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Monotheism is the belief in one god. Belief in
many gods is polytheism.
 Each of these religions has a monotheistic
 Judaism
 Christianity
 Islam
Three of the world’s major religions were born in the
Middle East.
They are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. (In that order
based on age.)
All three religions refer to Adam and Eve, God and
The general belief is that Abraham had two sons (Isaac
and Ishmael). Christianity will branch from Isaac and
Islam will branch from Ishmael.
All three religions view Jerusalem as a sacred city
Judaism is the oldest surviving monotheistic religion
(yet one of the least followed with 14 million).
Abraham is traditionally considered to be the first Jew
and to have a made a covenant with God around
2000 BC
Their place of worship is a synagogue or temple.
Saturday is their holy day, Sabbath.
A holy person is a Rabbi
Jews believe in one god and his prophets.
Special respect is given to Moses as the prophet to
whom god gave the law.
Jewish law is written in the Torah (the first 5 books
of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers and Deuteronomy).
Judaism is more concerned with actions than
beliefs. A person must earn forgiveness.
Jewish law includes 613 commandments given by
God in the Torah (Leviticus).
Jewish law is very strict concerning many items such
as: what a person can eat, drink and wear.
Jews believe others besides Jews will go to Heaven,
but not the other.
They await the Messiah, who will be an earthly king.
They believe in heaven, but that God determines
where they go after life on earth.
Jews do not believe in the prophets after the Jewish
prophets, including Jesus and Muhammad.
They do not believe in the idea that Jesus was the
Messiah and the son of God, nor do they believe in the
teachings of Islam.
2 main groups: Orthodox and Reformed
Most followed religion in the world (2 billion)
Christianity started out of Judaism. Christians were
the followers of “Christ”, around 33 AD
There are two major branches of Christians (Catholic
and Protestants).
Their Sabbath is Sunday.
Their place of worship is a church, cathedral or
Their holy book is the Bible (Old and New Testament).
A holy person is a pastor, preacher, minister, nun,
priest, reverend, etc
Jesus is considered the son of God, born to the virgin
Mary and come to Earth to offer redemption for
mankind’s sins.
Christians believe that you must accept Christ as
your savior in order to go to Heaven.
Christians believe in an afterlife where some will
reside in heaven with God, and some will not.
Christians do not follow all Jewish laws.
Christians follow the Ten Commandments.
Christians do not accept Muhammad as a prophet.
Islam is the second most followed religion in the
world (1.5 billion)
Islam began in the desert community of Mecca,
Saudi Arabia around 622 AD
Islam has expanded into other areas: North Africa,
Europe, and Asia.
Muslims believe that Allah (the Arabic word for God)
sent his word, the Qur’an (Koran), to the prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him).
He was a prophet that received the message from the
Angel Gabriel.
This message was collected in the Qur’an.
The Qur’an tells Muslims to worship one god, and
explains how to treat others properly.
The central message is “There is no god but God!”
There are two major branches of Islam (Sunnis and
Friday is their Sabbath.
Muslims believe in a Day of Judgment by Allah, who will
call up those still alive and all those who have died,
present them with a record of their deeds, and weigh their
obedience to God and actions toward human beings.
Some will go to an eternal paradise and others will go
somewhere else
Many Muslims also observe dietary rules that forbid pork,
outlaw alcohol, and dictate how animals should be
slaughtered for food.
The place of worship is a mosque. Worshippers are called
to prayer 5 times a day from minarets – towers on the
mosque corners.
A holy person is a Imam
Belief in one god Allah.
Praying five times a day towards Mecca.
Fasting in the daylight hours during the month of
Ramadan. They must abstain from food, water,
cigarettes, gossip, anger, and anything else
perceived as negative behavior.
Giving charity(alms) to the poor.
Making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their