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Integrated Marketing
Chapter 5 – Setting Objectives for
the IMC Plan
Strategic Planning
 Strategic planning is a process of developing and
maintaining a fit between the organization’s goals and
capabilities and changing market opportunities.
 A corporate or business plan states a company’s
financial objectives and strategies for achieving those
 New companies must also have a business model.
 A marketing plan is a set of objectives, strategies,
and tactics orchestrating marketing activities designed
to help the company achieve its financial objectives.
 Annual MC plans are generally composed of a
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
How Planning Works
Three critical tasks in planning:
 Setting measurable objectives
 Deciding on strategies
 Choosing tactics
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
Why set objectives?
 Communication.
 Help to orient everyone involved in the IMC
program toward one, common goal.
 Planning and decision making.
 Serve as criteria for developing plans and making
 Measurement and evaluation of results.
 Provide the standards and benchmarks for
evaluating results.
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
Cascading Objectives and
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
Types of Objectives
Marketing objectives.
 Statements of what is to be accomplished by the
overall marketing program within a given time
 Defined in terms of specific measurable outcomes
 Sales volume
 Market Share
 Profits
 Specific, Measurable, Realistic, Attainable
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
Types of Objectives
Why Sales is NOT a good objectives:
 Carryover effect- money spent on advertising
does not necessary have an immediate impact on
 Sales objectives offer little guidance for planning
and development of the IMC program.
 Poor sales can be the result of many factors.
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
Types of Objectives
Communication objectives.
 Statements of what the communications will
 They should be based on the particular
communication tasks required to deliver the
appropriate messages to the specific target
 The message should be delivered at a relevant
point within the targets purchase decision making
process and consumption experience.
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
The DAGMAR Approach
Goals for
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
The DAGMAR Approach
 Using DAGMAR, an advertising goal involves a
communication task that is specific and
 It is based on a hierarchical model of the
communication process.
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
Characteristics of Objectives
 Well-Defined Target Audience
 Concrete Measurable Communication Tasks
 Existing Benchmark Measure
 Degree of Change Sought
 Specific Time Period
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
Assessment of DAGMAR
 Problems with response hierarchy
 Consumers do not always go through this sequence
of the communication effects before making a
 Practicality and costs
 Research costs more than it is worth.
 Inhibition of creativity
 Imposes too much structure.
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
Communication Objectives: Are
stated in three parts:
1. Target Audience
2. Behavioural Objectives – what is
the behaviour that you want this
communication to cause in your
target audience
3. Communications Objectives – the
effect that you want your
communication to have on the target
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
Target Audience
Current Customers
Brand Loyal Customers – regularly buy the firm’s products.
Favorable Brand Switchers – buy the focal brand, but also
buy other brands within the product category.
New category users – customers not currently purchasing in
the focal brand’s product category.
Other brand switchers – purchase a few different brands
within the product category, but not the focal brand.
Other brand loyals – purchase only one brand and are
completely loyal
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
Behavioral Objectives
What is the behaviour that you want this
communication to cause in your target
Repeat purchase
Purchase related behaviour
Repeat consumption
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005
Communication Objectives
Category Need
Brand Awareness
Brand Attitude
Brand Purchase Intention
Purchase Facilitation.
Marianne Marando
Winter 2005