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Unit 2
Chapter 6
Section 1 : Energy Changes
What is Energy?
The word energy comes from the
Greek word “Energos” which means
Energy is the ability to cause change
•For example:
•Energy can change the
temperature of water.
•Energy can change the
direction and speed of a
baseball .
•The energy in a
thunderstorm produces
lightening that lighten up
the skies and thunder that
rattle windows
Forms of energy
Energy comes in different forms from
many sources.
Food provides energy in the form of
chemical energy.
Your body converts the chemical
energy in the food you eat into the
energy it needs to move
Energy Transformations
•Energy Transformation
occurs if energy changes
from one form to another .
•When the car sits in
sunlight all day the energy
in sunlight changes to
heat energy that warms
the inside of the car
•Chemical energy is
stored inside your
•When you push down on
a bicycle pedal , chemical
energy is used to make
your legs move.
•The chemical energy
stored in your muscles is
transformed to energy of
During energy transformation the total
amount of energy remains the same.
Energy is never lost or gained it only
changes form
Using energy transformation
An electric current that flows in a wire carries
electrical energy that can be used in several ways
 A hair dryer
converts electrical
energy into heat
A light bulb
converts electrical
energy into heat and
light energy
It’s the energy an object has due to
A moving bowling ball has energy that
causes the pins to fall .
This energy is called kinetic energy.
The sky diver has kinetic energy
A ball kicked by a
football player
has a kinetic
Mass, Speed and Kinetic Energy
All moving objects have kinetic energy.
Not all moving objects have the same
amount of kinetic energy.
The amount of kinetic energy an object
has depends on the mass and the speed
of the object
Imagine those two rocks are rolling down the hillside
with the same speed.
Which one will have more kinetic energy?
Which one will cause more damage if they hit
something at the bottom?
The larger rock could cause more damage because it
has larger mass and has more kinetic energy than the
smaller rock
Kinetic energy also depends on speed .
The faster object has more speed and has
more kinetic energy
Transferring kinetic energy
Kinetic energy could be transferred from one object to
another when they collide .
•The bowling ball does not
touch all the pins but it can
knock them down with one
roll .
•The bowling ball transfer
kinetic energy to few pins.
•The pins will transfer this
kinetic energy to each other
and knock them down
•A transfer of kinetic
energy takes place when
dominos fall.
•When you tap the first
domino you give it a kinetic
•Then the domino will fall
into the next one and the
kinetic energy will be
transferred from one
domino to another
This skater has no
kinetic energy as
she’s standing at
the top of the hill
and not moving.
As the skater moves down , she
is moving faster and her kinetic
energy increases.
Energy can not be created nor
destroyed, so where does this
kinetic energy come from?
Gravity pulls the skater
down the hill.
If the skater was standing
at the bottom of the hill,
gravity wouldn’t start her
When the skater is at the
top of the hill, she has a
form of energy called
Potential energy
Potential Energy
It’s the energy that is stored because of an
object’s position.
The Higher an object is lifted above earth,
the greater is it’s potential energy
Converting potential and
kinetic energy
As the ball
moves upward
, it slows down
and stops for
an instant
When you throw
a ball upwards it
is moving the
fastest so it has
kinetic energy
As the ball
downward it
speeds up and
the potential
energy is
transferred into
kinetic energy
Energy changes in falling water
Is converted to
Water at the top of the dam has
potential energy.
When water falls
downwards the
potential energy
changes into kinetic
The kinetic
energy in the
moving water
spins the
generators and
that’ll produce
Law of conservation of energy
“Energy cannot be
created or destroyed
it only can be
transformed from
one form into
So, The total amount of energy
never changes
, it only changes form