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Stacy Sassman
Purchasing Agent
Iowa State University
Cory Harms
Associate Director of Purchasing
Iowa State University
Contract Administration
Session Outline
What is a Contract Administration Plan
Why have a Contract Administration Plan
Writing A Contract Administration Plan
– Purpose and Scope
– Contacts and Responsibilities
– Meetings
– Vendor Requirements
– Monitoring Performance
– Dispute Resolution
– Changes to the Contract
– Closing the Contract
Helpful Tips for a CAP
Common Issues
Contract Administration
• What is a Contract Administration Plan (CAP)
A loose set of guidelines
Flexible – allow the plan to fit the contract
Plan should be included in the contract
Plan should be agreed upon by Vendor
Plan should increase communication
• What is a Performance Assessment Plan (PAP)
– Monitor the performance of the contract
– Created to administer the CAP
Contract Administration
• When do you need a plan?
– When the nature of the contract creates a need for
High Value Contracts
High Visibility Contracts
High Risk Potential in Contract
Customer Sensitive Contracts
Complex Contracts
– Term of the contract creates a need for review
– Past experience creates need
What is the Value of a Contract
Administration Plan?
• Encourages open communication
Set a timeline for communication
Provide feedback
Maintain the relationship
Head off issues before they arise
• Provides a clear understanding of roles and
• Identifies and minimizes the potential risks and
Writing a CAP
Purpose and Scope
• Describe the purpose of the contract administration
plan and the contract (Requirements)
• State what you want from the contract:
Product/service delivered on-time
Quality product/service
Receive correct quantity
Accurate billing
Writing a CAP
Contract Contacts and Responsibilities
• Describe the roles and the responsibilities of each
person involved.
– Purchasing Agent/contract manager
– Department contact (for operational issues only)
– Vendor contact
Writing a CAP
• Kick-off meeting
Introduce contacts
Discuss scope of work in detail
Discuss contractual obligations of all parties (Requirements)
Establish communication protocols (email, phone, etc)
• Additional meetings – quarterly, milestones, annually,
Writing a CAP
Vendor Requirements
• Requirements may be needed:
Before work can begin
After work has started/during the life of the contract
Upon Completion of the Contract
Months or years after the Work is completed
• Before the work can begin
Certificates of insurance
Employee background checks
Surety/Payment bonds
Parking permits
Access cards or building keys
Equipment checks
Contractor registration number
• After the work has started
Milestone/progress meetings
Quarterly/Annual reports
Acceptance tests
Price audits
• Completion of the Work
Final reports
Completed work (design, drawings, equipment, rights)
University Data
Escrow Rights
• Post Completion
– Completed Operations Endorsement
– Protection of Records (University or Student)
– Audit of Vendor Records
Monitoring Performance
Period of performance/delivery dates
Inspection and acceptance
Potential issues:
Wrong or unsatisfactory product delivered
Poor performance
Property damage
Writing a CAP
Dispute Resolution
Describe how disputes will be resolved
Who to contact
Actions to be taken if dispute is not resolved
Penalty clauses
Corrected work by another party
Writing a CAP
Contract Changes
• Changes to:
Contract period of performance
Dollar amount of contract
Scope of work
Terms and conditions changes
Writing a CAP
Closing the Contract
Final deliverables
Payments & invoices
Helpful Tips
Create a template for meeting notes
Track meetings and issues on a spreadsheet
Use the task function in Outlook
Sample Plan
Common Issues
Poor communication
Level of involvement
Vendor not a good fit
Expectations of Dept. and Vendor not met
• What is a Contract Administration Plan?
• Why have a Contract Administration Plan?
• Writing A Contract Administration Plan
 Purpose and Scope
 Contacts and Responsibilities
 Meetings
 Vendor Requirements
 Monitoring Performance
 Dispute Resolution
 Changes to the Contract
 Closing the Contract
• Helpful Tips for a CAP
• Common Issues