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What is communication?
Communication is successfully making your
wants, needs, feelings
and ideas
known to other people. There are three
main types of communication:
Non-verbal Communication (body language):
posture, gestures,
facial expressions, spatial relations
and eye contact.
• Written Communication (printed or
written information)
• Verbal Communication (spoken
What is Public Speaking ?
Public speaking is an attempt by a speaker
to send a verbal (spoken), message to a
group of listeners (the “public”).
What are the 6 main elements of
Public Speaking?
The speaker
The message
The method by which the message is sent
(how the message is delivered)
An audience, or group of listeners
The effect of the speech
The feedback (reactions or responses), of the
audience to both
the speaker and the message
What formats are used for Public
Speaking ?
Speeches (formal speaking)
 Interviews (formal or informal, in person,
broadcasted, or taped)
 Debates (formal speeches and informal
 Demonstrations (step by step instructions;
verbal descriptions)