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Down Syndrome Network of
Montgomery County
Let’s Talk About…
Who we are?
• We are a Down Syndrome
awareness group.
• We provide support and advocacy
to the families who have members
that have Down Syndrome in
Montgomery County, MD.
What is Down Syndrome…
• Down Syndrome is a genetic condition that
causes a delay in physical and mental
development also referred to as Trisomy 21.
• Children who have Down Syndrome have 47
chromosomes instead of 46.
• Down Syndrome occurs in one in every 800
live births.
• 80% of children born with Down Syndrome
are born to mothers under the age of 35!
Chromosome picture of a child that will have Down
Syndrome. One cell has two 21st chromosomes instead of
one, giving the child an extra chromosome.
What does all that mean?
• 40% of children born with Down
Syndrome will have a congenital
heart defect.
• Many children who have Down
Syndrome will have:
– Hearing Problems
– Vision Trouble
– Speech Delay
– Respiratory problems
– Developmental Delays or Mental
How can we help?
Literacy Program
Assistive Technology Support
Respite Care Days
Family Fesitval
Sib Shops
Sports Leagues/Game
Celebration of Life parties
Book Clubs
Swimming Lessons
Extended Family Support Groups
A Literacy Program
• Provide one on one tutoring.
• Have a parent open house to show parents
the techniques
• Improve the child’s communication skills
• Improve achievement in school and adult life.
Assistive Technology
• Obtain Assistive Technology
Equipment for our center
• Show parents how to use assistive
technology devices
• Children will have access to
assistive technology devices
outside of school
• Will improve the child’s
• Toddlers
• Kids
• Teens
Respite Days
• Give the parents a break from care
• Give kids a sense of independence
• Create another avenue for kids to
make friends with and without
Down Syndrome
A DSNMC Festival
• Great for increasing community
• Provide a fun outing for our
• Solicit membership/volunteers for
our organization
• Generate income
Sib Shops
• Support for siblings of children that have
Down Syndrome
Celebration of Life Parties
• Allow kids to celebrate their
birthdays with their DSNMC family
• Alleviate some of the expense of
having a party for all of the child’s
• Allows a time for family
Book Clubs
• Improve literacy
• Encourages and improves
communication skills for adults
with Down Syndrome
Extended Family Support Groups
Support for extended family members
Answer questions
Increase awareness
An opportunity to bridge families closer
A One Stop Shop…
Increase awareness
Educate others
Provide fun for our members and their