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First On Scene Management
(ELT Located)
Module 7
CASARA ELT Training Plan
CASARA Members Please Note
• CASARA’s task is to locate the source of the ELT signal.
• CASARA members do not have any authority to enter any
aircraft or building, locked or unlocked, without the
owners permission.
• If CASARA members need to enter an aircraft or building
we contact JRCC and they will notify the local authorities
who will obtain access to the aircraft or building.
• Regarding placing anything over an ELT antenna,
CASARA members do not have any authority to do this.
• Placing anything over an antenna while it is transmitting
may damage the ELT.
• You could be held liable.
ELT Located
Non-Distress Situation
ELT Located
Non-Distress Situation
Contact JRCC
Assistance of the local law
enforcement or airport manager
should be obtained to locate the
owner or to gain access to the
JRCC task would be to provide
the authorities to shut the ELT
down if unable to locate the
CASARA has no special entry
authority in non-distress
ELT Deactivated
• Report to JRCC when ELT
deactivated, aircraft registration
and time of ELT deactivation.
• Leave a note if owner was not
present and the ELT was
deactivated by aircraft
maintenance personnel.
not have special authority to
enter aircraft to deactivate an
ELT Located
Rescue Situation Ground
• JRCC are unlikely to knowingly
send a CASARA ground team to
a crash site as first responders.
• However, there may be
circumstances where a CASARA
ground homing team may, due to
lack of valid information, be
involved as First on Scene
responders to a crash site.
• Precautions should be followed
to protect the victims and those
responders approaching the crash
ELT Located
Rescue Situation Ground
Refer also to the following document on the
CASARA National website;
First on the Scene . . .
Basic Guidelines for CASARA Ground
Homing Teams
C. A. Smith
Handbook p 7.9
Crew prioritizes their initial actions.
Confirm roles and responsibilities.
Contact JRCC First.
Contact 911 then inform Searchmaster.
Report GPS location.
Call out and identify yourself as you
approach the aircraft advising that you
are on your way, to stay calm and do not
Listen for a response.
ELT Located
Rescue Situation Ground
Approach with Caution
• Assess the situation.
• Is your safety in danger?
• Are there overhanging objects?
-Aircraft debris, branches etc.
• Fuel or oil spills around aircraft
• Aircraft structure unstable ?
• Is aircraft secure for rescue ?
- on a ledge, steep slope , in trees
ELT Located
Rescue Situation Ground Potential Hazards
• Fire and smoke.
• Jagged metals and plastic?
• Carbon fibers from composite (similar
health risk as asbestos fibers)?
• Pressurized gas cylinders (“halon” fire
extinguisher, oxygen bottles?
• Seatbelt Airbag System in aircraft?
• Is aircraft equipped with Ballistic
Parachute System ?
• Spilled or leaking fuel, hydraulic oil,
battery acid?
• Spilled hazardous material from cargo ?
• Live wires from severed power lines?
• Military aircraft hazards - ammunition,
ejection seat system, flares, oxygen?
• Biological hazards?
Wear Gloves to protect yourself and the
ELT Located
Rescue Situation Ground
Occupant(s) in danger?
• Electrical power still on ?
Check master switch.
• Fuel off?
Check fuel valve switch.
• Hanging in seat by seatbelts ?
Would releasing seatbelt cause
more injury to occupant or
would it be better to leave in
seat (check surroundings for
sharp objects, legs and arms that
may be jammed in aircraft).
• If patient is conscious.Let patient know
who you are.
• ASK questions such as;
Their name, next of kin
Medical history
Medications - prescriptions
Where does it hurt
Last time they ate
Incident history
How many occupants and if everyone is
accounted for
• Reassure occupants that rescue is
arriving and provide treatment to your
level of limits and provide comfort
(protection from elements).
• Occupants should not be moved unless
there is an immediate threat to life.
• Never let occupants (walking wounded)
leave scene on their own to go to rescue
Rescue Situation
ELT Located
ELT Located
Rescue Situation-SAR Resource
• Leave ELT ON.
• Establish if SAR resource is
needed (Occupant is injured).
• Aid SARTEC by providing info.
• Look for clearing nearby and
advise if you see any hazards
such as wires, tree stumps, rocks
hidden by deep grass.
• Prepare area for rescue.
• Marking path to site for ground
rescue team.
ELT Located
Rescue Situation-SAR Resource
• Selecting site for possible
helicopter operation (look for
clearing nearby and advise if
you see any hazards such as
wires, tree stumps, rocks hidden
by deep grass.
• Be aware of helicopter
downwash if landing nearby or
lowering SARTECs into site
(secure or remove loose objects
near area).
ELT Located
Rescue Situation-Hand off
• Secure area until
authorities are on scene.
• Authorities will assume
command and control on
• Provide information to
those arriving on scene.
• Prepare notes for briefing
giving details of what was
done up to the authorities
• All reports should be done
in pen for legal purposes.
Are there any questions?