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In ancient times, China was separated
From the outside world by this.
What is geography (or land)?
In ancient times this city
was a center of trade and is
located on China’s
East coast.
What is Nanjing?
This Asian mountain range
is the highest in the world
and borders India.
What are the Himalayas?
This sea is located to the east of China
While this one is located to the
North and East.
What is the
East China
Sea and the
Yellow Sea?
This northern river is the second longest
in China. It was called the Yellow river.
This other river in China is the world’s
third longest. It was called the
Yangtze river.
What are the Huang He
and Chang Jiang rivers?
This was so important to trading
That they named a road after it.
What is the Silk Road?
The Chinese first used gunpowder for this.
What are fireworks?
This tallest mountain in the world
Is located in China.
What is Mt. Everest?
This wall was used by the ancient
Chinese to keep invaders out
of China.
What is the Great Wall?
China was reunited
by this structure built
to connect the Huang He
and Chang Jiang rivers.
What is the Grand Canal?
During the Tang and Sung Dynasties
a person was able to get a government
Job if they could first do this.
What is take a test?
In the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty, these people
were not allowed to hold high
Government positions.
Who are the Chinese?
This emperor reunited China by building
The Grand Canal to connect
the Huang He and the Chang Jiang rivers.
Who was Emeror Yangdi?
When the government
started falling apart,
people turned away
from this philosophy
What is Confucianism?
Kublai Khan was leader of this
dynasty in China after he invaded
in 1211 A.D.
What is the Yuan Dynasty?
This philosophy believes that the
ruler has absolute authority
What is legalism?
This religion believes the Way can be found
By worshipping nature
What is Daoism?
This philosophy teaches 5 important
Relationships and believes, “Do not do
To others what you would not want others
To do to you.”
What is Confucianism?
This religion teaches 4 noble truths
and a Middle Way via the 8-fold path.
What is Buddhism?
This adds Buddhism and
Daoism to make something “new.”
What is Neo-Confucianism?
This Chinese invention led to the
the printing press.
What is wood-block printing?
This “art” led to the invention
of Chemistry.
What is alchemy?
This is a Chinese invention we use
on the Fourth of July.
What are fireworks?
Thanks to the Chinese, we can
“take note” of this invention and
“draw”our own conclusion.
What is paper?
This Chinese invention allowed
ships to find their way through
storms and darkness.
What is a magnetic compass?