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Ancient Egypt
Interesting Facts
• 1. A Pharaoh never let his hair be seen – he would always wear a
crown or a headdress called a nemes (the striped cloth headdress
made famous by Tutankhamen’s golden mask (pictured above).
• 2. In order to deter flies from landing on him, Pepi II of Egypt always
kept several naked slaves nearby whose bodies were smeared with
• 3. Both Egyptian men and women wore makeup – eye paint was
usually green (made from copper) or black (made from lead). The
Egyptians believed that the makeup had healing power. Originally
the makeup was used as a protection from the sun – rather than for
• 4. While the use of antibiotics did not begin in the 20th century, early
folk medicine included the use of moldy foods or soil for infections.
In ancient Egypt, for example, infections were treated with moldy
• 5. Egyptian children wore no clothing at all until they were in their
teens. The temperature in Egypt made it unnecessary. Adult men
wore skirts while women wore dresses.
Interesting Facts
• 6. Rich Egyptians wore wigs while the other classes would wear
their hair long or in pig tails. Until 12, Egyptian boys had their heads
shaved except for one plaited lock – this was as a protection against
lice and fleas.
• 7. It is not known who destroyed the nose of the Sphinx (pictured
above). There are sketches of the Sphinx without a nose in 1737,
over 60 years before Napoleon reached Egypt and hundreds of
years before the British and German armies of the two World Wars.
The only person known to have damaged it was an Islamic cleric,
Sa’im al-dahr, who was lynched in 1378 for vandalism
• 8. Egyptian’s believed that the earth was flat and round (like a
pancake) and that the Nile flowed through the center of it.
• 9. Egyptian soldiers were used as an internal police force.
Additionally, they collected taxes for the Pharaoh
• 10. In every temple in ancient Egypt the pharaoh was supposed to
carry out the duties of the high priests, but his place was usually
taken by the chief priest.
Interesting Facts
11. The first pyramid (The Step Pyramid of Djoser built around 2600 BC –
seen above) was originally surrounded by a 34 ft tall wall which had 15
doors in it. Only one of the doors opened.
12. The women in ancient Egypt enjoyed legal and economical equality with
men. Nevertheless, they never enjoyed social equality with men
13. Contrary to popular belief, excavated skeletons show that the pyramid
builders were actually Egyptians who were most likely in the permanent
employ of the pharaoh. Graffiti indicates that at least some of these workers
took pride in their work, calling their teams “Friends of Khufu,” “Drunkards of
Menkaure,” and so on—names indicating allegiances to pharaohs.
14. When a body was mummified, its brain was removed through one of its
nostrils and its intestines were also removed and placed in jars called
canopic jars. Each organ was placed in its own jar. The only internal organ
that was not removed was the heart, because Egyptians considered it to be
the seat of the soul.
15. Ramses the Great had 8 official wives and nearly 100 concubines. He
was over 90 years old when he died in 1212 BC.
Sources: National Geographic, James’ Interesting Facts
AIM: Why did the Ancient Egyptians believe the Nile River was a gift?
Do Now: Answer the following questions based on the diagram below.
1. Which is the tallest pyramid?
2. Which is taller, Khufu or the Washington Monument?
3. What is the length of the side of the Menkaure pyramid at its base?
HW: In one paragraph
explain the influence
that the Nile River had
on the Ancient
Egypt is located in Northern Africa
Ancient Egypt
3200-500 BC
I. Location
1. North Africa
2. Natural barriers: Mediterranean Sea, Sahara Desert, Red
A. Result = less prone to invasion.
II. Nile River
1. World’s longest river (4000 miles)
2. “Gift of the Nile”  annual flooding that deposits rich soil.
3. Benefits
A. Farming.
B. Transportation.
C. Ample water supply.
D. Fishing
Irrigation of Crops
Farming (Agriculture) using
Animals-water buffalo to pull
Irrigation of Crops – Present Day
Aerial View
Of Pyramids
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