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Chapter Resources
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Chapter Summary
Chapter Review Questions
Standardized Test Practice
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Blood Pressure Cuff and Gage
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Person Getting Their
Blood Pressure Checked
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Parts of
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Blood Cells
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Sickle Cell Anemia
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Blood Vessels
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Your body is supplied with nutrients by blood
circulating through your blood vessels. Make
the following Foldable to help you organize
information about circulation.
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Unfold and cut only the top layer along both
folds to make three tabs. Label the top of the
page Circulation, and label the three tabs
Pulmonary, Coronary, and Systemic.
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Read and Write
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Video Clips
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Reviewing Main Ideas
The Circulatory System
• Arteries carry blood away from the heart.
Capillaries allow the exchange of nutrients,
oxygen, and waste in cells. Veins return
blood to the heart.
• Carbon-dioxide-rich blood enters the right
atrium, moves to the right ventricle, and then
goes to the lungs through the pulmonary
artery. Oxygen-rich blood returns to the left
atrium, moves to the left ventricle, and then
leaves through the aorta.
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Reviewing Main Ideas
The Circulatory System
• Pulmonary circulation is the path of blood
between the heart and lungs. Circulation
through the rest of the body is called
systemic circulation. Coronary circulation is
the flow of blood to tissues of the heart.
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Reviewing Main Ideas
• Plasma carries nutrients, blood cells, and
other substances.
• Red blood cells carry oxygen and carbon
dioxide, platelets form clots, and white blood
cells fight infection.
• A, B, AB, and O blood types are determined
by the presence or absence of antigens on red
blood cells.
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Reviewing Main Ideas
• Anemia is a disease of red blood cells, in
which not enough oxygen is carried to the
body's cells.
• Leukemia is a disease where one or more
types of white blood cells are present in
excessive numbers. These cells are immature
and do not fight infection well.
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Reviewing Main Ideas
The Lymphatic System
• Lymph structures filters blood, produce white
blood cells that destroy bacteria and viruses,
and destroy worn out blood cells.
• HIV attacks helper T cells, which are a type
of lymphocyte. The person is unable to fight
infections well.
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Chapter Review
Question 1
Which moves blood between the heart and
A. capillary circulation
B. coronary circulation
C. pulmonary circulation
D. systemic circulation
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LE 1.2h
Chapter Review
The correct answer is C. Oxygen-rich blood
moves to all of your organs and body tissues
by way of systemic circulation. Coronary
circulation is the flow of blood to and from the
tissues of the heart.
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Chapter Review
Question 2
What is represented
by letter C?
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LE 1.2c
Chapter Review
Letter C represents the coronary veins.
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Chapter Review
Question 3
Which part of blood helps fight diseases?
A. hemoglobin
B. plasma
C. red blood cells
D. white blood cells
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LE 1.2a
Chapter Review
The correct answer is D. White blood cells
destroy bacteria, viruses, and other foreign
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Chapter Review
Question 4
Why are platelets important?
Platelets are irregularly shaped cell fragments
that help clot blood.
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LE 1.2b
Chapter Review
Question 5
Which causes body tissues NOT to receive
enough oxygen?
A. anemia
C. leukemia
D. sickle cell disease
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LE 1.2h
Chapter Review
The answer is A. A lack of iron in the blood
can result in anemia.
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Standardized Test Practice
Question 1
Which is a type of white blood cell?
A. lymph nodes
B. lymphocytes
C. platelets
D. tonsils
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LE 1.2f
Standardized Test Practice
The answer is B. Lymphocytes help your body
defend itself against disease-causing
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Standardized Test Practice
Question 2
What traps escaping blood cells and plasma,
forming a clot when skin is damaged?
A. fibrin
B. platelets
C. red blood cells
D. white blood cells
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LE 1.2a
Standardized Test Practice
The answer is A. Fibrin is a sticky net of
threadlike fibers that helps form a clot.
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Standardized Test Practice
Question 3
Blood enters the right atrium through the
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LE 1.2g
Standardized Test Practice
A. aorta
B. inferior vena cava
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C. left ventricle
D. pulmonary vein
LE 1.2g
Standardized Test Practice
The answer is B. Blood also enters the right
atrium through the superior vena cava.
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Standardized Test Practice
Question 4
What blood vessel does this illustration
A. artery
B. capillary
C. vein
D. vena cava
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LE 1.2h
Standardized Test Practice
The correct answer is B. The walls of capillaries
are only one cell think.
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Standardized Test Practice
Question 5
Which is NOT a lymphatic organ?
A. pancreas
B. spleen
C. tonsils
D. thymus
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LE 1.2h
Standardized Test Practice
The answer is A. The pancreas is not an organ
of the lymphatic system.
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