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Sensorineural hearing loss in children &
Cochlear Implant
Sensorineural hearing loss in children
1 non genetic SNHL
2 genetic SNHL
SNHL in children
Permanent congenital or
early onset hearing loss
in the moderate to
profound range (41 to
100 dB)
Intervention instituted
< 6 months of age lead
to poor academic
performance & school
behavior problems
30% - 40% of children with hearing loss =>
health-related developmental + communicative
Early Hearing Detection& Intervention (EHDI)
studies of universal newborn hearing screening
- evoked otoacoustic emissions (EOAE)
- automated auditory brainstem response (AABR)
National EHDI goals
(a) all newborns will be screened for hearing loss
< 1 month of age
(b) all infants who screen positive will have a
diagnostic audiologic assess < 3 months of age
(c) infants identified with a hearing loss will
begin receiving early intervention services < 6
months of age
Multidisciplinary team
- prenatal, birth& postnatal history
& FH for hearing loss
- speech or language disorders;ENT disorders &
craniofacial deformities, such syndromic features (
kidney disorders, sudden death of a family member at a young
age, thyroid disease, intracranial tumors, progressive blindness
and cafe au lait spots )
- marital pedigree
HL syndromes ( auricular displacement or
malformation, preauricular or branchial pits,
white forelock, heterochromia irides, blue
sclerae, dystopia canthorum, facial asymmetry,
and cafe aulait spots ) & vision test
ECG, hemato & chem, TFT,
tests for congenital infection
[e.g., toxoplasmosis, syphilils,CMV], renal
U/S & temporal bone imaging
Childhood deafness, confirm lab within
first 2 - 3 weeks of life
Cytomegalovirus Infection
Most prevalent cause of intrauterine viral infection
Direct transmission of CMV
- vertically or horizontally
Primary infection can lead to months or years of viral
shedding in saliva, urine, semen & cervical or vaginal
Particular CMV => VIII th nerve
Cytomegalovirus Infection
Congenital CMV infection rate - high (20% to
- lower socioeconomic
- mothers < 20 years of age, most of whom
are unmarried (80% in one study)
Cytomegalovirus Infection
Perinatally infected infants - pneumonitis, slow weight
gain, adenopathy, rash, jaundice, anemia & atypical
shed virus in bodily secretions from birth and peripostnatally infected infants can begin excreting virus
between 3 and 12 weeks of age
Definitive Dx - viral isolation from urine or saliva e.g
PCR within the first 2 weeks of life
10% - 15% symptomatic CMV
90% having cytomegalic inclusion disease
(CID), with involve CNS & RE system,
hepatosplenomegaly, petechiae & jaundice
Cytomegalovirus Infection
2 years of age=> nearly
all infants with CID
- Severe mental&
perceptual deficits, with
severe to profound
SNHL & chorioretinitis
& optic atrophy in 25%
to 30% of cases
90% of CMV-infected
neonates who are
asymptomatic at birthimproved prognosis ( neuro
development), but other
sequelae, including SNHL
(10% to 15% of cases), can
Cytomegalovirus Infection
Congenital CMV infection – 1/3 of
sensorineural impairments in young children
develop permanent CMV - related hearing
impairment, which can be delayed months or
Fluctuate & progress in severity over time
Cytomegalovirus Infection
Limited antiviral therapy trials (ganciclovirtreated group) After 6 months of F/U with
-84% improved hearing /maintained normal ABR
- 59% of nontreated controls
At 1 year,
21% of the treatment group did have more
hearing loss
full 68% of controls also showed a worsening of
auditory thresholds
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
Fetal infection varies
15% in the 1st trimester
30% in 2nd trimester
60% in 3rd trimester
Highest risk of severe congenital toxoplasmosis
associated with primary maternal infection (weeks 10 24 of preg)
Spiramycin administered to expectant mothers with
documented primary infection during pregnancy can
reduce transmission to the fetus up to 60%
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
75% - 80% - asymptomatic at birth
15%- eye findings
10% - severely involved
Untreated neonates with subclinical infection are at
high risk for later chorioretinitis with decreasing VA (up
to 85% by age 20)
- progressive CNS involvement with decreased
intellectual function, deafness & precocious puberty
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
1 spiramycin - 1st-2nd trimester
2 pyrimethamine & sulfadiazine
late second trimester may reduce the frequency of
transplacental transmission & serious fetal sequelae
3 folinic acid – ameliorate bone marrow suppression
Studies of prenatal treatment of infected mothers
reveal a 0.6% fetal infection rate - in early pregnancy
- 3.7% during the 6th to 16th wk(GA)
- 20% in 16th through the 25th wk
- 70% in untreated mothers
U/S fetal infection =>intracranial calcifications,
ventricular dilatation, hepatic enlargement,
ascites, & increased placental thickness
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
may be hydrocephalus,
microcephaly, intracranial
strabismus, blindness,
epilepsy, psychomotor,
thrombocytopenia c
petechiae & anemia
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
PCR confirms detect T. gondii DNA
Offspring of mothers with maternal infection should
be treated for up to 1 year
- CT scans to assess CNS status?
- ophthalmo. exam for chorioretinitis?
- audio evaluation to detect delayed onset
hearing loss?
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
15% - 25% of untreated => develope SNHL
A Chicago-based study of treated infants with
longitudinal ABR & behavioral audiologic tests no hearing loss among 57 infected infants
Congenital Syphilis
CS caused by transplacental transmission of spirochete
Treponema pallidum
may be obvious at birth or late as the fifth decade of
most likely during
- primary syphilis (70% to 100%)
- late stage (30%)
CS ,early-onset(first 3 months of life)
associated with maternal
infection early in
infants = LBW with
hepatosplenomegaly &
mucocutaneous & rhinitis
diffuse, maculopapular,
desquamating skin rash
+ palms & soles of the
Classic stigmata of congenital
SNHL, interstitial keratitis, Hutchinson teeth (notched
incisors), mulberry molars, Clutton joints (bilateral
painless knee effusions), nasal septal perforation &
saddle deformity& frontal bossing. Skeletal findings
osteochondritis& periostitis of long bones
radiographic evidence (particularly in the humerus and femur) of
symmetric changes- serrated metaohyseal ends thickened
periosteum & metaphyseal defects of the upper medial tibia
Congenital Syphilis
Offspring of seroreactive mothers should undergo
scrutiny for signs of CS, in addition to histopathologic
exam of the placenta or umbilical cord using
fluorescent antitreponemal antibody staining techniques
If maternal syphilis had been treated by an adequate
regimen, the infant should be treated unless a fourfold
decrease in nontreponemal maternal antibody was
Congenital Syphilis
Prevalence hearing loss with CS = 3%- 38%
- 37% of cases < age 10
- 51% between 25 - 35 years of age
- 12% even later in life
Audiologic follow-up
Congenital Syphilis
Audiometric configuration=
bilateral, flat SNHL, which can present in
children as a sudden, bilateral profound
impairment, usually without vertigo
Congenital Syphilis
Late CS, the hearing loss can be sudden, asymmetric,
fluctuating, and progressive, accompanied often by
episodic tinnitus and vertigo
Poor SDS are typically, loudness recruitment severe &
caloric response weak to absent
A positive labyrinththine fistula test may be present
(Hennebert sign) & Tullio phenomenon, disequilibrium
Congenital Syphilis
FTA-ABS = high sensitivity & specificity rate 98%
False-positive findings => Pt. with autoimmune or
drug-induced collagen vascular Dz
Confirmatory tests
– microhemagglutination assay for T. pallidum (MHATP)& the T. pallidum inhibition test (TPI), which is
highly specific (99%)
Congenital Syphilis
Offspring of seropositive mother should be monitored
with nontreponemal antibody tests at 1, 2, 4, 6, and 12
months of age
Stable or rising titers by 6 months age = indication for
reevaluation & treatment
Infants with neurosyphilis should have serial LP at 6month intervals until the spinal fluid is normal
Congenital Syphilis
The treatment of choice = high dose parenteral
Systemic corticosteroids (oral prednisone) may be
effective in stabilizing or improving hearing in
approximately 50% of patients with syphilitic deafness
SDS may show greater improvement than pure tone
Neonatal Sepsis
Group streptococcal
(GBS) major pathogen
- 80% presenting
during the 1st week of
GBS associated include
hearing loss, vision
developmental delay
Meningitis = common
hearing loss should be
ruled out by ABR in all
survivors of neonatal
Neonatal Sepsis
Most neonatal infections
involve maternal-toinfant transmission of
organisms during labor&
Risk increases with
prolonged labor +early
membrane rupture,
preterm delivery &
maternal intrapartum
Positive maternal vaginal
& rectal cultures within 5
weeks (35 to 37 weeks of
GA) of expected delivery
=> intrapartum
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
HSV-1 & HSV-2 serotypes( most recurrent genital
An initial clinical episode of genital herpes during
pregnancy should be treated with oral acyclovir, but
recurrent episodes during pregnancy should not be
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
risk of transmission from infected mother to
neonate is high =>near time of delivery (30%50%)
- Delivery by cesarean section serves to minimize
the infant’s exposure to HSV if the mother has
symptomatic infection
Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE)
1:2,500 to 1:20,000 live
Incubation period up to
4 wks, neonatal herpes
(HSE) during the 2nd-3rd
postpartum wks
Nonspecific clinical
findings can coexist with
abnormal CSF results in
> 90% of patients
Neonatal HSV present with
- mucocutaneous involvement or disseminated
- 1/4 - 1/3 + meningoencephalitis
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
EEG& imaging studies, CT& MRI
detect focal meningoencephalitis & the only definitive
DX brain biopsy
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
Recommended therapy for all infants having
evidence of neonatal herpes
- IV acyclovir (20 mg/kg body weight) q 8 hrs
- 21 days (disseminated disease)
- 14 days for isolated involvement of the skin and
mucous membranes
In children with focal encephalitis of uncertain
cause should addition to acyclovir, until a
definitive Dx has been reached
Rubella virus - transmitted by a respiratory route
congenital rubella triad of deafness, congenital
cataracts & heart defects
infants with prenatal rubella infection
Up to 90% during 1st
GA < 11 wks
50% GA 11- 20 wks may
acquire the infection
(25% to 50%) =>
primarily hearing loss
3rd trimester (> GA 20th
wk) => unlikely to occur
Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS)
Now includes cataracts or congenital glaucoma,
congenital heart disease (e.g. patent ductus arteriosus or
peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis), hearing loss &
pigmentary retinopathy
Associated purpura,
jaundice, microcephaly,
splenomegaly, mental
meningoencephalitis, or
radiologic evidence of
long bone lucency
Hearing loss, the most
prevalent disability in
Most infants with asymptomatic congenital
rubella manifest sequelae by age 5 years & hearing
loss is the most common finding
SNHL :variable in severity & asymmetric &
audiogram => most commonly( 500- 2,000 Hz)
Mumps and Measles
Spread by respiratory droplets
During viremia, 12 to 25 days after exposure, salivary
glands & meninges can be involved
20% of mumps - asymptomatic
40% to 50% limited primarily to respiratory S/S
Typical parotitis ( 30% to 40% of cases) & aseptic
Mumps and Measles
5/10,000 pts with
mumps => hearing
loss, sudden in onset
- 80% => unilateral,
often + tinnitus,
vertigo, N/V
most common patients
< 5 years and >20 years
of age
15% - 25% of
survivors =>
neurologic sequelae
EIA & radial
hemolysis antibody
tests, can also
confirm DX
Mumps and Measles
most common patients < 5 years and >20 years
of age
15% - 25% of survivors => neurologic sequelae
Bacterial Meningitis & Vaccine Development
1990, newer Hib conjugate vaccines - administration to
infants >2 months of age have decreased the incidence
of invasive Hib Dz
- contraindicated for infants < 6 weeks of age to
avoid inducing immunologic tolerance, rendering the child
unresponsive to subsequent doses
permanent neurologic sequelae, including
SNHL, in 10% to 15% of survivors
Bacterial Meningitis & Vaccine Development
Children < 2 years => mortality rate high
(25%) & high incidence of SNHL
heptavalent pneumococcal vaccine is recommend for all
children aged 2 to 23 mo.& also for patients having
cochlear implant SX
Postmeningitic Hearing Loss: incidence
15%- 20%, most = permanent, bilateral, often
asymmetric, severe to profound losses
- unilateral losses - 1/3
Onset early in the clinical course and does not
appear to be ameliorated by any specific
Postmeningitic Hearing Loss
- administered 2 hrs before initiate ATB
- preventing moderate to severe hearing loss
in pediatric patients with Hib meningitis but not
in cases of pneumococcal etiology
Anoxia and Hypoxia
2 yrs age 35% had SNHL
4 yrs age 53% : SNHL
Losses with onset > age 2 were less severe than later
onset losses
Neonates with chronic hypoxemia related to persistent
fetal circulation experience a 20% incidence of SNHL,
- ¾ moderate to severe range
- ¼ is profound
Manifestations of chronic postkernicteric
- bilirubin encephalopathy, athetosis, intellectual
deficits, gaze disturbance & limitation of upward gaze
ABR changes reflective of hearing loss
prolongation of wave V latency compared with
the previous ABR
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Often accompanied by tinnitus
Typically, initial + 3,000 -6,000 Hz
“notch” audiometric configuration
Genetic SNHL
Autosomal-Dominant Syndromic
Hearing Impairment
Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome
- External ear anomalies : preauricular pits (82%),
preauricular tags, auricular malformations (32%),
microtia & EAC narrowing
- Middle ear anomalies: ossicular malformation , facial
nerve dehiscence, absence of the oval window &
reduction in size of the middle ear cleft
- Inner ear anomalies : cochlear hypoplasia & dysplasia
Enlargement of the cochlear or vestibular aqueducts
may be hypoplasia of the lateral semicircular canal
Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome
Hearing impairment is the most common
feature of BOR syndrome (close to 90%)
- conductive (30%)
- sensorineural (20%)
- mixed (50%)
:Severe: 1/3 of persons
Progressive: 1/4
Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome
Branchial anomalies
occur in laterocervical
fistulas, sinuses & cysts
& renal anomalies
ranging from agenesis to
dysplasia (25% of
Less common => lacrimal
duct aplasia, short palate &
Neurofibromatosis Type II
development of bilateral vestibular
schwannomas & other intracranial & spinal
tumors (schwannomas, meningiomas, gliomas, and
DX criteria :NF type II
(1) bilateral vestibular schwannomas that usually develop
by 2nd decade of life; or
(2) FH of NFII in a first-degree relative, plus one of the
(a) unilateral vestibular schwannomas at <30 yrs of age
(b) any two of meningioma, glioma, schwannoma, or juvenile
posterior subcapsular lenticular opacities/juvenile cortical cataract
Neurofibromatosis Type II
Hearing loss is usually high frequency SNHL and
vertigo, tinnitus & facial nerve paralysis
+ imaging studies (MRI)
Treatment of schwannomas usually => surgery
gamma knife is considered in select cases
Auditory brain stem implants
DX:Stickler Syndrome
(1) congenital vitreous anomaly
(2) any three of
(a) myopia with onset < 6 yrs
(b) rhegmatogenous retinal detachment or paravascular
pigmented lattice degeneration
(c) joint hypermobility with abnormal Beighton score
(d) SNHL (audiometric confirmation)
(e) midline clefting
Stickler Syndrome
Other - craniofacial
anomalies like midfacial
flattening, mandibular
hypoplasia, short
upturned nose, or a long
Micrognathia= common
=> Robin sequence with
cleft palate (28–65%) ,
limited to a submucous
Stickler Syndrome
SNHL is more common
in the older age groups
SS type I have either
normal hearing or only a
mild impairment
- SS type II fall in between
- SS type III tend to have
hearing loss
Stickler Syndrome
Ocular findings in SS are its most prevalent
Most => myopic
others= vitreoretinal degeneration, retinal detachment,
cataract, & blindness
Waardenburg Syndrome
WS type I
=> SNHL, white forelock, pigmentary disturbances
of the iris, & dystopia canthorum, displacement of the
inner canthi & lacrimal puncti
Other = synophrys, broad nasal root, hypoplasia of
the alae nasi, patent metopic suture & square jaw
Waardenburg Syndrome
WS type II is distinguished from WS type I by the
absence of dystopia canthorum
WS type III (Klein-Waardenburg syndrome) by WS
type I + hypoplasia or contracture of the upper limbs
WS type IV (Waardenburg-Shah syndrome) & involves
the association of WS with Hirschsprung disease
WS: congenital hearing impairment
WS type I : 36% to 66.7%
WS type II : 57% to 85%
Most commonly, the loss affects persons with more
than one pigmentation abnormality & profound,
bilateral, and stable
Audiogram = variable, with low-frequency loss (more
Treacher-Collins Syndrome
Abnormalities of
Maldevelopment of
the maxilla & mandible,
with abnormal canthi
placement, ocular
colobomas, choanal
atresia & CHL secondary
to ossicular fixation
Autosomal-Recessive Syndromic
Hearing Impairment
Pendred Syndrome
associate congenital
deafness with thyroid
7.5 to 10 per 100,000
persons, up to 10% of
hereditary deafness
develop in second
Pendred Syndrome
usually prelingual ,
bilateral & profound,
although it can be
Radiologic studies :
- temporal bone
anomaly, either dilated
vestibular aqueducts
(DVAs) or
- Mondini dysplasia
Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome
Congenital deafness, prolonged QT interval &
syncopal attacks
The dominant disease(Romano-Ward syndrome)
does not include the deafness phenotype
The recessive disease is Jervell and LangeNielsen syndrome (JLNS)
Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome
congenital, bilateral & severe to profound
The prolonged QT interval can lead to
ventricular arrhythmias, syncopal episodes &
death in childhood
treatment with beta-adrenergic
blockers reduces mortality from 71% to 6%
Usher Syndrome
SNHL, retinitis
pigmentosa & often
vestibular dysfunction
Prevalence 4.4/ 100,000
- 3% to 6% of
congenitally deaf
persons carrying this DX
- cause of 50% of
deaf-blindness in the
United States
Usher Syndrome :types I, II and III
Type I = severe-to-profound SNHL, vestibular
dysfunction, retinitis pigmentosa
type II = moderate-to-severe congenital SNHL, with
uncertainty related to progression, no vestibular
dysfunction, and retinal degeneration that begins in the
third to fourth decade
type III = progressive hearing loss, variable vestibular
dysfunction, and variable onset of retinitis pigmentosa
X-Linked Syndromes
Alport Syndrome
hematuric nephritis,
hearing impairment &
ocular changes
symmetric, highfrequency SNHL that
can be detected by
late childhood &
progresses => all
Alport Syndrome
criteria include at least three of the following
four characteristics
(1) positive FH of hematuria with or without CRF
(2) progressive high-tone SN deafness
(3) typical eye lesion (anterior lenticonus, and/or macular
(4) histologic changes of the glomerular BM of the kidney
controlling high BP & restricting salt, protein &
phosphate in the diet => dialysis and kidney
transplant may be necessary
Mitochondrial Syndromes
multisystemic, with hearing loss present in 70%
of affected persons
Nonsyndromic Hearing
usually prelingual & severe to
profound across all frequencies
Team of health care
Cochlear implantation
=> option for
persons with severeto-profound deafness
Deaf culture consider
Inheritance patterns,
audiometric characteristics,
syndromic vs nonsyndromic
features are necessary
Directed at providing
appropriate amplification
as soon as possible