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Rebecca Sposato MS, RN
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Mental disturbance involving one of the following
◦ Hallucinations
◦ Delusions
◦ Disorganized speech/mannerisms
Episode lasts over one day but less then one
Person returns to premorbid level of function
Substance use and medical conditions did not
cause the episode
“Split mind” as in separated from reality
 Symptoms are acutely present for >1
month (if not being treated) and persist in
a lesser form over 6 months
◦ Anecdotal research suggests prodromal
Symptoms are severe enough to impair
ability to function
Etiology and Epidemiology
Over expression of dopamine in
cerebrum and a collection of structural
 Stressed conditions as fetus
 Lifetime prevalence of 1%, most cases
start in young adulthood, more male
 Over 80% use nicotine, over 50% have
substance abuse diagnosis
 The earlier the onset the more severe
and chronic the schizophrenic course
Psychomotor changes
Catatonia – changes in rate and amount
of motion, not reactive to environment
◦ Retardation: slow stiff movement
◦ Agitation/excitement: repetitive and
purposeless or pacing motions
 Rule out EPS/TD from meds
◦ Posturing/catalepsy: holding same position for
extended length of time
Positive Symptoms
Represent an excess or distortion of a
normal function
◦ Thought content: delusions, concrete thinking,
◦ Perceptions: hallucinations, derealizations,
depersonalizations, capgras (imposters)
◦ Language: word salad, clang associations,
Acute onset and recovery, respond well
to treatment and medications
Negative Symptoms
Represent a loss or lessened form of a
normal function
◦ Emotive: flat, blunt, inappropriate, and
◦ Speech/thought: alogia
◦ Behavior: avolition
Chronic course, greater contributor to
disability and social withdrawal
Paranoid: delusions of persecution or
imminent harm
 Disorganized: purposeless and fragmented
speech, thought and behavior patterns
 Catatonic: diminished or peculiar
movement patterns
◦ Speech: mute or echolalia
Residual: presence of negative symptom
or positive symptom in diminished form
after the acute phase has passed
Similar clinical picture to Schizophrenia
◦ Symptoms present less than 6 months
◦ Does not require impairment of social
Period of illness includes both
schizophrenic and depression features
◦ Delusions/hallucination had to be present
over 2 weeks (in the absence of depression)
Delusion Disorder
Presence of non-bizarre delusion for over
1 month despite lack of evidence, without
the other features of psychosis
◦ Erotomanic- another person is in love with
◦ Grandiose- individual has great but
unrecognized talent
◦ Jealous- spouse or lover is unfaithful
◦ Persecutory- others conspire, harass, harm
and malign individual
◦ Somatic- altered body functions
Therapeutic Communication
Do not dissuade or use logic to convince
patient of reality
 Ask patient to explain the experience, but
do not explore or go along with the
hallucinations or delusions
 Address patient’s reaction to psychosis
 Your statements should communicate
what is real, here and now
Treatment – Acute Phase
Patient/other safety
◦ Calm, organized and safe environment
Reduce symptoms and their impact
 Antipsychotic medication: reduce activity
of dopamine and other neurotransmitters
◦ EPS: TD/dystonia, akathisia
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
A life threatening acute reaction to
antipsychotic medications due to their
blockage of dopamine-2 pathways
 Signs: changes in consciousness, delirium,
hyperthermia, muscle cramps/rigidity,
increased and unstable VS
◦ Elevated CPK, WBC
◦ Rapid course, peaks in 3 days
Cease all suspect medications, support
clinical picture, provide dopamine agonist
Treatment – Maintenance Phase
Provide supportive environment to
prevent relapse and adherence to
Partial hospital program
Crisis centers
Halfway houses/group homes
Day treatment programs
Recreation and vocational programs