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Symbiosis Among Cryptography, Coding
Theory, Distributed Algorithms and
Quantum Computing
Kannan Srinathan
IIIT Hyderabad
Our Focus
• Achieving secure communication over an
insecure channel
Insecure channel
Our Focus (Contd.)
• A fundamental and practical
• Initial set-back: Shannon’s
pessimistic theorem
• Circumventing Shannon:
Independently achieved by all four
Our Focus (Contd.)
• Each of these four solutions has its
own set of advantages and limitations
• Each solution is “better” than the other
three, in some sense.
• These solutions are based on
“orthogonal” assumptions and can be
used together yielding improved
What’s So Difficult About
the Problem?
• Classically, a perfect solution is impossible!
Shannon [1] proved that secure communication over an
insecure channel is impossible.
• The impossibility stems from the invariant that
adversary knows all that receiver knows.
[1] Shannon, Claude. "Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems", Bell System Technical Journal, vol.28(4), page 656–715, 1949.
Shannon’s Solution: Assume a
Secure Channel!
Insecure channel
Secure channel
Perfectly secure channels are necessary
for perfectly secure communication
How fast should the secure
channel be?
• Shannon proved that even if there is a
secure shared key between sender and
receiver, theoretically unbreakable
ciphers must use a key at least as big
as the message. This is impractical.
• Conclusion: We need very fast secure
Solution is Impractical!
Overall secure throughput: 1 Mbps
Insecure channel
Secure channel
• The secure communication throughput of the entire
system is same as the cumulative bandwidth of
truly secure channels in the system
The Main Issue
• Fast secure channels are required for
efficient secure communication
“Chicken-and-Egg” problem!
Solving the Issue
–Some sort of “assumptions” are
necessary to resolve the main issue
–Different assumptions lead to
different “paradigms” of security
Paradigm #1:
Modern Cryptography
• Shannon’s impossibility holds if the message
is to be kept secure forever, however for all
practical purposes it is enough to keep a
message secure for a very long (finite) time
• This paradigm is based on complexity theory
• Assumption: Everybody’s (including
adversary’s) computing power is polynomialtime bounded
Solution #1: Modern
Cryptographic Solution
One-way functions
– For simulating “slow” secure channel over a
insecure channel
– For example, Diffie-Hellman Key exchange,
RSA etc.
• Psedorandom generators (stream ciphers)
and pseudorandom functions (block ciphers)
– For simulating a fast secure channel over a
slow secure channel
– For example, Blum-Blum-Shub, DES, AES, etc.
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
• Based on the hardness of the
Discrete Logarithm problem
[2] New Directions in Cryptography W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman, IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT-22, Nov. 1976, pp: 644654.
The Protocol
• Public information: A prime p and a generator g
of the cyclic (multiplicative) group Z*p
• Sender S chooses a random element ‘a’ from Z*p
and sends (ga mod p) to R.
• Receiver R chooses a random element ‘b’ from
Z*p and sends (gb mod p) to S.
• S computes K = (gb)a = gab (mod p)
• R computes K = (ga)b = gab (mod p)
Paradigm #2:
Distributed Algorithmic Solution
Distributed Algorithmic Solution
• Shannon’s impossibility holds if the adversary possesses
complete access to the channel
• However for all practical purposes, the channel consists
of a huge network of nodes and it may be assumed that
not all of the network is simultaneously accessible to the
• This paradigm is based on Network theory
• Key ingredient: Secret Sharing
• Assumption: Everybody’s (including adversary’s)
Bandwidth is bounded
t-Secret Sharing
• Shamir’s Protocol
– Choose a t-degree polynomial p() over a (large
enough) finite field
– Let Secret s = p(0)
– Shares are p(1), p(2), …p(n) for some n
Ref: Adi Shamir. How to Share a Secret. CACM, 1979
Perfectly Secure Communication
• Dolev et al. [3] Protocol:
Sender shares the message using secret
sharing and sends the shares to Receiver
along different paths.
Receiver collects all the shares, and
reconstructs the message.
[3] Danny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, Orli Waarts, Moti Yung Perfectly secure message transmission, J. ACM
40, 1 (1993), 17-47.
Paradigm #3
Quantum Mechanical Solution
Quantum Secret Key
Establishment Protocol
The Standard Setting
Quantum Secret Key
Establishment Protocol
Sender S and receiver R share a
quantum communication channel,
via which quantum states can be
Two conjugate bases are used, say
b1 and shown in the table.
S chooses a random base, and
based on the bit to send, it sends a
qubit prepared in the corresponding
R measures the qubit received, with
a random base. If the base is
different from what S used, the bit is
lost, else R measures the actual bit.
Quantum SKEP (Contd.)
This process is repeated for all the bits.
S and R publicly compare (through a classical channel)
their respective bases, and discard all those bits where
their bases were different.
The bases are same for nearly half the number of bits.
S and R now check whether adversary has intercepted
(measured) any of these bits, by comparing a certain
subset of the remaining bit strings.
If more than p bits differ, they abort the key and repeat
the process.
Quantum SKEP (Contd.)
• Eve will use the wrong basis
approximately 50% of the time (while
• Bob measures a resent qubit with the
correct basis there will be a 25%
probability that he measures the wrong
Paradigm #4
Coding Theoretic Solution
Noise-based Secrecy
• Shannon’s impossibility holds if the adversary can
access all information that the receiver can access
• However in practical scenarios, the channel is noisy and
therefore it may be assumed that the noisy data received
by the adversary is different from the noisy data received
by the receiver
• This paradigm is based on Information/Coding Theory
• Assumption: Everybody (including adversary) receives
different noisy versions of the data
Intuitively …
• Noise is bad for any system because
– it can affect the system’s functionality,
efficiency, accuracy and so on …
Can Noise be Useful?
• Usually NO
– by definition
(naturally, it is termed as ‘noise’ typically
because of its adversarial nature!)
Can Noise be Useful? (Contd.)
• Rarely YES … but how?
– Perhaps in situations where we need to
simultaneously deal with another adversarial
entity apart from noise
– We may then hope that the two adversaries
would fight among themselves making it easier
for us to tackle them together, than each one
Does Our ‘Hope’ Come True?
• Are there real examples for such a
‘comedy of errors’ by the adversarial
Who’s Are Our Adversaries?
• The First Adversary
– Responsible for injecting noise in the
communication channel
• The ‘Other’ Adversary
– The Cryptographic Eavesdropper
• Responsible for listening/reading critical
information from channel/nodes
Revisiting Secure Communication
• Shannon’s Result: Information-theoretically Secure Communication
is Impossible in a Noiseless Insecure Channel
• Information-theoretically Secure Communication is possible in an
appropriately Noisy Insecure Channel
Is it noisy?
Insecure channel
Another Fundamental Problem
Oblivious Transfer
Can A learn only the bit bi without revealing ‘i’ to B?
Index i
Bit-Array: b0,b1,…bn
• Information-theoretically Secure Oblivious Transfer is Impossible in a Noiseless
• Information-theoretically Secure Oblivious Transfer is possible in an appropriately
Noisy Insecure Channel
Yet Another Fundamental Problem
Securely Computing AND
• Securely Computing x  y in GF(2)
Input: x
Input: y
For simplicity assume the following channel noise:
Any 1 bit out of every block of 4 bits sent will be toggled
Fact: Perfectly Secure AND is impossible in a noiseless channel
Protocol for Secure AND
• A chooses four random bits, r0,r1,r2,r3 and sends them to B, who
receives s0,s1,s2,s3
– One of the ri is different from si
– Three of the others are equal
• A and B compute the following 3-tuples respectively
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
• A (respectively B) multiplies the ith row of matrix M with ri
(respectively si) to obtain a matrix MA (resp. MB)
• A (resp. B) adds up the resultant 4 by 3 matrix MA (resp.
MB) column-wise to obtain a 3-tuple TA = (a0, b0, c0) (resp.
TB = (a1,b1,c1))
Protocol for Secure AND (Contd.)
• Let x = x0 x1 and y = y0 y1
• A sends x1 to B and retains x0
• B sends y0 to A and retains y1
• A has: x0, y0, a0, b0 and c0
• B has: x1, y1, a1, b1 and c1
Protocol for Secure AND (Contd.)
• A publishes (x0a0) and (y0b0)
• B publishes (x1a1) and (y1b1)
• Both of them compute the bits P and Q:
P = (x0a0)  (x1a1)
Q = (y0b0)  (y1b1)
• A computes the bit z0 as follows:
z0 = (b0  P)  (a0  Q)  (P  Q)  c0
• Similarly B computes z1 as:
z1 = (b1  P)  (a1  Q)  (P  Q)  c1
It can be showed that (z0  z1) = (x  y)
Securely Computing Any Function
in GF(2)
• Express the function by a Boolean circuit using only AND
and XOR gates (fan-in 2 and fan-out 1)
• Protocol for Secure AND securely transforms two
‘shared’ inputs (x and y) to a ‘shared’ output (z) of a
single AND gate
• Protocol for secure XOR is simple: just locally XOR the
input shares
• Any circuit can thus be securely evaluated gate-by-gate
till the output wire is reached; the output shares can be
XORed to obtain f(x,y)
Protocol for Oblivious Transfer
Can A learn only the bit bi without revealing ‘i’ to B?
Index i
Bit-Array: b0,b1,…bn
For n=2: We may securely compute
((i1)b0)  (i b1)
Protocol for Secure Communication
Insecure channel
• To securely send a bit m, the receiver chooses uniformly at
random a permutation of [0,1] and executes an Oblivious
Transfer of the mth index bit to the Sender.
• Upon receipt of the obliviously transferred bit, the Sender
reliably sends that bit to the receiver who recovers m from it
Modern cryptography
– Based on complexity theory’s currently unproven hardness assumptions
– Contemporary mathematicians suggest that these assumptions are (a) likely to be
true and (b) unlikely to be proven in the near future
– Very fast and scalable once a secret-key is established (symmetric-key cryptography)
Distributed Algorithmic Solution
– Based on adversary’s inability to simultaneously corrupt several routers
– Necessitates highly connected networking
– Can tolerate active adversaries too
Quantum Mechanical Solution
– Based on the postulates of quantum mechanics
– Currently secure transmission is achieved to about 100km
– Is physically unbreakable, however several side-channel attacks are plausible
Noisy Channel Solution
– It assumes that natural noise is not under the cryptographic adversary’s control
– It is an intriguing recycling of noise in to productive use
– Noise is ubiquitous
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