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The North vs.The
War brews
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Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from North
What will be one advantage of the North
in the Civil War?
$100 Answer from North
The North has all of the factories
to manufacture war supplies and more
railroads to move supplies and soldiers. It
also has a great population to fight.
$200 Question from North
What did the growth of the cotton
industry create more of a need for?
$200 Answer from North
Slaves to do the work
$300 Question from North
Name 3 differences that existed
between the North and the South
$300 Answer from North
The North was industrial, while the
South was agricultural. The North
disagreed with slavery, and wanted to
prevent its spread.
The South needed slavery to support its
economy. The North supported the tariff on
imported goods and the South did not. The
South believed in states’ rights.
$400 Question from North
What were the opinions of both the
North and South on the topic of
$400 Answer from North
The North thought it was unfair and cruel; the South
Needed slaves to support their economy.
$500 Question from North
How did Harriet Beecher Stowe further
divide the North and the South?
$500 Answer from North
She wrote a story describing the cruelty of slavery and how
slavery was not just a Southern problem, but a national problem.
Her book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin convinced many northerners that
slavery was wrong.
The Southerners thought that Stowe’s picture of slavery was wrong.
The book was another source of disagreement between
the North and the South.
$100 Question from South
What is the term that describes when a
person has more loyalty towards one part
of the country instead of the whole nation?
$100 Answer from South
$200 Question from South
During the Civil War, what was the
name given to the North and the
$200 Answer from South
The North was called the Union and
The South was called the Confederacy.
$300 Question from South
Who are the two presidents within the
US during this time and what side did
they each represent?
$300 Answer from South
Abraham Lincoln was elected
President of the US and became the
Union leader. Jefferson Davis was the
Confederate president.
$400 Question from South
Why was the South angered by
the election of Abraham Lincoln
as president? (Two reasons)
What happened as a result of Lincoln
getting elected?
$400 Answer from South
The South thought that the federal government was
becoming too strong and they also thought that
Lincoln would try to put an end to slavery.
After he was elected, states started seceding from the
$500 Question from South
Name three compromises that the Congress
came up with to keep both the North and
the South happy.
$500 Answer from South
The Missouri Compromise, the
Compromise of 1850, and the
Kansas-Nebraska Act.
$100 Question from
Who was known as the “Great
$100 Answer from Compromises
Henry Clay
$200 Question from Compromises
Explain the concept of states’ rights.
$200 Answer from Compromises
States’ rights was something that the South
wanted for each individual state. They
believed that each state should be able to
make decisions for themselves.
$300 Question from Compromises
What was the plan under the Missouri
$300 Answer from Compromises
Missouri would join the Union as
a slave state and Maine as a free
state and that would keep
the balance between the free and
slave states. There would be an
invisible line drawn through the rest
of the new lands and slavery would be
allowed South of the line and North of the
line there would be none.
$400 Question from Compromises
The Fugitive Slave Law was one of the big
parts of the Compromise of 1850. What did
The law say and how did the North and
South feel towards it?
$400 Answer from Compromises
The Fugitive Slave Law said that all people had to return
Escaped slaves to their rightful owners. The North was
Angered by the law, but the South supported it.
$500 Question from Compromises
What did the Kansas-Nebraska
act say and what was a result of it?
$500 Answer from Compromises
The act said that people living in Kansas
and Nebraska can now decide for themselves
whether they want to be a free slave or a slave
state. This led to fighting when people from
all over flocked to Kansas hoping to have a
say in the decision. This was called “Bleeding
$100 Question from Abolitionists
What is the definition of
an abolitionist?
$100 Answer from Abolitionists
An abolitionist is a person who is against
slavery and believes it is wrong.
$200 Question from Abolitionists
Name two struggles that free blacks living in the South
$200 Answer from Abolitionists
Free blacks living in the South faced
constant discrimination and laws that
limited their freedom. These laws
prohibited them to travel and meet in groups.
$300 Question from Abolitionists
Name two famous abolitionists and tell me one fact
about each.
$300 Answer from Abolitionists
William Lloyd Garrison began printing an antislavery newspaper
called The Liberator.
Frederick Douglass was a former slave who escaped and raised
enough $$ to buy his freedom.
Sojourner Truth had been born into slavery and spoke out against it.
Sarah and Angela Grimke were daughters of a slaveowner
$400 Question from Abolitionists
What was the purpose of the
Underground Railroad and who was
one of its most famous conductors?
$400 Answer from Abolitionists
The purpose of the Underground RR
was to get escaped slaves into freedom.
The most famous conductor was named
Harriet Tubman.
$500 Question from Abolitionists
Why was John Brown’s raid on
Harper’s Ferry important?
$500 Answer from Abolitionists
John Brown’s raid gained the support
of the North and worried the South.
The South feared that the abolitionists were
trying to start a slave rebellion.
$100 Question from War Brews
What is the term that describes one
Part of a country breaking off from
$100 Answer from War Brews
$200 Question from War Brews
What is the name for a war when the
opponents are both from the same country?
$200 Answer from War Brews
A Civil War
$300 Question from War Brews
What was the one remaining
place in the South that was
controlled by the North?
$300 Answer from War Brews
Fort Sumter
$400 Question from War Brews
How did each side (N & S) react
to John Brown and his raid on
Harper’s Ferry?
$400 Answer from War Brews
The South was afraid it would start other
Slave rebellions and the North saw Brown
As a hero.
$500 Question from War Brews
When the battle at Fort Sumter ended,
who was left in control? How did they
$500 Answer from War Brews
After the battle was over, the South had
gained control of Fort Sumter. They
decided to attack the fort before the
supplies came in from the North.
Final Jeopardy
Name eight causes of the Civil War.
Final Jeopardy Answer
Causes of the Civil War include:
The Dred Scott decision
Fort Sumter
The Missouri Compromise
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Compromise of 1850
Lincoln being Elected
Differences in views on slavery, the tariff, and the issue
of states’ rights
John Brown’s Raid
Uncle Tom’s Cabin