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SOL Review Questions:
U.S. History Part I
Mrs. LeRoux
Oak Knoll Middle School
What continent is number 1?
What continent is number 2?
What continent is number 3?
What continent is number 5?
South America
What continent is number 6?
How many continents are there?
What mountain range is number
Sierra Nevada
What mountain range is number
Rocky Mountains
What mountain range is number
Appalachian Mountains
What area is marked by the
number 4?
Great Plains
What body of water is number 5?
Gulf of Mexico
What river is number 1?
Mississippi River
What river is number 2?
Rio Grande River
What Indian group is likely to
live in the structure above?
What were reasons for
exploration of the New World?
• Economic - Gold, Natural resources, and
• Religion
What were obstacles to
Poor maps and navigational tools
fear of unknown
lack of adequate supplies
What were accomplishments
of exploration?
• Exchange of goods and ideas
• Improved ships and navigational tools
• new lands or territories
What areas were claimed by
• Florida
• Mexico
What areas were claimed by
• Quebec
• Mississippi River Valley
• Areas West of the Appalachian
What was the reason for settling
Roanoke Island and Jamestown?
• Economic reasons for England
What was the first permanent English
settlement in North America?
• Jamestown (1607)
Why were the colonies of Plymouth and
Massachusetts Bay Colony settled?
• Religious Freedom
Pennsylvania was settled by
• Quakers
Georgia was a _______colony.
• Debtor’s colony
Name the New England
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New England’s economy was
based on_____________.
Fishing, shipbuilding, trade and
port cities
Political life in New England was
centered around________.
Town meetings
Name the Mid-Atlantic Colonies:
New York
New Jersey
The economy of the Mid-Atlantic
colonies was based on:
What colonial area contained our largest cities
and had the most diverse lifestyles?
• The Mid-Atlantic
Name the Southern Colonies:
North Carolina
South Carolina
The economy of the Southern Colonies
was based on_________.
Large farms/plantations, cash
crops, wood products and slavery
What is an indentured servant?
• Men and women who did not have money
for passage to the colonies and who
agreed to work without pay for the
person who paid for their passage.
England________the colonies
after the French and Indian War.
• taxed
One tax England passed to help pay the cost
of the French and Indian War was the______.
• Stamp Act
Key philosophies of the
Declaration of Independence
• People have rights
• government protects people’s rights
• power comes from the people
Who was King of Great Britain
during the Revolutionary War?
• King George III
What was the last Battle of the
Revolutionary War?
• Battle of Yorktown
Who was the British general that
surrendered at Yorktown?
• Lord Cornwallis
Who was the author of the
Declaration of Independence?
• Thomas Jefferson
Who said,“Give me liberty or
give me death”?
• Patrick Henry
Who wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet
describing King George III as a royal bully?
• Thomas Paine
What is the name of the treaty that ended the
Revolutionary War?
• Treaty of Paris
If you could say one word to describe the Articles of
Confederation, what would it be and why?
• weak
What is federalism?
• A system that divides power between the
national government and governments of
the states.
How many branches of government did the
U. S. Constitution create?
• 3 (Legislative, Executive, Judicial)
Who was the author of the Bill of
• James Madison
Political Parties formed because of the
differences between____and _____.
• Thomas Jefferson and Alexander
What president is responsible for purchasing
the Louisiana Territory?
• Thomas Jefferson
Even though the U.S. did not win (nobody did), what was an
important result after the War of 1812?
• gained respect from European Nations
James Monroe wrote
• Monroe Doctrine which warned
European nations not to interfere in the
Western Hemisphere.
The United States gained Florida
• Spain
The Oregon Territory was
divided between____and____.
• Great Britain and the United States
Who invented the cotton gin?
• Eli Whitney
Jo Anderson and Cyrus McCormick
worked to invent the_____.
• the mechanical reaper.
The steamboat was invented
• Robert Fulton
Abolitionists believed that
slavery was________.
• wrong
Three abolitionist leaders
• Harriet Tubman
• William Lloyd Garrison
• Frederick Douglass
What does suffrage mean?
• Right to vote
Three women who worked for
women’s rights were_____.
• Sojourner Truth
• Susan B. Anthony
• Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The Civil War was fought over
the ________issue.
• slavery
The first state to secede or leave
the Union was____.
• South Carolina
Who was President of the United
States during the Civil War?
• Abraham Lincoln
Who was President of the Confederate
States of America during the Civil War?
• Jefferson Davis
Who was the leader of the
Confederate Army?
• Robert E. Lee
The Civil War began with the
firing on _________.
• Fort Sumter
The turning point of the Civil
War was________.
• The Battle of Gettysburg
One thing that helped the Union
defeat the Confederates was
• The Union blockade of Southern ports
The 13th Amendment banned
• slavery
Carpetbaggers were Northerners
• Took advantage of Southerners after the
Civil War.
The period following the Civil
War was called____.
• Reconstruction