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Medications EMTS can Administer
General Information
 Every drug has three names:
Chemical name
Generic name
Trade name
When Giving a Medication
 Know indications
Specific circumstances under which
administering the drug is appropriate
 Know Contraindications
Specific circumstances under which it is
inappropriate or even harmful to administer
the drug
 Side effects
Any actions other than the desired action
“Four Rights”
 Do I have the right patient?
 Is this the right medication
 Is this the right dose?
 Am I giving this medication by the right
route of administration?
Routes of Administration
 Oral
 Sublingual
 Inhaled
 Intravenous
 Intramuscular
 Subcutaneous
 Endotracheal
Medications on the Ambulance
 EMTs are able to administer or assist
with 6 different medications
activated charcoal
oral glucose
epinephrine auto-injectors
Activated Charcoal
 Separated powder from charred wood
mixed with water
 Used to treat poisoning or overdosed
when the substance was swallowed
Oral Glucose
 A type of sugar
 A form that can be taken by mouth by a
conscious patient with AMS
 Used in diabetic emergencies
 Pure oxygen is a drug
 Used to treat hypoxia in medical and
trauma patients
Prescribed Medications
 The three other medications that EMTs
can assist are drugs prescribed to the
patient by their doctor prior to the
 Various medications to help breathing
 Many have an effect on the heart
 Ensure that the inhaler is the patient’s
 Prescribed to patients with history of
heart attacks and /or recurrent chest
 Causes a drop in BP
Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
 A medication that counteracts severe
allergic reactions
 Potent effect on heart and vascular