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United States
Involvement in the Middle
Words to Know
• Iran-Iraq War
• Persian Gulf War 1 (Operation Desert Storm)
• Persian Gulf War 2 (Operation Iraqi Freedom)
• War in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom)
• Saddam Hussein
• Al-Qaeda
• Osama Bin Laden
• Draw this graphic
organizer on the left
side of your
Iraqi History
British Mandate
•Post WWI British colony
British Backed Monarchy
•King chosen by England
•1958 Baath Revolution
•Overthrew unpopular
King Faisal I of Iraq
Original caption: Death of King Faisal. Faisal, King of Iraq, whose sudden death is just
Image: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS
Date Photographed:
ca. 1930
•A. British Mandaate
•Post WWI British
B. British Backed
C. King chosen
by England
Baath Revolution
Iraq History
• Draw a 2nd copy of
this graphic
organizer on the left
side of your
Baath Party
•Sets up a secular (non-religious)
•Uses oil $ for government projects
•Hussein begins to eliminate opponents
•Secular (non-religious)
• Draw this graphic
organizer on the
left side of your
•Uses oil $ for
•Hussein begins to
eliminate opponents
Baath Party
• Draw a 3nd copy of
this graphic
organizer on the left
side of your
The Iranian Hostage Crisis
• was a crisis between Iran and the United States
• 53 Americans were held hostage for 444 days (1979-1981)
• A after a group of Islamic students and militants took over
the American embassy in support of the Iranian Revolution.
Why was there a hostage crisis?
• the hostage crisis was viewed by the
Iranian’s as a blow against the United
States and its influence in Iran, its
perceived attempts to undermine
the Iranian Revolution, and its
longstanding support of the recently
overthrown Shah of Iran
Iraq-Iran War
• Iraq invaded Iran in 1980 after a long history of
border disputes and fears of a Shia invasion
• For the next six years the war came at a great cost
in lives and economic damage
Operation Desert Storm/Persian Gulf War
Causes of Persian Gulf War (the 1st one!)
 Iraq claimed Kuwait’s
land was theirs (it
 Claimed Kuwait was
stealing oil (“slant
 $ owed to other countries
for previous Iran-Iraq
 Hussein thought no one
would stop him
Claimed Kuwait
was stealing oil
(“slant drilling”)
Hussein thought
no one
would stop
Iraq claimed Kuwait
Persian Gulf War
$ owed to other countries for
previous Iran-Iraq War.
STOP! And review…
•Why did Saddam invade Kuwait in
Persian Gulf War
(Operation Desert Storm)
Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, under the direction of
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The United nations responded to
the Iraqi invasion by demanding that Iraq withdraw its troops from
Kuwait. The United nations asked other countries to cut off trade to
Iraq (Embargo) in an attempt to force them to withdraw, that
attempt failed.
-President Bush Declares War (Video)
The United States and thirty other countries formed a
coalition and began sending military troops into Saudi Arabia
over the next few months.
•The united Nations set a date for Iraq to leave Kuwait
• Iraq rejected the date and refused to leave.
•The U.S. and their allies began attacking Iraq through the use of air
power then by a ground assault.
• After a devastating battle resulting in many Iraqi deaths, the Iraqi’s
were driven out of Kuwait.
The war was a military victory for the
Kuwait and Iraq suffered heavycasualties
Part of the peace treaty allowed Saddam
Hussein to remain in power.
9/11 & Al-Qaeda
9/11 and
 On September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda attacked
 Twin Towers-New York City
 Pentagon-Washington D.C.
 4th plane-believed to be headed to White House
 Crashed in a field in Pennsylvania
 Al-Qaeda is a group of Islamic terrorists that were
largely based in Afghanistan.
 The terrorist attacks on that day killed nearly 3,000
• The group is wanted by the
United States for its September
11, 2001, attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon,
as well as a host of lesser
• To escape the post-9/11 U.S.-led war
in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda’s leadership
fled eastward into Pakistan,
• However, in May, 2011 Bin Laden
was found and killed in
What is al-Qaeda?
• Al-Qaeda seeks to rid Muslim countries of what it sees as
the influence of the West and replace their governments
with strict Islamic governments based upon the Koran and
known as Sharia Law.
• After al-Qaeda’s September 11, 2001, attacks on America,
the United States launched a war in Afghanistan to destroy
al-Qaeda’s bases there and overthrow the Taliban
• “Al-Qaeda” is Arabic for “The Base.”
What are al-Qaeda’s origins?
• Al-Qaeda grew out of the opposition to the 1979 Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan. In the 1980s, bin Laden, recruited, trained, and financed
1000s for what he claimed to be a Holy War (Jihad)
• Bin Laden wanted these fighters to continue the "holy war" beyond
Afghanistan. He formed al-Qaeda around 1988.
• Bin Laden believed that Middle Eastern nations should be
strict theocratic governments.
Interactive Notebook Question (left side)
• Why did the U.S. invade Afghanistan in 2001?
Where does
Where does al-Qaeda
• There is no single headquarters,
• At time of 9/11, hiding in the mtns of Afghanistan
• Al-Qaeda has underground cells in some 100 countries,
including the United States.
• To escape the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda’s leadership once again
sought refuge in Pakistan’s
• Bin Laden, along with some other members of the organization, were found
hiding in Pakistan along the Afghan border.
Operation Enduring Freedom
 Osama bin Laden took credit for the attacks
 U.S. President George Bush called on other countries to help wage a war on
terrorism to crush al-Qaeda.
 In October 2001, U.S., British, and Canadian forces
invaded Afghanistan in search of bin Laden and to
destroy al-Qaeda and their allies the Taliban (Operation
Enduring Freedom).
 The grip of the Taliban and al-Qaeda on Afghanistan was broken. The U.S.
led forces still struggle to control portions of the country as of 2013.
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Iraq War
The Iraq War
(Persian Gulf War 2, Operation Iraqi
 Saddam Hussein was still president of Iraq at the time of the Afghanistan
 the U.S government feared connections between Hussein
and al-Qaeda
 believed Iraq was building Weapons of Mass Destruction
 Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical weapons.
The United Nations sent inspectors to Iraq to check for WMD’s
however Iraq failed to allow them to complete their inspections. In
response the U.S. Congress passed an Iraq War Resolution that
authorized the president to go forward with a war in Iraq.
• In March 2003, the U.S. began bombing targets in the capital of Baghdad. British,
Australian, Polish, and American soldiers invaded Iraq and defeated the Iraqi army.
Saddam Hussein was captured, put on trial for crimes against humanity by the Iraqi’s,
and later executed.
• Weapons of Mass Destruction were never found in Iraq.
•However, many believed the Iraqi government sent all WMD’s
to other countries before the invasion. This was to include
Syria and Pakistan,
•In August or 2013, the Syrian government openly used
chemical weapons against their own people. Many believe
these may be those same weapons.
End of the War-2011
• In 2011, President Obama
called for the official
withdrawal of all US troops from
• During the US presence in Iraq,
the dictatorship was
overthrown and a new
democratic government
• Since the US withdrawal, the
stability of the country has
been called into question with
the continue attacks of ISIS.
Interactive Notebook Question
3-List three types of Weapons of Mass Destruction
2-Name two wars the U.S. fought against Iraq
1-Name the former dictator of Iraq
Why is the U.S. interested in the M.E.?
• Oil
• Stop Terrorists
• Spread democracy
What is ISIS/ISIL?
• ISIS-Islamic State of Iraq
and Syria
• ISIL-Islamic State of Iraq
and the Levant
• militant group and selfproclaimed Islamic
state and caliphate,
which is led by and
mainly composed of
Sunni Arabs from Iraq
and Syria
The Levant
Interactive Notebook Question (left side)
•What event led Osama bin Laden to
form Al-Qaeda in 1988?
•When finished with notes, create a timeline to include
important dates discussed throughout the PowerPoint.
•Be sure to include
• The Persian Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm)
• The Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom)
• The Iran Hostage Crisis
• Iran-Iraq War
• Operation Enduring Freedom
• 9/11 terrorist attacks
• Council for Foreign Relations.
Retrieved May 13, 2009