Download Human Body Systems The human body consists of several systems

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Human Body Systems
The human body consists of several systems that
work together to make our bodies function properly.
Skeletal System
The Skeletal system is made up of 206 bones.
The Skeletal system has 3 functions: supports the body, protects some of our
internal organs, and allows us to move.
The Skeletal system works with other systems:
Muscular- the muscles help our bones move.
Cardiovascular- red blood cells are made in the bone marrow of the bone.
Digestive System- the calcuim our body intakes will be delivered to our bones
by the blood cells.
Muscular System
Your body consists of more than 600 muscles.
There are three types of muscles: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal.
Smooth muscles: Involuntary muscles- muscles we cannot control. The brain
controls these muscles. These muscles are your stomach, intestinal,
esphogus, ect.
Cardiac muscle: This is the heart muscle. It pumps your blood throughout
your body. It pumps without you telling it too.
Skeletal Muscles: Voluntary muscles. You control these muscles. You control
your foot if you want to kick the soccer ball. These muscles are connected to
the bones by tendons.
Respiratory System
It helps you breath in the oxygen that your body needs to work properly.
Oxygen helps you to move and turns food into energy.
The right lung is larger than the left lung.
The lungs work with the diaphragm- it allows you to inhale and exhale.
As you inhale, you inhale oxygen. The oxygen will go through the lungs to the
red blood cells and travel throughout the body.
As you exhale, you exhale carbon dioxide. The poison your body does not
Systems: Cardiovascular system and Skeletal System
circulatory System
It carries blood that is filled with oxygen and nutrients throughout your body.
It carries away wastes.
It is your bodies very own delivery service.
It is the size of a fist and is located on the left side of your chest.
Right side of your heart- receives the blood from the body and carries it to the
lungs to get rid of the carbon dioxide.
Left side of your heart- receives the blood from the lungs and pumps it
throughout your body delivering oxygen.
It works with all the systems.
Digestive System
Notes from Magic School Bus
Step 1: Mouth- Teeth grind food and saliva breaks down chemical of food.
Step 2: Esophagus- Muscles push the swallowed food down into the stomach.
Step 3: Stomach- Acids and juices from organs will turn food into a liquid.
Step 4: Small Intestines- Vilia will absorb nutrients from the food and transport
it to the blood stream. Then the blood stream will carry it to the rest of the
Step 5: Large Intestines- Liquid will be absorbed from waste and sent to
bladder. Waste will leave body.
Nervous System
Nervous System