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33 Independent and Dependent Events
Warm Up
Find the theoretical probability of each
1. rolling a 6 on a number cube.
2. rolling an odd number on a number cube.
3. flipping two coins and both landing head
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Learning Targets
Find the probability of independent
Find the probability of dependent
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Adam’s teacher gives the class two list of titles
and asks each student to choose two of them to
read. Adam can choose one title from each list or
two titles from the same list.
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Events are independent events if the occurrence
of one event does not affect the probability of the
Events are dependent events if the occurrence
of one event does affect the probability of the
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Example 1: Identifying situations involving
independent and dependent events
Tell whether each set of events is independent
or dependent. Explain you answer.
A. You select a card from a standard deck of
cards and hold it. A friend selects another
card from the same deck.
Dependent; your friend cannot pick the card you
picked and has fewer cards to choose from.
B. You flip a coin and it lands heads up. You flip
the same coin and it lands heads up again.
Independent; the result of the first toss does not
affect the sample space for the second toss.
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
On Your Own! Example 1
Tell whether each set of events is independent
or dependent. Explain you answer.
a. A number cube lands showing an odd
number. It is rolled a second time and
lands showing a 6.
b. One student in your class is chosen for a
project. Then another student in the class
is chosen.
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Suppose an experiment involves flipping two fair
coins. The sample space of outcomes is shown by
the tree diagram. Determine the theoretical
probability of both coins landing heads up.
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Now look back at the separate theoretical
probabilities of each coin landing heads up.
The theoretical probability in each case is .
The product of these two probabilities is
, the same probability shown by the tree
To determine the probability of two independent
events, multiply the probabilities of the two
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Example 2: Finding the Probability of Independent
An experiment consists of randomly selecting a marble
from a bag, replacing it, and then selecting another
marble. The bag contains 3 red marbles and 12 green
marbles. What is the probability of selecting a red
marble and then a green marble?
Because the first marble is replaced after it is selected, the
sample space for each selection is the same. The events are
P(red, green) = P(red)  P(green)
The probability of selecting red
Holt Algebra 1
, and the probability of
selecting green is
33 Independent and Dependent Events
A coin is flipped 4 times. What is the
probability of flipping 4 heads in a row.
Because each flip of the coin has an equal
probability of landing heads up, or a tails, the
sample space for each flip is the same. The events
are independent.
P(h, h, h, h) = P(h) • P(h) • P(h) • P(h)
The probability of landing
heads up is with
each event.
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
On Your Own Example 2
An experiment consists of spinning the spinner
twice. What is the probability of spinning two
odd numbers?
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Suppose an experiment involves drawing marbles from a bag.
Determine the theoretical probability of drawing a red marble and
then drawing a second red marble without replacing the first one.
Probability of drawing a red
marble on the first draw
Holt Algebra 1
Probability of drawing a
marble on the second draw
P(Drawing 2 red Marbles) = 1/3 * ¼
= 1/12
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
A snack cart has 6 bags of pretzels and 10
bags of chips. Grant selects a bag at
random, and then Iris selects a bag at
random. What is the probability that
Grant will select a bag of pretzels and Iris
will select a bag of chips?
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Example 3 Continued
Understand the Problem
The answer will be the probability that a bag of
chips will be chosen after a bag of pretzels is
List the important information:
• Grant chooses a bag of pretzels from 6 bags
of pretzels and 10 bags of chips.
• Iris chooses a bag of chips from 5 bags of
pretzels and 10 bags of chips.
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Example 3 Continued
Make a Plan
Draw a diagram.
After Grant selects a bag, the sample space
changes. So the events are dependent.
Iris chooses from:
Grant chooses from:
After Grant selects a bag, the sample space
changes. So the events are dependent.
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Example 3 Continued
P(pretzel and chip) = P(pretzel) • P(chip after pretzel)
Grant selects one of 6 bags of
pretzels from 16 total bags.
Then Iris selects one of 10
bags of chips from 15 total
The probability that Grant selects a bag of
pretzels and Iris selects a bag of chips is .
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Example 3 Continued
Look Back
Drawing a diagram helps you see how the
sample space changes. This means the
events are dependent, so you can use the
formula for probability of dependent events.
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
On your Own! Application
A bag has 10 red marbles, 12 white
marbles, and 8 blue marbles. Two
marbles are randomly drawn from the
bag. What is the probability of drawing
a blue marble and then a red marble?
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Definition of Odds: A ratio expressing the
likelihood of an event.
Assume all outcomes are equally likely, and that
there are m favorable an n unfavorable outcomes.
The odds for the event -> m:n
The odds against the event -> n:m
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
Example 4 – Calculating Odds
A bag contains 6 red marbles, 2 yellow marbles, and 1
blue marble.
a) What are the odds of drawing a red marble?
* Favorable: unfavorable
6 red marbles: 3 non red marbles
6:3 or 2:1
b) What are the odds against drawing a blue marble?
* unfavorable: favorable
8 non blue marbles: 1 blue marble
Holt Algebra 1
33 Independent and Dependent Events
On your own – Example 4
A box contains 3 pink, 4 yellow, and 5 blue
highlighters. One highlighter is chosen at random.
a) What are the odds of choosing a yellow
b) What are the odds against choosing a blue
Holt Algebra 1