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Fast Track 5-1
71.The power and strength of industrial
unions in achieving their objectives in a
dispute with management can be clearly
seen in which of the following strikes?
(A) Lawrence Textile Workers strike
(B) Homestead strike
(C) Ludlow massacre
(D) Haymarket riot
(E) railroad strike of 1877
4. In the Supreme Court case United States v. E.
C. Knight (1895), the court ruled that
• (A) the actions of the E. C. Knight Company
were unconstitutional given the wording of the
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
• (B) neither the E. C. Knight Company nor the
American Sugar Refining Company could be
considered a monopoly
• (C) the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was
• (D) the E. C. Knight Company was engaged in
commerce, not manufacturing, and therefore
could not be regulated by Congress
• (E) child labor was unconstitutional in
businesses that engaged in interstate
5. A major reason why Al Smith lost the
presidential election in 1928 was
• (A) his allegiance to Hoover's economic
• (B) his adherence to maintaining a balanced
budget in the midst of a depression
• (C) his opposition to the Nineteenth
• (D) Franklin Roosevelt's lack of support for
Smith's candidacy
• (E) Smith's Catholicism, which cost him
Protestant votes
6. Frances Perkins
• (A) was a major Republican opponent of
the New Deal
• (B) was the Republican candidate for
president in 1932
• (C) represented a radical challenge to
FDR's New Deal
• (D) was FDR's vice president during his
first term in office
• (E) was the first female cabinet member
in U.S. history
7. Which of the following was NOT an
objective of the Populists?
• (A) abolishing the graduated income tax
• (B) preventing the government from
owning and operating the railroad
• (C) placing term limits on the president
and vice president
• (D) placing limits on the mining and
coining of silver
• (E) an eight-hour workday for industrial
9. Which one of the following was a
member of the Central Powers during
World War I?
• (A) France
• (B) Britain
• (C) United States
• (D) Germany
• (E) Russia
10. Which of the following was passed while
Wilson was president?
• (A) Mann-Elkins Act
• (B) Pure Food and Drug Act
• (C) Federal Reserve Act
• (D) Meat Inspection Act
• (E) Alien and Sedition Acts
11.Margaret Sanger was an important
reformer who
(A) campaigned to end child labor
(B) sought to end racial segregation
(C) attacked the abuses of trusts and
(D) advocated for women's right to vote
(E) advocated in favor of women's
reproductive rights
• 12. "There is a common, widespread, and persistent
stereotyped idea regarding the Negro and it is that he is
here only to receive; to be shaped into something new
and unquestionably better .... Through his artistic efforts
the Negro is smashing this immemorial stereotype faster
than he has ever done through any other method he has
been able to use .... " This quote represents
• (A) the primary reason the KKK had so many members
in the 1920s
• (B) the challenges made to prejudicial views by the
Harlem Renaissance
• (C) the divisions that existed in the 1920s between urban
and rural black Americans
• (D) FDR's crusade to improve the socioeconomic status
of black Americans
• (E) a major reason why some criticized the New Deal for
not doing enough to better the lives of lack Americans
14. The Brain Trust was the name given to
(A) President Franklin D. Roosevelt's political
• (B) The nation's first Supreme Court justices
• (C) President Lyndon Johnson's advisers
during the Vietnam War
• (D) A nineteenth-century monopoly broken up
by the government
• (E) President Harding's political associates and
advisers who were involved in the Teapot
Dome scandal
19. All of the following are associated with
economic and political corruption in the
post-Civil War era EXCEPT
• (A) Credit Mobilier
• (B) Teapot Dome
• (C) the attempt to corner the gold market
by financiers Fisk and Gould
• (D) Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall
• (E) the Whiskey Ring
20. The precedent for using federal troops to
break up a major strike was set by
(A) Abraham Lincoln in 1862
• (B) Rutherford Hayes in 1877
• (C) Grover Cleveland in 1894
• (D) Theodore Roosevelt in 1901
• (E) Franklin D. Roosevelt ip 1945
25. Which New Deal agency gave legal
protection to labor unions, set up the
National Labor Relations Board, and
gave workers the right to bargain
• (A) FERA
• (B) CCC
• (C) Section 7 A of the NRA
• (D) CWA
• (E) REA
26. Britain's Proclamation of 1763
• (A) prevented the American colonies from
trading with France
• (B) prevented the American colonists from
moving west of the Appalachian Mountains
• (C) required the colonists to purchase tea from
only the British East India Company
• (D) subordinated American economic interests
to those of British capitalists
• (E) ended all hostilities between Britain and
30. The "Revolution of 1800" refers to
• (A) the industrialization of the United
• (B) the victory of the Americans over the
• (C) the election of Thomas Jefferson
• (D) the abolition of the slave trade in the
United States
• (E) the election of Andrew Jackson
33. The Know-Nothings were
• (A) Confederate spies during the Civil War
• (B) a nativist movement in the midnineteenth
• (C) Americans who organized boycotts of
British goods before the Revolution
• (D) anarchists who were arrested by the
government during the First Red Scare
• (E) those who refused to testify when called to
do so by the House UnAmerican Activities
35. The Hartford Convention was convened
(A) by New Englanders who opposed the
War of 1812
• (B) in order to prevent the South from
• (C) by women's rights advocates in the
mid-nineteenth century
• (D) in order to organize a colonial
response to the Coercive Acts
• (E) by labor leaders in order to advocate
for the eight-hour workday
36. Which of the following is NOT
associated with the American System?
• (A) It was developed by Henry Clay.
• (B) It was strongly supported by
Southern political leaders.
• (C) It promoted funding for the Second
Bank of the United States.
• (D) It would allow for protective tariffs.
(E) The federal government would fund
canal and road construction.
37. The Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S.
• Constitution
• (A) gave eighteen-year-old citizens the
right to vote
• (B) gave women the right to vote
• (C) made the sale, distribution, and
consumption of liquor a federal offense
• (D) abolished slavery
• (E) guaranteed the right to vote for any
American citizen regardless of race or
43. Which of the following actions hurt President
Wilson's efforts to win Senate approval for the
League of Nations?
• (A) his failure to take a Republican party leader
on the treaty mission to France
• (B) his refusal to meet with members of his
own party who opposed ratification of the
• (C) his inability to travel to Europe to meet with
the other Allied leaders
• (D) his insistence that Germany and Austria
not be admitted into the League
• (E) his inability to convince the other world
leaders to make New York City the
headquarters of the League
45. The Anaconda Plan
• (A) was the Democratic party's response to the
Whig party's support for the American Plan
• (B) was the Union's military strategy for
defeating the Confederacy
• (C) was designed during the Eisenhower
administration to increase funding for atomic
weapons research
• (D) was designed by the federal government in
the 1950s to integrate public schools
• (E) was President Roosevelt's design for
attacking the problems that caused the Great
46.If one were to argue that the United
States pursued a policy of neutrality from
1919 to 1933, which of the following
would support that view?
(A) signing of the Kellogg-Briand Pact
(B) the Open Door Policy
(C) the Dawes Plan
(D) failure to join the League of Nations
(E) the Washington Naval Conference
48. Which one of the following was an effect of the
Revolutionary War?
• (A) the establishment of a constitutional
• (B) the confiscation of Loyalists' property
• (C) the acquisition of Canada by the United
• (D) the recognition of the Second Continental
Congress as the legitimate government of the
United States
• (E) the demand by all Americans for a strong
central government
49. A weakness of the Articles of
Confederation was that
• (A) it had no legislative branch
• (B) some states were not permitted to
join as long as they maintained slavery
• (C) it decided to form a military alliance
with Great Britain
• (D) too many amendments were ratified,
diluting the power of the government
• (E) nine of thirteen states were needed
to pass legislation
51. The political cartoon above dealing with the
Reagan administration expresses the view that
(A) Reagan resented how large the defense budget
had grown
(B) Reagan expanded federal aid to cities but not for
the environment or Social Security
(C) under Reagan federal funding for social
programs was significantly cut
(D) Reagan believed in balancing the federal budget
so that it addressed social needs and the needs
of the military
(E) Reagan increased defense funding against his
better judgment
55. Which one of the following can be
considered a radical trade union?
(A) Industrial Workers of the World
(B) American Federation of Labor
(C) International Ladies' Garment
Workers Union
(D) Congress of Industrial Organizations
(E) United Mine Workers Union
56. Which of the following dates best
corresponds to the Gilded Age?
• (A) 1776-1800
• (B) 1861-1865
• (C) 1870-1900
• (D) 1917-1929
• (E) 1945-1970
57. Which of the following occurred during
the presidential administration of George
(A) the nullification crisis
(B) the War of 1812
(C) the Whiskey Rebellion
(D) the Louisiana Purchase
(E) the XYZ Affair
58. Which one of the following was NOT one
of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander
Hamilton's economic programs?
(A) Report on Public Credit
(B) Report on Manufactures
(C) chartering a national bank
(D) protective tariff
(E) tax on exports
59. Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana
territory from France was unexpected in
(A) he was a strict constructionist
(B) the United States had recently broken off
diplomatic relations with France
(C) he agreed to pay an outlandish sum for
the territory
(D) most Americans opposed the purchase
(E) he was opposed to territorial expansion
61. The Dred Scott decision
• (A) was a major factor in the U.S.
government's decision to go to war
against Mexico in 1846
• (B) weakened the fugitive slave laws
• (C) reconfirmed that African Americans
were not citizens
• (D) freed all the slaves in the border
• (E) forbade the United States from
trading with any nation that was at war
62. The radical Republicans are associated
with which period in U.s. history?
• (A) the American Revolution
• (B) the Civil War
• (C) Reconstruction
• (D) the progressive era
• (E) the Cold War
63. Because of a Soviet boycott of the United
Nations in 1950
• (A) Communist China was refused
membership in the U.N.
• (B) the United States was able to convince the
U.N. to establish the nation of Israel
• (C) troops were sent to assist South Korea
after it had been invaded by communist North
• (D) the United States and other Western
nations refused to send their athletes to
participate in the Olympics
• (E) the U.N. could not prevent the outbreak of
hostilities that led to the Chinese Civil War
65. The rags-to-riches stories of the Gilded
Age were written by
• (A) Upton Sinclair
• (B) Mark Twain
• (C) Horatio Alger
• (D) Harriet Tubman
• (E) F. Scott Fitzgerald
66. Ronald Reagan's military objectives included
• (A) the construction of an extensive antimissile
satellite system
• (B) returning the Panama Canal to Panama
• (C) allowing the Soviet Union to join NATO
• (D) economic and military assistance to
communist nations that ended their
membership in the Warsaw Pact
• (E) military assistance to the Sandinista
government in Nicaragua
67. The Camp David Agreement is
associated with the presidency of
(A) Richard Nixon
• (B) Gerald Ford
• (C) Jimmy Carter
• (D) Ronald Reagan
• (E) George H. W. Bush
71. The power and strength of industrial
unions in achieving their objectives in a
dispute with management can be clearly
seen in which of the following strikes?
(A) Lawrence Textile Workers strike
(B) Homestead strike
(C) Ludlow massacre
• (D) Haymarket riot
• (E) railroad strike of 1877
72. Which of the following Supreme Court
cases was heard by the Marshall Court?
(A) McCulloch v. Maryland
(B) Brown v. Board of Education of
Topeka, Kansas
• (C) Plessy v. Ferguson
• (D) Dred Scott v. Sandford
• (E) United States v. Butler
75. The Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932
(A) placed strict limitations on
immigration from Eastern and Southern
• (B) made it a federal offense to strike
during wartime
• (C) outlawed yellow-dog contracts
• (D) provided billions of dollars for the
construction of an interstate highway
• (E) established the eight-hour workday
78. The only Democrat elected president
between 1861 and 1912 was
• (A) Lyndon Johnson
• (B) James Garfield
• (C) Grover Cleveland
• (D) William McKinley
• (E) Chester Arthur
4. The map above illustrates
• (A) the Missouri Compromise
• (B) the Military Reconstruction Acts
• (C) the Wade-Davis Bill
• (D) the Compromise of 1850
• (E) the Mexican Cession
8. Which of the following acts of President
Ronald Reagan's administration could
NOT be characterized as a return to
conservative political values?
• (A) Cuts in the federal budget
• (B) The appointment of Sandra Day
O'Connor to the Supreme Court
• (C) Tax cuts for corporations
• (D) The loosening of government
• (E) Supply-side economics
15. Which of the following did NOT occur in
the year 1968?
• (A) The Tet Offensive
• (B) The assassination of Martin Luther King
• (C) The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
• (D) The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
• (E) Riots at the Democratic National
Convention in Chicago
17. Which of the following was a result of the
Albany Congress?
• (A) The colonies began to unite and take action
against the British.
• (B) The Iroquois Nation signed a peace
agreement with the Colonies.
• (C) Benjamin Franklin convinced the Huron and
Iroquois tribes to settle their differences.
• (D) The Iroquois remained neutral and the
colonists rejected Franklin's plan for unity.
• (E) Benjamin Franklin was able to convince the
colonists and the British of his plan for a united
defense against France.
18. All of the following are associated with
"loose constructionism" during the early
years of the United States of America
• (A) the Federalists
• (B) Hamilton's Bank
• (C) the "Elastic Clause"
• (D) restrictions on federal legislative
• (E) federal government assumption of
state debts
25. The cartoon above served as
• (A) Ben Franklin's exhortation to the
colonies to unite against British authority
• (B) Ben Franklin's exhortation to the
colonies to unite against the French
• (C) the Committee of Correspondence's
warning of impending attack against the
• (D) the slogan of the Sons of Liberty after
the Boston Tea Party
• (E) Thomas Paine's warning against
political repression
28. Which of the following was NOT a result
of Reconstruction?
• (A) An increase in membership in the Ku
Klux Klan
• (B) The passage of three Constitutional
• (C) The election of black senators and
• (D) The emergence of two distinct factions
within the Republican Party
• (E) Government grants of forty acres and
a mule to each freedman
29. Which of the following occurred during
Taft's presidency?
• (A) The Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
• (B) The Federal Reserve Act
• (C) The establishment of the Department
of Commerce and Labor
• (D) Women's suffrage passed into law as
the Nineteenth Amendment
• (E) Coxey's Army marched on Washington
30. All of the following increased
government power during World War I
• (A) War Industries Board
• (B) Creel Committee
• (C) Food Administration
• (D) Espionage Act
• (E) Dawes Plan
31. Each of the following actively sought to
expose Communist sympathizers within
the United States after World War II,
• (A) Richard Nixon
• (B) Alger Hiss
• (C) Whittaker Chambers
• (D) Joseph McCarthy
• (E) RoyCohn
32. In his 1985 State of the Union Address, Ronald
Reagan articulated his foreign policy goals in what
has come to be known as the Reagan Doctrine. Like
Truman, Reagan pledged to
(A) support anti-Communist resistance movements,
particularly in the Third World
(B) sponsor covert military operations to overthrow
Communist regimes in Eastern Europe
(C) ease tensions between the Soviet Union and the
United States
(D) broker a peace agreement between the
Palestinians and the Israelis
(E) defend human rights in the Western hemisphere
33. Which of the following did NOT
contribute to the emergence of the "New
Right" of the 1970s and 1980s?
• (A) The "moral majority" movement
• (B) The popularity of Ronald Reagan
• (C) The stagflation economic condition of
the 1970s
• (D) Religious revivalism
• (E) The drop in the stock market
34. The most notable achievement of the United
States under the Articles of Confederation was
(A) the creation of a strong executive office to
lead the national government
(B) the empowerment of Congress to regulate
(C) the empowerment of Congress to collect
(D) the provision for land sales in the
Northwest that would benefit the entire nation
(E) the establishment of simple majority rule in
the legislature to establish national policy
37. Which of the following acts was the most
beneficial to labor?
• (A) The Clayton Antitrust Act
• (B) The Sherman Antitrust Act
• (C) The Elkins Act
• (D) The Hepburn Act
• (E) The Mann-Elkins Act
38. Which of the following did NOT occur
during Franklin Roosevelt's "Hundred
• (A) The National Bank Holiday
• (B) Passage of the Glass Steagall Act
• (C) Passage of the National Industrial
Recovery Act
• (D) Passage of the Agricultural Adjustment
• (E) Passage of the Social Security Act
39. Which of the following accurately
describes the TaftHartley Act of 1947?
• (A) It encouraged the use of union strikes
as long
• as they remained peaceful.
• (B) It outlawed the use of injunctions.
• (C) President Truman vetoed it.
• (D) It banned the use of "Yellow Dog
• (E) It required political contributions from
labor unions to be subject to federal taxes.
41. Which best describes the role of the Loyalists
during the Revolutionary War?
(A) They were few in number and had little, if
any, significance.
(B) They made up approximately 20-30 percent
of the population.
(C) Many of them were formerly indentured
servants who felt obliged to the Crown.
(D) Most of them came from the royal colony of
Vrrginia and felt loyal to the Crown.
(E) They had their largest following in New
England, where the benefits of the mercantilist
system were most visible.
42. The success of the Constitutional
Convention of 1787 hinged on
compromises over which of the following
• (A) Slavery and representation in
• (B) Taxation and term limits
• (C) The number of branches of
government to be formed
• (D) Voting rights for women
• (E) Universal manhood suffrage
44. All of the following statements conceming
the Wade-Davis Bill are true EXCEPT
• (A) Lincoln used his pocket veto to defeat it
• (B) the bill required a majority of the
population of the former Confederate states
to take an oath of allegiance
• (C) the bill stipulated that Congress would
administer the Reconstruction program
• (D) the bill abolished slavery
• (E) the bill provided for financial
compensation to former slaves
47. The 1947 grant of $400 million dollars in
aid to Greece and Turkey was in
accordance with which of the following
U.S. policies?
• (A) Eisenhower Doctrine
• (B) Monroe Doctrine
• (C) Truman Doctrine
• (D) Roosevelt Corollary
• (E) Good Neighbor Policy
49. Which of the following acts of the British
government in the period preceding the
Revolutionary War provoked the most
outrage among the colonists?
• (A) Parliament's defense of "virtual
• representation"
• (B) The monopoly given to the British East
India Company
• (C) The passage of the Boston Port Act
• (D) The passage of the Molasses Act
• (E) The passage of the Quebec Act
50. In 1775, the Second Continental
(A)decided to cut all ties with Britain
(B)voted to work out a plan for self-rule
(C) adopted the "Olive Branch Petition,"
declaring Colonial loyalty to the Crown
(D) began to draft the Articles of
(E) revised the colonial plan for military
51. All of the following Supreme Court
decisions during John Marshall's tenure as
Supreme Court Justice strengthened the
federal government EXCEPT
• (A) Fletcher v. Peck
• (B) Gibbons v. Ogden
• (C) Marbury v. Madison
• (D) McCulloch v. Maryland
• (E) Dred Scott v. Sandford
52. Which of the following was NOT a result
of the Compromise of 1877?
• (A) Rutherford B. Hayes became
• (B) The remaining Confederate states
were readmitted to the Union.
• (C) Military Reconstruction ended.
• (D) The Democrats took back the House
and the Senate.
• (E) Federal provisions for a southern
transcontinental railroad were made.
54. In the Schecter Poultry Corp. v. U.S.
case of 1935, which of Franklin
Roosevelt's New Deal measures came
under attack?
• (A) The National Labor Relations Board
(B) The Court reorganization plan
• (C) The National Recovery Act
• (D) The Agricultural Adjustment Act
• (E) The Federal Farm Loan Act
55. During the 1950s, many black and white
activists fought against the persistence of "Jim
Crow" laws throughout the South by all of the
following methods EXCEPT
• (A) bringing lawsuits in federal courts
• (B) using violence to intimidate local politicians
• (C) boycotting local businesses that supported
• segregation
• (D) staging sit-ins in segregated public places
and facilities
• (E) forging a coalition between Southern black
churches and civil rights advocates
56. During the 1980s, President Ronald
Reagan did which of the following?
• (A) Signed the welfare reform bill
• (B) Persuaded Anwar Sadat and
Menachem Begin to sign the Camp David
• (C) Sent troops to fight in the Persian Gulf
• (D) Cut taxes and the federal budget
• (E) Increased taxes
58. Which of the following statements concerning
the Federalist Papers is true?
• (A) Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton drafted
• (B) They contained essays that both defended
and criticized the Constitution.
• (C) They were written as propaganda to
support the ratification of the Constitution.
• (D) They were banned in the New York
• (E) They outlined the dangers of
"Republicanism" in a new nation.
59. The Force Act of 1832 was passed in
response to
• (A) the Indian Removal Act
• (B) the Tariff/Nullification crisis
• (C) the election of President Martin van Buren
• (D) Clay's American System
• (E) the Bank Recharter Bill
60. The Niagara Movement resulted in
(A) the formation of the NAACP
(B) the emergence of the National Urban
(C) the development of agricultural colleges,
such as the Tuskegee Institute
(D) the repeal of the black codes
(E) the establishment of the Freedmen's
62. During the time of Woodrow Wilson's
presidency, the "Irreconcilables" and the
"Reservationists" had strong feelings
• (A) the Treaty of Versailles
• (B) Wilson's Fourteen Points
• (C) Article 231
• (D) the Sedition Act of 1918
• (E) the Mandate System
63. Which of the following cold war
measures met with the most resistance in
• (A) U.S. entry into the Korean War
• (B) U.S. entry into NATO
• (C) The Berlin Airlift
• (D) The Truman Doctrine
• (E) The McCarran Internal Security Bill
64.The most important factor in the defeat of
Democratic presidential candidates in the elections
of 1952 and 1968 was
• (A) the Democrats' plan to reorganize the Supreme
• (B) the American public's desire to avoid conflict
and return to a more conservative political and
social life
• (C) the Democratic Party platform pledge to
increase taxes in order to payoff the national debt
• (D) the Democratic candidates' controversial
positions on civil rights legislation
• (E) the Democratic Party's unequivocal support of
the Equal Rights Amendment
65. All of the following were manifestations
of mercantilist theory EXCEPT
• (A) the triangular trade
• (B) the Navigation Acts
• (C) Admiralty Courts
• (D) virtual representation
• (E) The Plantation Economy
66. The chief goal of the Alien and Sedition
Acts was to
(A) suppress immigration
(B) limit the power of the press
(C) check the power of the DemocraticRepublicans
(D) uphold the rights guaranteed by the First
(E) introduce the theory of nullification and
states' rights
67. Which of the following statements related to the
Lowell System is NOT true?
(A) In Lowell, farm girls were hired to work in the
(B) Lowell was a company town developed to
provide supervision of, and education for, its factory
(C) The Lowell System included some of the first
fully integrated factories-they transformed raw
materials into a finished product.
(D) The Lowell System provided an easy way for
women to become financially independent.
(E) The Lowell System developed as a result of the
United States' burgeoning textile industry.
69. Which of the following statements
regarding the American Federation of
Labor is true?
• (A) It was open to both skilled and
unskilled laborers.
• (B) Its beliefs were based on the Utopian
ideas of earlier reformers.
• (C) It considered the strike its strongest
• (D) Its greatest appeal was to new
immigrants, many of whom were unskilled.
• (E) It published anti-capitalism pamphlets.
70. The supply side economic theory of
Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon most
probably inspired the
• (A) "trickle-down" economic theory
supported by Ronald Reagan
• (B) deficit-spending economic theory of
John M. Keynes
• (C) Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act
• (D) Keating-Owen Act
• (E) Federal Trade Commission Act
71. All of the following were part of
Johnson's Great Society program
• (A) the Civil Rights Act of 1964
• (B) Medicare and Medicaid
• (C) the establishment of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development
• (D) the balanced budget mandate
• (E) the Economic Opportunity Act
72. Which of the following was NOT a provision of the
Land Ordinance of 1785 or the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
• (A) Each territory could apply for statehood once it
had 60,000 inhabitants.
• (B) Slavery was outlawed in the Northwest
• (C) Once a new state was admitted to the Union, it
was granted all the privileges of existing states.
• (D) The national government would make
provisions for public education for all new states.
• (E) Land sales in admitted territories would
be protected from speculators.
74. The-election of 1800 is historically and
politically significant because it
• (A) marked the death of the Federalist party
• (B) demonstrated that our Founding Fathers
were correct in their suspicions about factions
• (C) demonstrated the significance of the
Electoral College
• (D) ushered in the Era of Good Feelings
• (E) demonstrated that political parties could in
fact bring about a peaceful revolution in a
republican form of government
79. Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal programs
came under attack from both ends of the
political spectrum. Two of the most vocal
opponents, one left-wing and the other
conservative, were
• (A) Huey Long and Charles Coughlin
• (B) Frances Perkins and Charles
• (C) Wendell Wilkie and Harold Ickes
• (D) Thomas Dewey and Huey Long
• (E) Charles Evans Hughes and Alf Landon
80. The federally mandated desegregation of
the civil service was first implemented in the
• (A) Peace Corps
• (B) armed forces
• (C) Department of Justice
• (D) National Park Service
• (E) Supreme Court
• The End