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The required textbook for
this course is
Physical Chemistry
8th Edition
by Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula
(©2006, W.H. Freeman & Company)
An ALTERNATE version of the textbook
available at a lower cost.
• Includes the complete textbook – every word, graphic,
table, and appendix
• Includes access to Explorations in Physical Chemistry,
the dynamic “living graph” demonstration system
• You can take notes, highlight and print.
• Convenient access to your textbook from any Internet
connection – you don’t have to carry it everywhere.
You have the choice in your course resources.
The eBook content matches the print book exactly.
If your textbook was
packaged with an eBook
access code, you can
redeem it at the site:
1. Click “register.”
2. Fill out the information
and you’re ready to go.
* Be sure to hold on to the access
card until you redeem it.
If you would like to
purchase the access,
you can do so at the site:
1. Click “purchase.”
2. Enter your school Zip
3. Choose a user name
and password. Fill out
the remaining info and
you’re ready to go.
* Be sure to remember your
username and password
Other options:
2 Volume Option:
This text is available in two volumes for
easier transport. Those students who are
not taking both semesters of the course may
consider using either of the volumes.
Volume 1: Thermodynamics and Kinetics: 0716774348
Volume 2: Quantum Chemistry, Spectroscopy, and Statistical
Thermodynamics: 0716774321
Explorations in Physical Chemistry
Interactive Mathcad
and Excel Worksheets
allow students to
manipulate variables
to see the cause-andeffect relationships of
Physical Chemistry.
Available with each new copy of
the text at no charge. Included
in eBook package.
Need support?
1-800-936-6899 Monday-Friday, 9-5 EST
[email protected]