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By: Brandon L. Eric and Kaitlyn
Table of Contents
Title- The Excretory System
Slide 1: How Can You Maintain A Healthy Excretory System
Slide 2: What Are Two Professions That Work With The Excretory System
Slide 3: Fun Facts
Slide 4:What Role Does The Excretory System Play In The Human Body
Slide 5: How Do These Organs Work Together
Slide 6: What Are The Organs That Make Up The Excretory System
Slide 7 and 8: Explain How Your System is Connected to Two Other Systems
Slide 9: Organization
Slide 10 and 11: Diseases In The Excretory System.
Slide 12 and 13: References
How Can You Maintain a
Healthy Excretory System?
You can maintain a healthy excretory system
by making sure that you have a balanced diet,
because eating healthy foods like fruits and
veggies, instead of eating junk food helps the
excretory system regulate and function
properly. You also have to make sure that you
are drinking plenty of fluids. Drinking fluids
will help the urine in your body regulate
properly Finally, you have to get plenty of
exercise, because getting exercise helps the
excretory system to excrete wastes.
What Are Two Professions That
Work With the Excretory System?
A urologist, is a person that works with the
urethra, bladder and kidneys. A urologist
can be found in almost any hospital.
A kidney surgeon, is a person who works on
and removes the kidneys (if needed). One
of the most common diseases treated by a
kidney surgeon is kidney cancer. Like a
urologist, a kidney surgeon can be found in
almost any hospital.
Fun Facts
Did you know that you produce about one and
a half liters of fluid per day?
Did you know that the average person urinates
about 3000 times a year?
Did you know that the adult bladder can hold
16 to 24 ounces of urine?
Did you know that one human kidney
measures to about 4 inches?
Did you know that the average person poops
about 305 pounds a year?
What is the role that the excretory
system plays in the human body?
The excretory system is very important to the human body. It is the part that
removes the liquid and solid wastes out of your body. Without it you would
become sick. The excretory system also controls hydration and salt levels in the
body. It does this through the main organ called the kidney.
How do these organ work together?
The waste passes four organs. It passes the most important part of the excretory
system the kidneys. Then, the waste passes the ureters then the bladder. Once the
urine passes through your urethra, it’s out of your body.
What are the major organs that make
up the excretory system?
The excretory system is made up four organs. It is made up of the ureters, bladder,
and urethra, kidneys. The excretory is a very small system. It may be small but is a
very important system.
Explain how your system is connected
to two other body systems.
The excretory system is connected to the endocrine system and the
circulatory system.
Circulatory system- Blood that passes through the body soon passes
through the kidneys. The kidneys will remove the urea, uric acid, and water from
the blood. The water is then put back into other systems.
The endocrine system is connected to
the excretory system
Endocrine system- This system is tied to the kidneys. The adrenal gland
is positioned above the kidneys. These glands produce a hormone called
When you drink to much water a hormone is produced to tell your body
to urinate more. When u are dehydrated another hormone is released to tell your
body to urinate less.
Cell – Tubular epithelial cells
Tissue- Epithelial tissue
Organs- Kidneys
Organ System- Excretory system
The kidneys are made up of 2 different types of tissue and epithelial
tissue is one. The epithelial tissue is made up of epithelial cells. This level of
organization are found in the nephrons of the kidney.
Kidney stones is a disease in the
excretory system
Kidney stones are hard “rocks” of crystals that were separated from the
urine. The appears when there is unbalanced amount of water, salts and minerals.
When you don’t drink enough water it can cause a kidney stone to form.
Symptoms: Extreme pain, cramping in the back and/or lower stomach
area, nausea and vomiting.
Cures: There really isn’t many cures for kidney stones rather than
drinking enough fluids and taking pain medicine. Doctors will at times prescribe
medication to help your body pass the kidney stone.
Treatments: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (the use of sound
waves to break up a larger kidney stone), Ureteroscopy ( a thin tube with camera
attached to locate kidney stone and break the stone), and Percurtaneous
nephrolithotomy ( to remove a kidney stone with an endoscope that was made
through an incision in the kidney).
Pyelonephritis is another disease in the
excretory system
This is an infection that will travel from the bladder or urethra to the
kidneys. This happens when bacteria enters in through the urinary path.
Symptoms: fever, pain in groin, abdominal pain, frequent urination, urge
to urinate constantly, burning during urination and/or blood in the urine.
Cures: An antibiotic can be prescribed to the patient with the kidney
infection. With uncomplicated kidney infections it is better to take the oral
antibiotics and drink lots of water and other fluids.
biology 4 kids /article/110605-keep-excretory
Common excretory system diearest
www.livestong .com/piseeaes and condition
Nephorn history-synatiabeta
Kidney infection (pyelonephritis) symptoms, causes, treatment- what are
different types of kidney infection?- MedicineNet
Kidney Stones causes, symptoms and treatments at