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Anatomy and Physiology of
Cardiovascular System
CO = SV * HR (Normal = 4.0 - 8.0 l/min)
MAP = Dist. Pressure + 1/3 Pulse Pressure
(Normal = 70 - 105 mmHg)
Preload (volume)
After load (SVR)
It is a state of generalized cellular
hypoperfusion in which delivery of oxygen at
the cellular level is inadequate to meet
metabolic needs.
Signs and Symptoms of Shock
Decreased LOC, anxiety, disorientation.
Tachycardia, decreased SBP and pulse
Rapid shallow breathing
Cold, pale, clammy, diaphoretic, cyanotic
skin, decreased capillary refill time.
Decreased urine output
Classification of Shock
Hypovolemic shock (blood)
Distributive shock (vasogenic)
Cardiogenic (heart)
Severity of Shock
Compensated shock: patient is developing
shock but body still able to maintain
Decompensated shock: patient developed
shock but body no longer can compensate.
Irreversible shock: patient developed shock
but body is unable to maintain perfusion to
Hypovolemic Shock
It is the most common cause of shock in
trauma patients.
External: bleeding (trauma), GI bleeding,
ruptured aneurysms, hemorrhagic pancreatitis.
vomiting or diarrhea, adrenal insufficiency,
diabetes insipidus, dehydration
Internal: third spacing: intestinal obstruction,
pancreatitis, cirrhosis
Hypovolemic Shock
Markers: UOP,CVP, BP, HR, Hct, CO
Treatment: ABCs, IVF (crystalloid), Blood
Patients on β-blockers, or with spinal shock &
athletes may not be presented with
Categories of Hemorrhagic Shock
Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV
Blood Loss %
< 750 ml
< 15 %
750-1500 ml
(15-30 %)
1500-2000 ml
(30-40 %)
> 2000 ml
> 40 %
HR (b/min)
Normal or
minimally ↑
> 100
> 120
> 140
Ventilatory R.
20 – 30
30 – 40
> 35
Urine Output
20 – 30
5 – 15
Distributive (Vasogenic) Shock
It occurs when vascular container enlarges
without a proportional increase in fluid
Septic Shock
Neurogenic Shock
Psychogenic (vasovagal) Shock
Septic Shock
Caused by cytokines release in response to
infection, sepsis: G(-/+ ) septicemia, e.g.
pneumonia, peritonitis, etc.
S & S: cool, clammy, pale, mottled skin, BP
drop, altered LOC, slowed capillary refill.
Markers: Temp, WBC count, …
Rx: ABCs, IVF, Drainage (ie abscess).
Neurogenic Shock
It occurs when injury interrupts the spinal
cord sympathetic nervous system pathway.
S & S: warm, dry, pink skin, bradycardia, BP
drop, lucid LOC, normal capillary refill.
Rx: IVF, vasoactive medications if refractory
Psychogenic Shock
It is mediated through parasympathetic
nervous system. (stimulation of vagal nerve)
It is temporary state lasts for few minutes.
Cardiogenic Shock
Failure of the heart’s pumping activity.
Intrinsic Causes:
Heart muscle damage
Valvular disruption
Extrinsic Causes:
Cardiac tamponade
Tension pneumothorax
Cardiogenic Shock
S & S: cool, clammy, pale, cyanotic skin, BP
drop, altered LOC, slowed capillary refill.
Markers: CXR, CVP, CO.
Rx: diuretics & vasodilators +/- pressures,
decrease after load, intraaortic balloon pump
Complications of Shock
Acute Renal Failure
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Hematologic Failure
Hepatic Failure
Multiple Organ Failure
Volume Resuscitation
Enteral Route
Vascular Access
Intravenous route
Intraosseous route
Intravenous Solutions
Crystalloids Solutions
Hypotonic solutions
Isotonic solutions
Hypertonic solutions
Colloids Solutions
Blood Substitutes
 High molecular weight substances so do not
cross capillary membranes.
 Used as volume or plasma expanders
 They include:
 Albumin
 Hetastarch
 Dextran
It is given as packed RBCs, which should be crossmatched, but in an urgent situation, 1 to 2 units of
type O Rh-negative blood are an acceptable
When > 1 to 2 units are transfused (eg, in major
trauma), blood is warmed to 37° C.
Patients receiving > 8 to 10 units may require
replacement of clotting factors with infusion of fresh
frozen plasma or cryoprecipitate and platelet