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Immunotherapy of Cancer
Folder Title: ImmunThe(NoTP)
Updated: April 20, 2015
Forms of Cancer Immunotherapy
• Non-Specific: Generalized, Non-AntigenSpecific Immune Activation
• Specific: Antigen-specific Response Induced
in the Mouse or Patient or Passively
Transferred in from Donor Source
Forms of Cancer Immunotherapy
Active: Induced Directly in the TumorBearing Animal or in the Patient
• Can be Specific or Non Specific
Passive or Adoptive: Immunologically Active
Material Transferred into Mouse or Patient
as a Passive Recipient
• Can be Specific (Antibodies, T-Cells, Antigen-presenting
cells – Dendritic Cell Vaccines)
• Or Non-Specific (Non-specifically-activated T-Cells;
Active Non-Specific Immunotherapy
Induced in the Patient or Mouse: Non-Antigen-specific
Bacterial Extracts: Non-Specific Immune Adjuvants
• BCG: Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (Attenuated Bovine
Tuberculosis Bacterium)
• Membrane Extracts of BCG
• C Parvum: Corynebacterium parvum (related to diphtheria
Bacterial Endotoxins: Muramyl Dipeptide
Chemical Adjuvants:
• Levamisole
• Poly IC (Poly-inosinic-Poly-cytidyllic acid)
Cytokines: (Can be actively induced or passively transferred)
• Interferons
• Interleukin 2 (IL2)
• Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)
Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNHa) in Immunotherapy of Cancer (Passive or Active)
Adoptive Immunotherapy of Cancers
(Passive: Donor to Recipient)
• Lymphokine-activated Killer Cells (LAK Cells)\
• Cytokines (TNF alpha; IL2; Interferon)
Specific: Molecular Transfer
• Monoclonal Antibodies (antibodies are specific)
Specific: Cellular Transfer (antigen-specific)
• Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TIL Cells)
• Engineered Antigen-Presenting Cells (Dendritic
Some Examples of Active, Specific Immunotherapy
(Tumor Vaccines): Induced in the Patient
Unmodified Killed or Attenuated Tumor Cells
Unmodified Tumor Antigens
Altered Tumor Cells or Tumor Antigens
• Lipidized Tumor Antigens
• Chemically Derivatized Tumor Antigens
• "Xenogenized" Tumor Cells (Virally-infected Cells)
• Exposure of Cryptic Antigens
Antigenic Peptides from Tumor Antigens
Autologous Tumor Cells Vaccine for
Glioblastoma Multiforme
April , 2012
50% increase in survival time (48 weeks vs 33 weeks)
Minimal side –reactions
40 Patients
A phase 2 multicenter trial of about 40 patients with recurrent
glioblastoma -- an aggressive brain cancer that typically kills patients
within 15 months of diagnosis -- showed that the vaccine safely
increased average survival to nearly 48 weeks, compared with about
33 weeks among patients who didn't receive the treatment. The sixmonth survival rate was 93 percent for the vaccinated group,
compared with 68 percent for 86 other glioblastoma patients, who
were treated with other therapies.
Applications of Monoclonal Antibodies
Monoclonal Antibody Diagnosis and TumorImaging
• Prostate-specific Antigen (PSA)
• Carcino-embryonic Antigen (CEA)
• Colon Carcinoma A33 Antigen
Monoclonal Antibody Targeting
• Immuno-toxins
• Monoclonal antibodies directed to tumor cell
surface markers
– Can inhibit the cancer cell function
– Can target the cancer cell for destruction by the
immune response
Imaging on Metastatic Colon Carcinoma with RadioactiveIodine-Labelled Monoclonal Ab to A33 Ag
Lloyd Old, Scientific American, August, 1996, p. 138)
Anti-CD20 Monoclonal Antibodies in Treatment
of B-Cell Lymphoma/Leukemia
Rituxan#, Zevalin# (Yttrium 90 Radio-isotope Beta-emitter),
and Bexxar* (Iodine-131 Radio-isotope Beta and Gamma Emitter)
# IDEC Pharmaceuticals. *Corixa and Glaxo Smith Kline)
Biotechnology and Clinical Applications of Monoclonals
in Cancer Medicine: Leukemia & Lymphoma Therapy
Rituxan: IDEC Pharmaceuticals
Anti-CD20 Antibody Targeted to B-Cell Lymphoma
(Chimeric Mouse CDR's with Human V-Framework and C-regions)
Zevalin: Millennium Pharmaceuticals
Anti-CD20 for B-Cell Lymphoma with Radioactive Yttrium;
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Anti-CD20 for B-Cell Lymphoma with Radioactive Iodine
Anti-CD52 for B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
(See page 141, Immunology, 6th Edition)
Biotechnology and Clinical Applications of Monoclonals
in Cancer Medicine: Carcinoma Therapies
Herceptin: Genentech
Anti-HER2/Neu Growth Factor Receptor in Breast Cancer
Antibody to Vascular-Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor
(Anti-angiogenesis Therapy)
Antibody to Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
(See page 141, Immunology, 6th Edition)
Immunotoxins in Antibody-mediated Cancer Therapy
Class # 25! I made it!
I am still here!
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1. Yes
2. No
LLoyd Old, Sci. Amer.
Aug, 1996
p. 139
The Endless Mirrors
What will remain when our days are done?
What will matter when we are gone?
That we stalked the crumbled halls of power?
Were known by men long lost to time?
Famed in some forgotten hour?
Or that we wrote a song still sung?
Penned a verse that touches souls?
Shaped a cure to solace fears
To offer hope, to tarry death
for childhood’s child in endless years?
Birthed a thought that sired ten more?
Conceived a dream and passed it on?
Forged a link from gone to be,
And shined our candle in the endless mirrors
That reflect forever down the halls of time.
Tom Fondy
A Lifetime of Thoughts on the
Mystic Harp
See: “There Is Not More of Wonder”
“We’ll meet again.
Don’t know where.
Don’t know when”
(Love Song from World War II)
Those never held in Time’s Embrace,
Time cannot forget
Memories on the Mystic Harp
Nor all of time together
Their precious like beget.
Hear the silent laughter
From days no one remembers,
Hear the laughing children
From the Land of the Never-Yet
Feel the warming rays
Of a Sun that only set.
The spirits of children
Of lovers never met.
They flit through the meadows
Play hide-and-seek with chipmunks
Play upon the mystic harp
The pensive longing chords,
The spirits of children
Of lovers never met.
That search in vain for memories
That no one’s heart records.
With respect to the use of the Turning Point XR-Transmitter System
This response is set at anonymous. You will not be identified with your answer, only
that you are responding.
This is a disaster! Forget about it!
This system is not very good. It has a long
way to go to be a useful part of Biology
courses, but it is worth working on.
The XR system is OK. It is worth keeping
and using if you can make it work better.
The system was actually pretty cool. It made
an important contribution to the standards in
BIO 501.
The use of the XR system was an exciting
advance in group communication in the
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