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Shi Huangdi’s Policies and
4th draft
Kai W
Core 3/4
Mission Hill Middle School, Rm, 3
The policies and achievements of Shi Huangdi in unifying
Northern China were very impressive. He standardized the Chinese
culture in many ways. He had many great achievements in his lifetime.
The Qin Dynasty began in 221BCE and lasted until 206 BCE when he
tried to end opposition in his empire. His death was the downfall to
everything for which he fought.
To keep power in his empire, Shi Huangdi had to standardize
China. “First, he ended the feudal state system. He then reorganized
China into states and countries ruled under a central controlling
government.” (Jeffery 101, That helped maintain
power in his empire. He also changed the laws to be more specific and
direct. Many of the Emperor’s laws were aimed at controlling
government officials while other laws governed every day life. His
laws were detailed. Second, “To make it easier to trade, the emperor
standardized money, weights, and measures.” (Frey 217) He only
allowed coins with holes made out of gold or bronze to be used. Many
people used other items such as shells and pearls as money until then.
The emperor had measuring cups and weights made so each showed
the same amount no matter who used it. Third, the emperor also
standardized the writing system. “He got rid of many of the
characters that were in use across China.” (Frey 217) He later
approved 9,000 characters. These changes ordered by
The Emperor of Qin made him control China more
Shi Huangdi began his life known as Ying Zheng. After the
unification of China he proclaimed himself as Shi Huangdi, and some
people called him the Emperor of Qin. Shi Huangdi did many great
things. “To protect his empire from invaders, the Emperor of Qin
ordered a long wall to be built along China’s northern border.”(Frey
218) This was one of the greatest and most well known
accomplishments. Unfortunately, he had many people work against
their will in bad conditions to build it. This made it harder to build
and much more risky. Whenever someone died working on the Great
Wall, it was said that his or her body was buried in the wall.
Another interesting thing that he accomplished, was building a series
of palaces across China so he could get some sleep without the constant
threat of someone trying to assassinate him. Building multiple palaces
helped him accomplish getting sleep because, he could be at any which
one of his palaces at any time. That made it harder for hit men to track
him down. “He also unified China economically and established
prefectures and provinces with further townships.”
( Then they were put under control of his
military and administrative officials who were his direct appointees. He
did this so he could expand his empire through other people. This tactic
was very effective.
"The changes introduced by the Emperor of Qin to unify
China and protect China aroused a great deal of opposition." (Frey
219) Confucian scholars really did not like Shi Huangdi or his
decisions. They believed in proper behavior and good examples. As
an act to stop scholars from spreading their knowledge to other
people, Shi Huangdi had the scholars give up their books to be
burnt. He killed many scholars so they stopped plotting also if they
didn’t give up their books. The people of China were so shocked by
this brutal action, some scholars decided to give up their lives. The
Emperor’s son was unfortunately found plotting so he was banished
to go work on the Great Wall. The Emperor executed about 460
scholars to try to stop them plotting against him. The conflict hit
the highest point at around 213 B.C.E when a scholar warned the
Emperor that if he didn’t follow the ways of the past, his empire
wouldn’t last much longer. The scholar was right!
The Emperor of Qin said his empire would last for 10,000
years, but it fell apart shortly after his death. He died in 210 B.C.E.
(only after ten years of ruling). No one knows for sure how he died,
but he did die. He was desperately looking for an immortality elixir
but his age coght up with him before his magicians could find the
potion. “He died insane and alone” ( A civil
war followed until 206 B.C.E. Liu Bang, a peasant leader, established
the Han Dynasty, which turned out to become a very successful one
too. The emperor built one of the most elaborate tombs to ever be
constructed by a ruler of China. In his tomb, he had a whole army
buried with him! When archeologists discovered it, they were
Shi Huangdi’s policies and achievements were plentiful. He
standardized and unified the Chinese culture for better or for worse.
He tried but failed to end opposition in his empire. This led to his
death and the downfall of his empire. Shi Huangdi was an interesting
and amazing ruler of China.
Works Cited
Frey, Wendy. History Alive. Alavosus, Laura, Editor. Palo Alto, CA, 2004,
Teacher's Curriculum Institute.
Jeffery 101, 2008, What Were the Three Steps Shi Huangdi Took to Unify
The Qin Dynasty
Emperor Qin Shi Huang—First Emperor of China
Qin Dynasty (221 BC - 206 BC)
The Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huangdi
Author’s Page
Hi. My name is Kai. I live in Santa Cruz, CA and I spend most of my
time at soccer fields and skate parks. I’m 11 years old and in 6th grade. My
hobbies are playing soccer competitively and with my friends, skateboarding, and
snowboarding. I have a brother, a mom, a dad, and some fish.
If I could go anywhere in the world I would like to go to Manchester, England so
I could go see my favorite soccer team, Manchester United, play at their home
field. My favorite soccer player is Cristiano Ronaldo. He is on Manchester
United and an incredible player at that. If my career as a professional soccer
player doesn’t involve Manchester United, I would like to play for the Houston
I am really interested in engineering and hope to one day to create the
most fuel-efficient cars of the future. I would like to go to Cal Poly for an
education in engineering. I am interested in engineering because it would be fun
to make something that helps people and you can call it your own.
My favorite skateboarder is Rodney Mullan. He is extremely good at
what he does and seems like a nice guy. He skates for Almost (a skate company)
and competes in competitions. I hope to be as good as him one day.
I have a great life! I enjoy many things. I have a loving family and
that’s what matters.