Download Self-Esteem and Mental Health - Waukee Community School District

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and Mental
Meet Yourself
What Is Self-Esteem?
 Self-Esteem
is a measure of how much
you value, respect, and feel confident
about yourself
 How
you feel about yourself effects
everything you do
Benefits of High Self-Esteem
 Increased
 Take
care of themselves
 Don’t give in to peer pressure
 Increased
ability to reach goals
 Increased willingness to try
 Don’t
get discourages easily
 Increased
 Valuable
feeling of value
part of family, school, and
Pair and Share
 What
are other benefits of high selfesteem?
 What
are some risks of low self-esteem?
Risks of Low Self-Esteem
 Vulnerable
to peer pressure
More likely to make unhealthy choices
 May
not respect themselves
 Higher risk of depression and suicide
Eating disorders, running away, and
Who am I?
measure of how one views oneself
Positive self-concept=high self-esteem
Negative self-concept=?
 How
are self-esteem and self-concept
related? How are they different?
Improving Your Self-Esteem
 Positive
 Act
With Integrity
The characteristic of doing what one knows
is right
 Choose
Supportive Friends
 Accept Yourself
Using Good Communication
 What
 Why
is communication?
do we care about good
Communication Skills
 Good
communication is important
 Prevents
 Builds healthy relationships
 Allows your to express yourself
Communication Styles
 Passive:
does not offer opposition
when challenged or pressured
 Aggressive: hostile and unfriendlyusually leads to bigger conflict
 Assertive: (most healthy) express
oneself in a direct, respectful way
 Table
on pg. 56
Speaking Skills
Voice Volume
Tone and Pitch
“I” and “You” messages
“I” message-way of explaining how you feel
while remaining firm, calm, and polite. (refrains
from blame)
“You” message-
Empathy-The ability to understand another
person’s feelings, behaviors, and attitudes
Listening Skills
 Active
 Paraphrasing
 Body Language
 What
is mental health?
 What
is emotional health?
 How
are they related?
Mental and Emotional Health
 Mental
health- the state of mental wellbeing in which one can cope with the
demands of daily life
A sense of control—take responsibility
Ability to endure failures and frustrations
Ability to see events positively
Ability to express emotions in a healthy way
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
The Sims
 Mentally
and emotionally healthy people
are able to reach this stage
 It is the achievement of the best that a
person can be
 These people have reached their full
Critical Thinking
 Think
of a time when you were too
hungry, thirsty, or tired to pay attention in
Discuss this scenario with a partner.
How does Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
apply to these experiences you just shared?