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Conservation of
Where does energy come from?
Changing Forms of Energy
 Energy is most noticeable as it
transforms from one type to another.
 What are some examples of transforming
electrical energy?
 A lightbulb
 A hair dryer
Changing forms of Energy
 An example of transforming chemical
energy is a car engine. Chemical
potential energy in gasoline is
transformed into kinetic energy of the car
as it moves!!
KE and PE
 In many situations, there is a conversion
between potential and kinetic energy.
 The total amount of potential and kinetic
energy in a system is called the
mechanical energy
 Mechanical energy = PE + KE
Mechanical Energy
 Mechanical energy is due
to the position and motion
of the object.
 What happens to the
mechanical energy of an
apple as it falls from a
Mechanical Energy
 As the apple falls to the ground, its height
decreases. Therefore, its GPE
 The potential energy is not lost… it is
converted into kinetic energy as the
velocity of the apple increases.
 What happens to the mechanical
Mechanical Energy
 The mechanical energy does not change
because the loss in potential energy is
simply transferred into kinetic energy.
 The energy in the system remains
Swinging Along
 Think about the changes in energy when
you are on a swing…
 At what point do you have the most
potential energy?
 At what point do you have the most
kinetic energy?
 What happens to the mechanical
The Law of Conservation
of Energy
 The Law of Conservation of Energy
states that energy cannot be created or
 The big picture… the total energy in the
universe remains constant.
 But how? If I stop pumping while I’m
swinging, I stop!! So, where’s the
Conservation of Energy
 You need to remember friction…
 As you slow down on the swing, the
hooks and the chain rub against each
other and air pushes against the rider.
 Friction causes some of the mechanical
energy of the swing to change to thermal
energy and the temperature of the hooks
and chain heat up a little.
 The energy is still there, just in a different
 Bill Nye -- Friction
Conservation of Energy
 Energy is transformed… not destroyed!!
Energy in Your Body
 Even the energy converted in your body
follows the law of conservation of energy.
 Chemical potential energy is transferred
to kinetic energy that allows your body to
 A Calorie (C) is a unit to measure
energy in foods.
 1 Calorie is equal to about 4,184
 A person uses about:
 55 Calories while sleeping for 1 hour
 210 Calories while walking for 1 hour
 850 Calories while running for 1 hour
Is Perpetual Motion
 Read p. 256
 Why is perpetual motion not possible?
 Because energy conversions always
result in the production of waste thermal
Non-renewable resources
 Read p. 258
 Define a non-renewable resource.
 A resource that forms at a rate that is much
slower than the rate at which it is consumed.
 What is a fossil fuel?
 Energy resources made from the buried
remains of plants and animals that lived
millions of years ago.
Nuclear Energy
 Read p. 260
 What is nuclear energy?
 Thermal energy that is obtained by
splitting the atoms of radioactive
Renewable resources
Read p.261-262
List the 5 types of renewable resources
Energy from water
Renewable resources
 Describe solar energy
 Changing sunlight into electrical energy
through solar cells
 Describe Energy from Water
 Dams block water, then lets it flow over
turbines to make energy.
 Hydroelectricity
Renewable resources
 Describe wind energy.
 Wind turns wind turbines that change the
kinetic energy of air into electrical energy
us turning a generator
 Describe Geothermal energy
 Water is pumped underground to hot
rocks that produces stream that turns the
turbines of a generator.
Renewable Resources
 Describe Biomass
 Burning plants, wood, and waste to
create energy.
 What is fire?
 Coal Power Plant
Copy these to your
Table 1 p. 262
Figure 3 p. 260
Figure 2 p. 259
Figure 1 p. 254