* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Using VR and multimedia in Native American Arts New Voices and New Visions for Engaging Native Americans in Computer Science Workshop August 21, 2008 UNM Center for High Performance Computing Native Artists Guest Artists were invited to present their body of work to the class, help the students with conceptualization of their own artistic endeavors, and also collaborate and offer technical insight to students for work to eventually be presented in the virtual worlds the students created. Felix Vigil Jemez Pueblo • Painter • Taught the sandpainting project in Semester 1 • Conceptual Design of virtual world for Semester 1 Bruce King Oneida • Writer and Playwright • Development of stories and themes for virtual worlds Raven Chacon Diné • Composer and noise artist • Sound media development and editing • Worked with students in year one and year two Larry McNeil Tlingit/Nishga • Digital Photography • Native American digital art and imagery • Visual development and techniques Manny Rettinger Mexican American/Apache • Ubik Sound Studio • CD Mastering of popular music groups • UNM Recording Engineer • Recording Studio for class audio projects Joy Harjo Muskogee Creek • Poet and Musician • Professor in English • Collaborated with students in recording studio with poetry and original music. Nick Galanin Tlingit • Experimental Sculpture • Jewelry • Digital art and video installations Erica Lord Athabascan/Inupiat • Photography • Performance Art • Installations and video projects • Sculpture with trash Bunky Echo-Hawk Pawnee/Yakama • Painter • Co-founded the NVision Organization, who reach out to Native youth through multimedia.