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In Projects and Anywhere
We are going to start with a quick
Everyone gets a piece of blank paper.
All must eyes close their eyes and
keep them closed.
You are not allowed to ask questions.
Ask them to fold their paper in half
and to tear off the bottom right hand
Tell them to fold the paper in half
again and to tear off the upper right
hand corner.
Tell them to fold the paper again and
tear off the lower left hand corner.
Display and discuss
What words in the instructions could have been interpreted
in different ways?
How could directions have been clearer?
Learning objectives
Communicate effectively in one-to-one and one-to-many
Notice when communication is at risk of breaking down and help
towards avoiding it
Provide constructive feedback without being critical
Please Recall G2G Case
Communication is the transfer and receipt of
information from one person to another (or
from one point to another).
It is always between at least two people –
sender and receiver – and the roles will
change frequently.
But the message must be understood for
communication to be considered complete.
The Communication Process
Understanding occurs only in the mind of the
They are responsible for completing the
communication process.
Common hindrances to effective
 Attitude
of both the sender and the receiver
 Misuse of body language
 Pre-judgement
 The “I have heard it all before” syndrome
 Emotional Reactions
 Closed mind
 Mis-communication (intentional or unintentional)
Common hindrances to
effective communication
 Improper
 Noise and distractions in the environment
 Pressure of Time or other Resources
 Unfamiliar language
 Knowledge Level
More difficult to control.
 Careful forward planning and thoughtful
consideration can help.
Common hindrances to
effective communication
 Differences
between people
 Relationship between the sender and the
Necessary formalities can help.
Barriers that hinder effective
Filtering – sender manipulates information so that it will
be seen more positively by the receiver. (sales)
Selective Perception –receiver selectively sees and hears
based on his/her needs, motivations, experiences,
background and other personal characteristics.
Barriers that hinder effective
 Defensiveness
– when individuals
interpret another’s message as
threatening, they may respond in ways
that hinder effective communication
 Language
– even within a language
words can mean different things to
different people.
Effective communication
Actively seek the barriers and ways
to overcome them.
When using electronic methods of
communication use careful,
thoughtful planning.
Ten Considerations of Effective
 Seek
to clarify your ideas before
 Examine the true purpose of
 Consider the context
 Consult with others in planning
communication as needed
 Be mindful of the overtones as well as the
basic content of your message – watch
sarcasm and flip comments
Listening skills
Holds as much importance and responsibility
as speaking and should be pursued actively.
Good listening:
Promotes good understanding of other’s points
Promotes good understanding of how your own points are being perceived
Will help make you well understood in the group
Will promote good relationships
Active listening
Listening between the lines
 Understanding
the speaker’s feelings will
allow you to respond sincerely and avoid
problems like defensiveness.
Pay attention
 Fight
distractions, especially thinking ahead to
your response.
Active listening
Test for understanding (Feedback)
Do not make assumptions –ask questions to verify your understanding.
Use multiple techniques to fully comprehend
Ask open friendly questions such as “If I have understood correctly you are
saying that…?”
Ask them to repeat themselves if necessary
Ask them to rephrase things if you feel you are misunderstanding
Speaking skills
Don't totally control conversation
acknowledge what has been said and incorporate it into your discourse
Ask the other for other’s views or suggestions
State your position openly
Be specific, not global, make your point as your own
Be clear in what you are saying but not damning of other opinions
Speaking skills
Be validating, not invalidating
Don't react to emotional words, or try to
interpret their purpose
Do not to allow personal feelings to derail the focus of the discussion.
Respond in a way that acknowledges the emotion- but eliminates it from
the topic.
Constructive Feedback
Is not focused on the person
 Avoid accusations
 Focus on the behavior/message - not the
 Focus on behavior which the receiver can do
something about
Constructive Feedback
Be solution oriented
Include what is good
Be focused and clear
Make it of benefit to the receiver as well as
the project
Avoid TMI
Constructive Feedback
It must be appropriately timed
It must not be presumptuous
 It concerns what is said and done, or how, not
 Think of feedback as sharing of information
rather than giving advice.
Constructive Feedback
It is part of an open communication process.
it can not start until you fully understand the point you
are providing feedback on.
it is not finished until they understand what you are
explaining to them.
It does not finish with your inputs; your feedback must be
open to further feedback.