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By Sheryan Resutov,
Kadeem Walsh,
and Kevin Simmons
I am the skin and I’m
very important and
essential to the human
body. I surround the
whole human body and
do many functions to
keep it working. It would
be a tragedy to get me
fired since then, the
body and the company
will just fall apart,
I am found everywhere on the human
body because I surround it.
 I am considered the largest organ of the
body. I lose around 30000-40000 dead
skin cells from the surface about every
minute. I renew myself every 28 days.
Also, the thinnest layer of me is located
on the eyelid. And, I swell when I absorb
I don’t really “work” with other departments of
the human body corporation, but I do protect it
all from diseases, water, loss, changes in
temperature, and other life risking conditions. I
am basically the walls that protect the
company from being exposed to everything
else. Although I don’t work with other
departments, I am made up of 3 layers that
work together to do complete my job. They are
Epidermis, Dermis, and Hypodermis.
Epidermis is the top layer which always gets renewed.
This is the barrier which contains the dead skin cells
on top. I look very good on young people because I
get renewed often, but as age of a person increases, I
start looking more dried up and worn. After, comes the
Hypodermis, which is the permanent layer I got. It
never goes away. The job of this layer is to protect the
corporation from other substances. And the last layer
of me is the Hypodermis, is the “hairy” part of me,
because it’s the one that the hairs grow out of. It also
contains the sweat glands and main blood vessels,
which deliver blood to the higher 2 layers.
Mainly, I’m a department myself so I
don’t really have any colleges with who I
work that much. Well, maybe the heart,
with the circulatory system, which
delivers blood to me and keeps me
working. Also, I am a part of the
excretory system and I excrete urea and
other wastes from my body with the
sweat glands contained in hypodermis.
It would be a crucial tragedy if I get fired since
there wouldn’t be anything else standing in the
way between the corporation and the dangers
of the outside world. Everything would fall
apart. Diseases would get inside and destroy
the company. The changes in the temperature
and water loss would greatly affect other
systems, causing an end to our existence.
First, the circulatory system will cancel
because of the blood loss. Then, due to lack of
materials needed by other organs, muscle
system will shut down, the skeleton system will
fall apart, and all the other systems, one by
one, will shut down because this corporation is
based like a clock, it needs every little piece to
work together and function properly to
continue on its road to success.