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Graves Disease
Runaway Bride
• Graves disease is the most common
form of hyperthyroidism. It occurs
when the immune system mistakenly
attacks your thyroid gland and causes
it to overproduce the hormone
• This abnormal immune response can
also affect the tissue behind the eyes
as well as the skin, usually on your
lower legs and feet.
• The body’s metabolism can increase
60 to 100%, because thyroxine
regulates the body’s metabolism.
• Graves’ disease is rarely life
threatening. It may develop at any
age in either men or women. Graves
disease is more common in women
and usually begins after age 20.
• Cretinism is a condition produced in
infants and children due to lack of thyroid
hormone. It usually results from a
congenital defect of the thyroid.
• However, it can develop later if there is a
lack of iodine in the diet. Cretinism
causes very serious retardation of physical
and mental development. If the condition
is left untreated, growth is stunted and the
physical stature attained is that of a dwarf.
• In addition the skin is thick, flabby, and
waxy in color, the nose is flattened, the
abdomen protrudes, and there is a general
slowness of movement and speech.
• If discovered early enough and treated
with thyroid extract and iodine, growth
may be normal, and mental facilities
greatly improved.
Diabetes mellitis
• Diabetes is a disease in which
blood glucose levels are above
normal. People with diabetes
have problems converting food
to energy. After a meal, food
is broken down into a sugar
called glucose, which is
carried by the blood to cells
throughout the body. Cells use
the hormone insulin, made in
the pancreas, to help them
process blood glucose into
• There are two types of
diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2.
Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes
• Type 1 diabetes is usually
diagnosed in children and young
adults, and was previously known
as juvenile diabetes.
• In type 1 diabetes, the body does
not produce insulin. The immune
system attacks and destroys the
beta cells in the pancreas which
produce insulin.
• Type 1 diabetics must administer
insulin daily through either shots,
or an insulin pump.
• Type 1 diabetes is serious, but
people with diabetes can live long,
healthy lives.
Type 2 Diabetes
• Type 2 diabetes, formerly called
adult onset or noninsulin dependent
diabetes, is the most common form
of diabetes.
• People can develop type 2 diabetes at
any age, even during childhood.
• Being overweight and inactive
increases the chances of developing
type 2 diabetes.
• Treatment includes taking diabetes
medicines, making wise food
choices, exercising regularly, and
controlling blood pressure and