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A Journey in Jade
A Collection of Artifacts from Ancient
Jade in Ancient China
Jade was highly valued in Ancient China for many reasons
The polish and brilliancy of the stone was thought to
represent purity
Its extreme hardness represented intelligence
Its angles represent justice
Its color represents loyalty and the transparencysincerity
The Han believed that jade was an aid to attaining
immortality and many jade artifacts are found in burial
Jade Face
- Late Neolithic period
- around 2000 BC
- Width: 5.8 cm
Objects like this found in tombs in both the Shang and
Zhou dynasties
Similar sculptures made from bronze during the Shang
Demonstrates artistic skill of the Ancient Chinese even
with little evidence of sophisticated carvings tools
Jade Bi
- Shang Dynasty
(1500-1050 BCE)
- Diameter: 5.9 inches
The term "bi" is applied to wide discs with small center
This particular piece belonged to the The Qianlong
emperor who reigned from 1736-95
inscription (by the emperor) says that his poetic
imagination was stirred by its exquisite shape, and the
quality of the jade
Jade Ge (daggeraxe)
- Shang Dynasty
(1500-1050 BCE)
- length of blade
(48.8 cm)
This dagger was actually a ritual object
rather than a weapon
Unearthed in 1974 at Panlongcheng,
Huangpi, Hubei Province
Demonstrates the value in ritual practices
in Ancient China
Color variations show the detail of the
Jade Dragon
- Warring States Period
- 20.5 cm long, 4.8 cm wide
Unearthed from a tomb in the Henan Province, in l951
This pendant is composed of seven pieces of jade
openwork, joined by copper plates
Decorated with dragon images and a cloud pattern
Jade pendants also used as ritual objects in court
ceremonies and during sacrifices and funerals
Jade Comb
- Warring States Period
- 2.6 in. high, 1.6 in.
deep, .8 in deep
 Detailed carving on the handle
 Most likely used by wealthy woman
 Perhaps more for decorative use than for
Jade Cicadas
- Han Dynasty
206 BC - AD 220
- Length: 6 cm Width: 3.3 cm
Cicadas associated with resurrection since they pupate
and emerge from underground after several years
Cicadas on the tongue of the dead
 These carved pieces show the Cicadas' prominent
eyes, boldly cut wings and lobed undersides
Jade Burial Suit
- Western Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220
- Length: 180 cm, Width: 125 cm
This jade suit was unearthed at Yongcheng, Henan
Burial clothes of an emperor or high-ranking noble
Suit is made up of 2008 pieces of jade sewn together
with gold wire
Sources and Museum Donations
British Museum
National Museum of Chinese History
Number=1-0120 >
San Diego Museum of Art
Henan Museum
Chinese Jade: From Actual to Present