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 The
function of the circulatory system is
to carry oxygen and nutrients to every
part of the body.
 Blood
is a red liquid tissue. It travels
through blood vessels (tubes). It carries
oxygen, nutrients, and wastes to all parts
of the body.
 1)
Heart- an organ that moves blood and
helps blood circulate all around the body.
 2)
Blood vessels- tubes that carry blood
around the body. There are 3 types:
1) veins- take blood TO the heart
2) arteries- take blood AWAY from
3) capillaries- connect the veins and
 If
you took out all the blood vessels in a
child and put them in a straight
line…they would be 96.560.640 km long!
 In
an adult, they are 160.900.000 km long!
 Nutrients
 Waste
travel along the arteries
travels along the veins
 There
are 4 chambers in the heart: two on
the top, 2 on the bottom
 Atria: the
chambers on the top. The atria
receive blood.
 Ventricles: the
chambers on the bottom.
The ventricles push blood out.
 The
blood enters the top two chambers.
 The
blood falls into the bottom chambers.
 The
heart contracts and the blood moves
out of the heart.
 This
pumping of blood is a HEARTBEAT
blood from
blood from
 Receives
 The
 This
blood FROM the body
heart gives the blood TO the lungs.
blood has carbon dioxide. It needs
to go to the lungs to get oxygen
blood from
blood from
Blood comes FROM the LUNGS, then
passes through the heart, then goes TO
the body.
 This
blood has oxygen
blood from
 Complete
page 21 a,b,c,d
 Complete
page 20 a & b