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Chapter 23 Section 5
Literature, Music, and Art in the
Industrial Age
• Many writers of the 1800’s , reacting against the age of
reason and science joined an artistic movement known
as romanticism.
• Their work appealed to the imagination and spirit of
• {They showed life as they wanted it to be rather than
how it was}
• Romantics valued emotion and instinct above reason
• In Britain poets included Wordsworth, Keats, and lord
• Other writers include Sir Walter Scott in Scotland, The
Grimm Brothers in Germany, and James Fenimore
Cooper in America
• In Music like in literature there was a movement toward
• One of the inspirations for this was German composer
Ludwig Von Beethoven
• He expressed his love of nature in Pastoral Symphony
• Beethoven’s music became known for its powerful and
passionate emotions
• Tchaikovsky wrote ballet music, operas and symphonies
• His works were often built around stories such as
Sleeping Beauty, Romeo and Juliet, and Napoleon’s
defeat in Russia
• Other composers include Wagner (VAHG nuhr), Verdi,
and Chopin (SHOH pan)
Art and Architecture
• Romantic painters, like romantic writers, chose
subjects from the past and their paintings were
full of drama and action
• Some opted for painting outside rather than in
the studio. As a result their color use was more
vivid and intense
• In architecture there was a return to the so called
gothic revival of the mid 1800’s
• The gothic revival was an attempt to recreate the
great architectural style of the middle ages
• This is reflected in many Churches, colleges, and
public buildings in the US
Gothic style Buildings
• The age of Photography began in 1839 when
the daguerreotype was introduced
• Photography showed people the world in new
different ways
• Photos taken by William Jackson influenced
congress to make Yellowstone the first national
• {Matthew Brady’s pictures of the Civil war
showed people the reality of war}
• The cameras ability to show scenes like these
helped give rise to realism
Matthew Brady
The Rise of Realism
• {In the mid 1800’s writers and artists began to
deal with everyday life and social settings, in an
approach called realism}
• For example Mark Twain described life along the
Mississippi river
• Naturalists took realism even further by showing
ugly and unpleasant aspects of everyday life
• The exposure of social problems helped bring
about reform
• Impressionist painters tried to paint vivid
impressions of people and places by studying
light and color
Experiments in art
• Painters and sculptors often rebelled against the
industrial world
• There was less nationalism in art than in literature and
art. There was also more individual experimentation
• Landscapes and still life's of painter Paul Cezanne
explored the forms and shapes of his subjects
• Other artists include Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin (goh
GAN), Edgar Degas
• That is the end of the notes!
Review Questions
• In Romanticism what did their work
• Matthew Brady’s pictures of which war
showed people the reality of war
• In the mid 1800’s writers and artists
began to deal with everyday life and
social settings, What was the approach
Paul Cezanne
Van Gogh
Edgar Degas