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Cold War, Civil
Rights and Vietnam
US History Review
Content: Containment of communism
 the Truman Doctrine, asked Congress for $400
million in military and economic assistance for
Turkey and Greece.
 Marshall Plan US aid to European countries
after WWII
Content: During the
Cold War of the
1950s and 1960s,
threat of possible
nuclear attack by the
Soviet Union inspired
the creation
Containment policy
 Nuclear offensive
weapons grew
dramatically in
quality and quantity
during the Cold War.
Americans were
routinely persecuted
because they were
suspected of being
patriotic in the
struggle against
Communism and, in
particular, the
Soviet Union. The
persecution took
various forms, from
imprisonment to the
purging and
blacklisting of untold
Content: Bay of Pigs Invasion
 U.S. under estimates Cuba resistance forces
 In April 1961 anti- U.S. forces engaged in the
Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, but Cuban forces
stop the United States attempt to unseat
Castro's government.
The alliance for progress was to improve
relations with Latin America by strengthening
democratic governments and promote social
and economic reforms in Latin America. The
program, which provided loans and aid from
the U.S. and the international financial
community, built some schools and hospitals,
but was ultimately viewed as a failure.
United Nations
 World Peace
 5 country
security council
Western Europe and
North America were
locked in a battle
with a Soviet regime
committed to
developing its
military might. The
allies needed a
safety net to repel
any form of
aggression and to
safeguard their
 Their solution was
the North Atlantic
Content The “Space
Race” began in 1957
when the Soviet Union
launched the first
manmade satellite,
Sputnik. The American
government and the
American people feared
that control of space
determine the winner in
the cold war. The tension
created by the cold war,
along with the perceived
technology gap, led the
United States to pour
billions of dollars into the
development of a space
program (NASA).
U.S. families respond to the threat of a nuclear
war between the United States and the Soviet
Union as the cold war intensified
 The purpose of a fallout shelter is to shield the
people inside from the harmful effects of
Cold War
 President Harry
Truman established
the CIA during the
Cold War to collect
information on
Communist activities
Truman actions
proved useful during
the Cuban Missile
The only Cold War to
turn hot was the
Korean war
 The Korean War was
not a war at all it was
a US police action
to stop the spread of
communism in east
 Creating a problem
between Communist
China and Capitalist
America at the 38th
parallel dividing
North Korea and
South Korea
North Vietnamese
torpedo boats in the Gulf
of Tonkin were alleged to
have attacked without
provocation U.S.
destroyers that were
reporting intelligence
information to South
Vietnam. President
Lyndon B. Johnson and
his advisers decided upon
immediate air attacks on
North Vietnam
The incident gave
Johnson the ability to
engage in military
activity without a
congressional declaration
of war
President Lyndon
Baines Johnson used
the domino theory to
justify early U.S.
involvement in
Asia is where the
conspirators have
decided to make
their play for global
conquest. If we lose
Vietnam, south east
Asia will fall to the
communist its
inevitable. LBJ
Détente the policy of
general reduction in
the tension between
the Soviet Union and
the United States and
a thawing of the Cold
War that occurred
throughout the
 Vietnam War
inflamed Cold War
tensions between the
US and China.
Content: Doves for Peace - Hawks for War
 The War Powers Resolution -limits the power
of the President of the United States to wage
war without the approval of the Congress.
 Vietnam conflict otherwise known as the living
room war (television) was a police action
The Vietnam War
provoked increasing
opposition in America’
largely was responsible
for diverting funds from
President Lyndon Baines
Johnson Great Society
Program, which
manifested in
demonstrations against
the Vietnam War at
Universities like Kent
State in which casualties
incurred and students
were arrested for
protesting against the
Vietnam War.
LBJ does not seek
reelection in 1968 due to
Vietnam war and its’
distractions to his Great
Society Programs
Counterculture refers to
the social revolution
that swept America in the
1960’s protesting war,
the civil rights problems,
and poverty, otherwise
known as the hippy
movement. (Because
young people wore their
hair long in protest of old
The Vietnam war led to
the counter culture of the
1960’s Young Americans
referred to as hippies
opposed the bombing of
Cambodia, and the US
police Action in called the
Vietnam war.
SALT I, the first series of
Strategic Arms Limitation
Talks, extended from
November 1969 to May
1972. During that period
the United States and the
Soviet Union negotiated
the first agreements to
place limits and restraints
on some of their central
and most important
armaments. In a Treaty on
the Limitation of AntiBallistic Missile Systems
Content Opposition to the Vietnam War
 The Tet Offensive was the turning point in Vietnam War.
The US public had been told that America was winning the
war. However, when the VC attacked most of South cities
and towns Americans began protesting the Vietnam war
until its end.
 Ho Chi Minh the leader of the Communist North pledged
to American forces that the Vietnamese would fight to the
last men despite the many causalities' suffered by the