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Systemic disease and
the eye
Common systemic diseases
affecting the eye
Endocrine – diabetes,
Connective tissue
disease – RA/ SLE/
Wegeners/ PAN/
Systemic sclerosis
Vasculitides (GCA)
Behcet’s Disease
Vogt Koyanagi Harada
1. Soft tissue involvement
Periorbital and lid swelling
Conjunctival hyperaemia
Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis
Eyelid retraction
Optic neuropathy
Restrictive myopathy
Soft tissue involvement
Periorbital and lid swelling
Conjunctival hyperaemia
Superior limbic
Signs of eyelid retraction
Occurs in about 50%
• Bilateral lid retraction
• No associated proptosis
• Bilateral lid retraction
• Bilateral proptosis
• Unilateral lid retraction
• Unilateral proptosis
• Lid lag in downgaze
• Occurs in about 50%
• Uninfluenced by treatment of hyperthyroidism
Axial and permanent in about 70%
May be associated with choroidal folds
Treatment options
• Systemic steroids
• Radiotherapy
• Surgical decompression
Optic neuropathy
• Occurs in about 5%
• Early defective colour vision
• Usually normal disc appearance
Caused by optic nerve
compression at
orbital apex by enlarged recti
Often occurs in absence of significant
Restrictive myopathy
• Occurs in about 40%
• Due to fibrotic contracture
Elevation defect - most common Abduction defect - less common
Depression defect - uncommon
Adduction defect - rare
Idiopathic multisystem disorder
Characterised by non-caseating
More common in women 20-50 yrs
More common in blacks and Asians
? Related to mycobacteria
Systemic Involvement
Lung lesions – 95%
Thoracic lymph nodes
– 50%
Skin lesions – 30% 
Eyes – 30%
Ocular Involvement
Anterior segment
lesions (30%)
Conjunctival granuloma
Lacrimal gland
involvement/dry eye
Acute or chronic uveitis
KPs described as
‘mutton fat’ because they
are large and greasy
Ocular Involvement
Posterior segment
lesions (20%)
Patchy venous sheathing
Cellular infiltrate around
Vasculitis including
occlusive causing:Neovascularisation
Infiltrate in vitreous
(vitritis) including cell
clumps (snowballs)
Ocular Involvement
Sheathing of the
retinal veins
angiography showing
leakage and staining
at sites of sheathing
Granuloma in Fundus
Retinal and preretinal
Granuloma in Fundus
Optic nerve head
Normal optic nerve
Systemic Signs
Lupus pernio affecting
the nose – a chronic
cutaneous sarcoid
that most commonly
affects face and ears
Systemic signs
Facial palsy
Salivary gland
Systemic signs
Hilar adenopathy on
chest x-ray
Lung infiltrate
Erythema nodosum
Investigations (1)
CXR – to detect
pulmonary signs
Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
Pulmonary mottling
Investigations (2)
Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme
(ACE) – elevated in active sarcoidosis
Mantoux test – caution in patients who
have had BCG vaccination. Test may be
Lung function tests
Investigations (3)
Gallium scan showing
increased uptake in
the lacrimal and
parotid glands and
pulmonary regions in
a patient with active
Systemic steroids may be necessary in
patients with posterior segment disease
where vision is threatened, especially if
optic nerve is involved
1. Neurofibromatosis
• Type I (NF-1) - von Recklinghausen disease
• Type II (NF-2) - bilateral acoustic neuromas
2. Tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville disease)
3. von-Hippel-Lindau syndrome
4. Sturge-Weber syndrome
Neurofibromatosis type-1 - (NF-1)
Most common phacomatosis
Affects 1:4000 individuals
Presents in childhood
Gene localized to chromosome 17q11
Café-au-lait spots
Appear during first year of life
Increase in size and number
throughout childhood
Fibroma molluscum in NF-1
Appear at puberty
• Pedunculated, flabby nodules consisting of
neurofibromas or schwannomas
Increase in number
throughout life
• Usually widely distributed
Plexiform neurofibroma in NF-1
Appear during childhood
Large and ill-defined
• May be associated with
overgrowth of skin
Skeletal defects in NF-1
Facial hemiatrophy
Mild head enlargement - uncommon
Other - scoliosis, short stature, thinning
of long bones
Orbital lesions in NF-1
Optic nerve glioma in 15%
Spheno-orbital encephalocele
• Sagittal MRI scan of optic nerve
glioma invading hypothalamus
• Glioma may be uni or bilateral
• Axial CT scan of congenital absence
of left greater wing of sphenoid bone
• Pulsating proptosis without bruit!
Eyelid neurofibromas in NF-1
May cause mechanical ptosis May be associated with glaucoma
Intraocular lesions in NF-1
Lisch nodules
Very common - eventually
present in 95% of cases
Congenital ectropion uveae
Uncommon - may be
associated with glaucoma
Choroidal naevi
Retinal astrocytomas
Common - may be
Multifocal and bilateral
Rare - identical to those seen
In tuberous sclerosis
Ocular features of NF-2
Very common p
- resenile cataract
Common - combined hamartomas of
RPE and retina
Tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville disease)
Autosomal dominant
Triad - mental handicap, epilepsy, adenoma sebaceum
Adenoma sebaceum
Around nose and
Appear after age 1
and slowly enlarge
Ash leaf spots
Hypopigmented skin patches
In infants best detected using
ultraviolet light (Wood’s lamp)
Shagreen patches
Diffuse thickening over
lumbar region
Present in 40%
Systemic hamartomas in tuberous sclerosis
Astrocytic cerebral hamartomas
• Slow-growing periventricular tumours
• May cause hydrocephalus, epilepsy and
mental retardation
Visceral and subungual hamartomas
Usually asymptomatic and
• Kidneys (angiomyolipoma),
heart (rhabdomyoma)
Retinal astrocytomas in tuberous scleritis
Innocuous tumour present in 50% of patients
May be multiple and bilateral
Semitranslucent nodule
White plaque
Dense white tumour Mulberry-like tumour
Systemic features of v-H-L syndrome
Autosomal dominant
CNS Haemangioblastoma
MRI-spinal cord tumour
Angiogram of cerebellar
Visceral tumours
• Tumours - renal
carcinoma and
Cysts - kidneys, liver,
pancreas, epididymis,
ovary and lungs
Retinal capillary haemangioma
in v-H-L syndrome
Vision-threatening tumour present in 50% of patients
May be multiple and bilateral
Tiny lesion between
Small red nodule
arteriole and venuole
Associated dilatation and
Round orange-red mass tortuosity of feeder vessels
Systemic features of Sturge-Weber syndrome
Naevus flammeus
Congenital, does not
blanche with pressure
Associated with ipsilateral
glaucoma in 30% of cases
Meningeal haemangioma
CT scan showing left
parietal haemangioma
Complications –mental retard,
epilepsy and hemiparesis
Ocular features of Sturge-Weber syndrome
Buphthalmos in 60% May be associated with
episcleral haemangioma
Diffuse choroidal haemangioma
Normal eye
Affected eye
Peripheral corneal involvement in
rheumatoid arthritis
Without inflammation
With inflammation
• Chronic and asymptomatic
• Acute and painful
• Circumferential thinning with intact • Circumferential ulceration and
epithelium (‘contact lens cornea’)
Treatment - systemic steroids and/or cytotoxic drugs
Peripheral corneal involvement in
Wegener granulomatosis and polyarteritis nodos
Circumferential and central
ulceration similar to Mooren ulcer
Unlike Mooren ulcer sclera may also
become involved
Treatment - systemic steroids and cyclophosphamide
Ocular manifestations of
HIV infection
AIDS is an infectious disease caused by the gradual
decrease in CD4+ T lymphocytes causing
subsequent opportunistic infections and neoplasia. It
is a blood borne and sexually transmitted infection
caused by the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
Approximately 36 million persons around the world
are infected. Up to 70% of patients infected with HIV
will develop some form of ocular involvement, ie:
direct infection by HIV,opportunistic infections and
HIV infection progresses though different phases
Ophthalmic Manifestations of HIV Infection
Molluscum Contagiosum
Herpes Zoster
Kaposi’s Sarcoma
Conjunctival Squamous
Cell Carcinoma
Dry Eye
Anterior Uveitis
Retinal Microvasculopathy
CMV Retinitis
Acute Retinal Necrosis
Progressive Outer Retinal
Syphilis Retinitis
Candida albicans
Molluscum Contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum is a
viral infection of the skin.
Affects up to 20% of
symptomatic HIV infected
Clinically appears like painless,
small, umbilicated nodules,
which produce a waxy
discharge when pressured.
Treatment consists on excision
of the lesion, curettage or
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
Due to the reactivation of a latent infection by Varicella
Zoster Virus in the dorsal root of trigeminal nerve
It manifests with a maculo-papulo-vesicular rash which
often is preceded by pain. Usually involves the upper lid
and does not cross the midline
Treatment consists on oral Aciclovir 800mg 5 times
/day. In immunocompromised patients Aciclovir is given
intravenously for two weeks. Ocular manifestations
such as anterior uveitis, are treated with topical steroids
and mydriatics.
Kaposi’s Sarcoma
Kaposi’s sarcoma is a vascular neoplasm which is almost
exclusively seen in patients with AIDS.
KS is the commonest anterior segment lesion seen in AIDS;
appears as a violaceous non-tender nodule on the eyelid or
Typically KS involves only the skin but when there is a
reduced CD4 count it can progress rapidly to other sites
such as the gastrointestinal tract and CNS
Treatment of ocular adnexal KS may be necessary for
cosmesis and to relieve functional difficulties. The mainstay
of treatment is radiotherapy. Other options include
cryotherapy or chemotherapy.
Conjunctival Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the third most
common neoplasm associated to HIV infection.
This may be due to an interaction between HIV, sunlight
and Human Papilloma Virus infection.
SCC appears as a pink, gelatinous growth, usually in the
interpalpebral area. Often an engorged blood vessel
feeding the tumour is seen.
It may extend onto the cornea, but deep invasion and
metastasis are rare.
The treatment of choice is local excision and cryotherapy
but the presence of orbital invasion is an indication of
Trichomegaly or
hypertrichosis is an
exaggerated growth of
the eye lashes found in
the later stages of the
The cause is not known
When symptomatic or for
cosmetic reasons the
eyelashes can be
trimmed or plucked
Dry Eye
Sicca syndrome is
common with HIV
Patients complain of
burning uncomfortable
red eyes.
There are several
causes of dry eye in
HIV infection from
blepharitis to
destruction of the
lacrimal glands.
Treatment is with tear
Anterior Uveitis
HIV related anterior uveitis can be:
Direct manifestation of the HIV
autoimmnune in origin
drug induced ie: rifabutin, secondary
to direct toxic effect upon the nonpigmented epithelium of the ciliary
Any of the different infections
associated with AIDS :Herpes Zoster Virus,
Herpes Simplex Virus,
Toxoplasma gondii
Rifabutin induced anterior uveitis
Retinal microvasculitis
Retinal microvasculopathy occurs in more than half of the
patients with HIV
It is seen as transient cotton wool spots (CWS), intra-retinal
haemorrhages and microaneurysm,
Occurs in 50-70% of patients. It is usually asymptomatic.
Unclear pathogenesis,but thought to be HIV infection of retinal
vascular cells.
Serological test for HIV will confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment is based in delaying the progression of the disease
associated with HIV.
Cotton Wool Spots
CMV Retinitis
CMV Retinitis is the commonest intraocular ocular opportunistic infection
seen in patients with AIDS
Antibodies are found in almost 95% of adults, causing a trivial illness in
immunocompetent adults, however severe immunosuppression causes
viral reactivation and tissue invasive disease
Reactivation from extraocular sites leads to seeding in other sites such
as the retina
The number of newly diagnosed cases of CMVR has decreased since
the introduction of the HAART
Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
CMV Retinitis
Clinical manifestations
Patients may complain of minor visual symptoms such as floaters,
flashing lights or mild blurred vision, or be totally asymptomatic.
It presents with a wide range of clinical appearances. From cotton wool
spots which may look like HIV Retinopathy to confluent areas of full
thickness retinal necrosis and vasculitis. CMVR can progress in a
“brushfire” pattern from the active edge of an active lesion. The retinal
vessels in an affected area show attenuation, becoming ghost vessels
The treatment of CMVR in patients with AIDS requires the use of specific
antiviral agents, ganciclovir, foscarnet or cidovir in conjunction with
These treatments can be administered orally, intravenously or
intravitreally. Systemic treatment has the advantage of treating infection
elsewhere in the body as well as the other eye but has the
disadvantages of systemic side effects.
CMV Retinitis
Acute Retinal Necrosis
ARN is a confluent peripheral whitening of the retina with
marked vitritis and blood vessel closure. Optic neuritis
and retinal detachment are frequent complications.
ARN is usually due to Varicella-Zoster infection, but it can
also be caused by Herpes Simplex virus or
Initially described in the immunocompetent, it has also
been described in the immunosuppressed.
The diagnosis is mainly clinical and is confirmed by PCR
assays on vitreous samples.
Patients are treated with high doses of intravenous
aciclovir or famciclovir, combined with laser treatment to
prevent retinal detachment.
Acute Retinal Necrosis
Progressive Outer Retinal Necrosis
(Varicella-Zoster Retinitis)
PORN is a devastating viral retinitis caused by Varicella-Zoster
virus, without vitritis or retinal vasculitis.
The retinitis can be located anywhere but it is common for the
lesions to coalesce and spread posteriorly in a rapid fashion.
The main symptom is rapid loss of vision.The retina shows
typically a white lesion with no haemorrhages or exudates.
Treatment is often unsatisfactory (Ganciclovir and Aciclovir).
The prognosis is very poor and retinal detachment is common.
Resolution may leave a white plaque with the appearance of
“cracked mud”.
Toxoplasma Retinochoroiditis
Toxoplasmosis retinochoroiditis is an uncommon
infection of the eye in AIDS.
Ocular toxoplasmosis in HIV positive patients is different
in appearance from immunocompetent patients.
HIV infected patients often have bilateral and multifocal
disease associated with anterior uveitis and vitritis
No pigmented scars adjacent to the areas of retinal
necrosis. (unlike in immunocompetent patients)
Retinochoroiditis is not self-limiting as it is in
imunocompetent patients.
Toxoplasma Retinochoroiditis
When testing patients for antibodies to toxoplasmosis
both IgG and IgM levels may be raised, but in
immunocompromised patients these tests may be
Often associated with toxoplasma lesions in the Central
Nervous System.
Treatment in immunocompromised patients
sulphadiazine or clindamycin +/- pyrimethamine and
folinic acid (triple therapy).
Long term maintenance to prevent relapses.
MRI T1 showing an uniformly
enhancing lesion in the
One week later, the lesion
showing ring enhancement
Syphilis Retinitis
There is a strong association between syphilis and
HIV infection.
It can manifest as a retinitis with dense vitritis,
retinal vasculitis, serous retinal detachment or
neuroretinitis, conjunctivitis, anterior uveitis, cranial
nerve palsies and optic neuritis.
Treatment high dose of intravenous Penicillin for 2
Candida albicans
Infection with candida albicans is rare. Candida albicans
is the commonest cause of fungal endophthalmitis
Affected patients usually have a history of drug abuse
or indwelling central lines or immuno-compromised.
In the initial stages, floaters are the main symptom. As
the condition progresses, whitish “puff-balls” and
vitreous strands develop (‘string of pearls’)
The treatment depends on the severity of the ocular
involvement and systemic disease. The original foci
should be removed. The drugs of choice are
Amphotericin B and Fluconazole
Candida albicans
CD4: Director of the immune response. When activated it
releases cytokines which in turn will activate the immune
Cotton Wool Spots: Light-coloured deposits in the retina
to infarcts of the nerve fibre layer
HAART: Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
Immunoblogulin: Protein in charge of fighting foreign
substances in
our body. IgG is the commonest type of
immunoglobulin and IgM is the earliest class
of immunoglobulin.
PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction is a technique used to make
numerous copies of an specific portion of DNA
VDRL: Venereal Disease Research Laboratory. The test
becomes negative after successful treatment of the disease.