and the pH is increased.
Respiration = CO2 + H2O
H+ + HCO3-
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Metabolic Acidosis
Results from the production of metabolic
acids such as lactic acid. These acids
consume bicarbonate ions.
Can be the result of dehydration,
diabetes, or medication usage.
H+ + HCO3-
H2O +
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Compensation for metabolic acidosis begins
with an increase in respirations.
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Metabolic Alkalosis
The pH is increased and the CO2 level is
normal. It is usually caused by
administration of diuretics, loss of chloride
ions associated with prolonged vomiting,
and overzealous administration of sodium
H+ + HCO3-
H2O +
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Causes of
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Many Factors Combine
to Cause Disease (1 of 3)
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Many Factors Combine
to Cause Disease (2 of 3)
Inherited traits are determined by
molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid
Each somatic cell contains 46
Sex cells contain 23 chromosomes.
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Many Factors Combine
to Cause Disease (3 of 3)
An offspring receives 23 chromosomes
from the mother and 23 chromosomes
from the father.
One or more chromosomes may be
abnormal and may cause a congenital
disease or a propensity toward
acquiring a disease later in life.
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Most disease processes are multifactorial
in origin.
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Disease Effects on Individuals
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Disease Effects on
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Family History and
Associated Risk Factors
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Immunologic Disorders
A number of immunologic disorders
are more prevalent among those with
a family history of the disorder.
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Some types of cancer tend to cluster in
families and seem to have a
combination of genetic and
environmental causes.
– Breast cancer
– Colorectal cancer
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Endocrine Disorders
The most common endocrine disorder
is diabetes mellitus.
Leading cause of:
– Blindness
– Heart disease
– Kidney failure
– Premature death
Both Type I and Type II diabetes can
be family related.
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Hematological Disorders
There are many causes of hereditary
hematological disorders such as gene
alteration and histocompatibility (tissue
interaction) dysfunctions.
– Hemophilia
– Hemochromatosis
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Cardiovascular Disorders
The cardiovascular system can be
greatly affected by genetic disorders.
– Elongation of the QT interval
– Mitral valve prolapse
– Coronary artery disease
– Hypertension
– Cardiomyopathy
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Renal Disorders
Caused by a variety of factors,
primarily hypertension.
EMS is increasingly being called upon
to deal with complications of dialysis
– Problems with vascular access devices
– Localized infection and sepsis
– Electrolyte imbalances
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Rheumatic Disorders
Gout is a disorder both genetic and
environmental characterized by the
deposit of crystals in the joints, most
commonly the great toe.
The crystals form as a result of
abnormally high levels of uric acid in
the blood.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders
Lactose intolerance
Crohn’s disease
Peptic ulcers
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Neuromuscular Disorders
Diseases of the nervous and muscular
systems include:
– Huntington’s disease
– Multiple sclerosis
– Alzheimer’s disease
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Psychiatric Disorders
Genetic and biological causes of these
disorders are being studied and
increasingly understood.
– Schizophrenia
– Manic-depressive illness (bipolar
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Hypoperfusion (shock) is inadequate
perfusion of body tissues.
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Cellular Death
Tissue Death
of Shock
Organ Death
Organ System Death
Organism Death
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The Pathophysiology of
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Causes of Hypoperfusion (1 of 3)
Inadequate pump
– Inadequate preload
– Inadequate cardiac contractile strength
– Excessive afterload
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Causes of Hypoperfusion (2 of 3)
Inadequate fluid
– Hypovolemia
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Causes of Hypoperfusion (3 of 3)
Inadequate container
– Dilated container without change in fluid
volume (inadequate systemic vascular
– Leak in the container
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Shock at the Cellular Level
Shock causes vary; however, the
ultimate outcome is impairment of
cellular metabolism.
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Impaired Use of Oxygen
When cells don’t receive enough
oxygen or cannot use it effectively,
they change from aerobic to anaerobic
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Glucose Breakdown (1 of 2)
Stage one, glycolysis, is anaerobic (does not
require oxygen). It yields pyruvic acid, with toxic byproducts such as lactic acid, and very little energy.
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Glucose Breakdown (2 of 2)
Stage two is aerobic (requires oxygen). In a
process called the Krebs or citric acid cycle, pyruvic
acid is degraded into carbon dioxide and water,
which produces a much higher yield of energy.
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Compensation and
Usually the body is able to
compensate for any changes.
However, when the various
compensatory mechanisms fail, shock
develops and may progress.
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Compensation Mechanisms
The catecholamines epinephrine and
norepinephrine may be secreted.
The renin-angiotensin system aids in
maintaining blood pressure.
Another endocrine response by the
pituitary gland results in the secretion
of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH).
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Shock Variations (1 of 3)
Compensated shock is the early stage
of shock during which the body’s
compensatory mechanisms are able to
maintain normal perfusion.
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Shock Variations (2 of 3)
Decompensated shock is an advanced
stage of shock that occurs when the
body’s compensatory mechanisms no
longer maintain normal perfusion.
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Shock Variations (3 of 3)
Irreversible shock is shock that has
progressed so far that the body and
medical intervention cannot correct it.
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Types of Shock
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Cardiogenic Shock
The heart loses its ability to supply all
body parts with blood.
Usually the result of left ventricular
failure secondary to acute myocardial
infarction or CHF.
Many patients will have normal blood
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Cardiogenic Shock
The major difference between
cardiogenic shock and other types of
shock is the presence of pulmonary
edema causing:
– Difficulty breathing.
– As fluid levels rise, wheezes or crackles
(rales) may be heard.
– There may be a productive cough with
white or pink-tinged foamy sputum.
– Cyanosis, altered mentation, and oliguria.
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Cardiogenic Shock
Treatment (1 of 2)
Assure an open airway.
Administer oxygen.
Assist ventilations as necessary.
Keep the patient warm.
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Cardiogenic Shock
Treatment (2 of 2)
Elevate the patient’s head and
Establish IV access with minimal fluid
Monitor the heart rate.
Dopamine or dobutamine may be
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Hypovolemic Shock
Shock due to loss of intravascular fluid
– Internal or external hemorrhage
– Trauma
– Long bones or open fractures
– Dehydration
– Plasma loss from burns
– Excessive sweating
– Diabetic ketoacidosis with resultant
osmotic diuresis
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Hypovolemic Shock
Evaluation (1 of 2)
Altered level of consciousness.
Pale, cool, clammy skin.
Blood pressure may be normal, then
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Hypovolemic Shock
Evaluation (2 of 2)
Pulse may be normal then become
rapid, finally slowing and disappearing.
Urination decreases.
Cardiac dysrhythmias may occur.
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Hypovolemic Shock
Airway control.
Control severe bleeding.
Keep the patient warm.
Administer a bolus of crystalloid solution for
fluid replacement.
– Non-trauma or no blood loss:
Bolus crystalloid or colloid solutions
– Trauma or blood loss:
“Permissive hypotension” – SBP of 70-85 mmHg
PASG if part of local protocol.
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Neurogenic Shock
Results from injury to brain or spinal
cord causing an interruption of nerve
impulses to the arteries.
The arteries dilate causing relative
Sympathetic impulses to the adrenal
glands are lost, preventing the release
of catecholamines with their
compensatory effects.
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Neurogenic Shock
Warm, dry, red skin
Low blood pressure
Slow pulse
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Neurogenic Shock
Airway control.
Maintain body temperature.
Immobilization of patient.
Consider other possible causes of
IV access and medications that
increase peripheral vascular
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Anaphylactic Shock
A severe immune response to a
foreign substance.
Signs and symptoms most often occur
within a minute, but can take up to an
The most rapid reactions are in
response to injected substances:
– Penicillin injections
– Bees, wasps, hornets
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Anaphylactic Shock
Cardiovascular system:
– Vasodilation, increased heart rate,
decreased blood pressure
Gastrointestinal system:
– Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping,
Nervous system:
– Altered mental status, dizziness,
headache, seizures, tearing
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Anaphylactic Shock
Airway protection; may include
endotracheal intubation.
Establish an IV of crystalloid
Pharmacological intervention:
– Epinephrine, antihistamines,
corticosteroids, vasopressors, inhaled
beta agonists
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Septic Shock
An infection that enters the
bloodstream and is carried throughout
the body.
The toxins released overcome the
compensatory mechanisms.
Can cause the dysfunction of an organ
system or result in multiple organ
dysfunction syndrome.
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Septic Shock
The signs and symptoms are
– Increased to low blood pressure
– High fever, no fever, or hypothermic
– Skin flushed, pale, or cyanotic
– Difficulty breathing and altered lung
– Altered mental status
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Septic Shock
Airway control.
IV of crystalloid solution.
Dopamine to support blood pressure.
Monitor heart rhythm.
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Multiple Organ Dysfunction
MODS is the progressive impairment
of two or more organ systems from an
uncontrolled inflammatory response to
a severe illness or injury.
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MODS Stages
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Primary MODS
Organ damage results directly from a
specific cause such as ischemia or
inadequate tissue perfusion from
shock, trauma, or major surgery.
Stress and inflammatory responses
may be mild and undetectable.
During this response, neutrophils,
macrophages, and mast cells are
thought to be “primed” by cytokines.
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Secondary MODS
The next time there is an injury, ischemia, or
infection, the “primed” cells are activated,
producing an exaggerated inflammatory
The inflammatory response enters a selfperpetuating cycle causing damage and
An exaggerated neuroendocrine response is
triggered causing further damage.
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MODS 24 Hours
after Resuscitation
Low grade fever
Altered mental status
General hypermetabolic,
hyperdynamic state
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MODS within 24 to 72 Hours
Pulmonary failure begins.
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MODS within 7 to 10 Days
Hepatic failure begins.
Intestinal failure begins.
Renal failure begins.
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MODS within 14 to 21 Days
Renal and hepatic failure intensify.
Gastrointestinal collapse.
Immune system collapse.
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MODS after 21 Days
Hematological failure begins.
Myocardial failure begins.
Altered mental status resulting from
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Disease Risk
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
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