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Week 5 Overview
- Suffix/Prefix test
- After test complete pg. 43 in syllabus
- Review homework-oral practice
- Chapter 5-pgs. 78-103-lecture
- Term Project- due Week 17
- Getting ready for body structure test- using
pgs. 9, 43, and 55 in the syllabus
- Medical Language Lab
- Homework
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Worksheet-Body Structure Answers
Pg. 43- syllabus- oral practice
Business 86, Medical Terminology
1.brain - cranial
2.heart - thoracic
3.lungs - thoracic
4.intestine - abdominopelvic
5.stomach - abdominopelvic
6.spinal cord - spinal
Business 86, Medical Terminology
1. midsagittal/median
right and left sides
3. horizontal/transverse:
superior and inferior
2. coronal/frontal:
anterior and posterior
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Integumentary Outline
Introduction Function
Sensory Receptor
Temperature regulation
Vitamin D synthesis
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Anatomy of the Skin
Derm, Dermat, Cutane
Epidermis - upon the skin
Dermis - true skin
Subcutaneous tissue- under the skin
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Appendages of the skin
 Hair - pilo, tricho
 Nails - onycho, unguo
 Glands - adeno
 Sweat - Sudoriferous
 Oil - Sebaceous
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Pathology of the Integumentary
Primary Skin lesions
Macule- a small, flat, distinct colored area of skin
Patch- a larger, flat distinct colored area of skinb
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Papule - a papule is a skin lesion
that is small, solid, and raised.
Plaque- a cluster of papules
 Nodule - a solid, raised
bump larger than a papule
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Vesicle - a small, elevated lesion
filled with clear fluid
 Bulla - a large, fluid-filled blister on
the skin or mucous membrane
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Pustule- a small, raised,
circumscribed lesion that contains
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Wheal - a welt; an
elevation on the
skin that may itch or
burn, often
characteristic of an
allergic reaction
 Scales - dead skin cells
that look like flakes or
dry skin
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Secondary Skin Lesions
(depressed Lesions)
 Excoriations- traumatized
abrasions of the epidermis
 Fissure-small crack-like sore that
extends into the dermis
 Ulcer-an open sore
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Skin Problems due to exposure
First Degree Burn
Red skin, sunburn, painful, epidermis
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Second Degree Burn
Blisters, very painful, epidermis
and dermis
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Third Degree Burn
Charred, no pain, epidermis, dermis,
subcutaneous tissue, critical burn
Business 86, Medical Terminology
damage to the skin
and underlying
tissues caused by
extreme cold
 Superficial - closer to the surface
 Deep - internal
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Pathology and related terms of
the integumentary system
Decubitus Ulcer- Pressure Sore
Bed Sore
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Dermatitis - inflammation of the skin
 Ecchymosis - bruise
 Eczema –chronic
inflammatory skin
condition that is
characterized by
erythema, papules,
pustules, scales, crusts,
and scabs.
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Hirsutism - abnormal growth of hair
 Impetigo - a skin infection that is
generally caused by one of two
bacteria: streptococcus,
 Petechia - tiny hemorrhagic spots
 Hidrosis - abnormal sweating
 Cicatrix - scar
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Abrasion - a scrape
 Chloasma –yelllowish brown
patches or spots
 Tinea –fungal infection (ring
 Keratosis –abnormal hard,
horny tissue
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Pallor - pale
 Pediculosis - lice
 Psoriasis - a chronic (long-lasting) skin
disease of red patches covered by dry silvery
 Scabies - infectious disease caused by the itch
 Urticaria - hives
 verruca - skin growth caused by a virus.
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Dermatosis - abnormal skin condition
 Alopecia – baldness
 Keloid tissue –thickened scaar
 Laceration -jagged cut
 Comedo –black head (acne)
 Vitiligo –localized loss of pigmentation
 Abscess –collection of pus at the site
of an infection
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Erythema –redness of skin
 Cellulitis - inflammation of
connective tissue
 Cyanosis - condition of blueness
 Nevus - birthmark, mole
 Onychomalacia - softening of the
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Diaphoresis - abnormal
sweating due to shock
 Dermatomycosis –infection
caused by fungi
 Melanoma - black tumor; A very
aggressive type of skin cancer
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Incision -surgical cut
 Hematoma –(blood tumor)n large
collection of blood in the tissues
 Eschar –dead matter that is
sloughed off from skin
 Lentigo –small brown macules
(sun exposure-age)
 Contusion -bruise
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Medical Procedures
Chemical Peel –chemical removal
of the outer layers of skin
Debridement – removal of necrotic
Dermabrasion –rubbing away skin
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Surgical Procedures
 Biopsy –
excision of tissue/fluid
for pathological study
Frozen Section –frozen
at the time of the
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Skin Graft-
Autograft- self
Allograft- from one person to another
Xenograft- foreign donor (usually pig)
 Liposuction- removal of fat through
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Diagnostic Procedures
 Tuberculin test- test for tuberculosis
 Patch and Scratch testing- allergy
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Culture and sensitivity testinglaboratory test that grows a
colony of bacteria (from a
wound) and then determines its
sensitivity to antibiotic drugs
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Antifungals –against fungus
Antipruritic - against itching
Anti-inflammatory - against inflammation
Keratolytics -destroy and soften the outer
layer of skin
Protectives –cover, cool and soothe dry
-moisturizing lotion and Vaseline
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Sunscreen and Sunblock –filter
and help block the sun’s
ultraviolet rays
Business 86, Medical Terminology
 Bx - biopsy
 SC/SQ - subcutaneous
 UNG - Ointment
 DECUB - Decubitus ulcer
 SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus
 FS - frozen section
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology Project
Guidelines- page 49
 Disease Report- Guidelines
 Plagiarism Caution
 Creative Writing
 Visual Project/Hands on Project
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Creative writing story
Creative game
Apron, pillow, t-shirt etc.
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Review for Quiz Two- page 55
Business 86, Medical Terminology
List the four main body cavities:
1. Abdominopelvic
2. Thoracic
3. Spinal
4. Cranial
Name three body planes and give their anatomical division:
1. Midsagittal- equal right and left sides
2. Transverse/horizontal- superior and inferior
3. Frontal/coronal- anterior and posterior
Tell the abbreviations used when dividing up the
abdominopelvic and list the organs found in each quadrant
1. RUQ- liver and gall bladder
2. RLQ- appendix and female reproduction
3. LUQ- stomach, pancreas, and spleen
4. LLQ- sigmoid colon and female reproduction
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Sinistr/o -to the left
Anter/o - front
Inferior - towards the feet
Caudal - tail
Infra – below
Cirrh/o = yellow
Epi - above, upon
Ventral - belly side, front
Inter - between
Ambi - both sides
Endo - within, inside
Abduction - movement away from the midline
Superior - towards the head
Later/o - sidez
Medi - middle
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Dextro- to the right
Adduction- movement towards the midline
Dorsal- back
Proximal- closer to the point of reference
Anterior- front
Pseudo- false
Laparo- abdomen
Distal- away from the point of reference
Cephal- head
Posterior- back
Business 86, Medical Terminology
5. What is physiology? The study of body function
6. What is anatomy? The study of body structure
7. Review Abbreviation set one- page 9 in the
8. Know the levels of organization from the least to
then most complexcells, tissue, organs, systems, organism
9. Keep studying your suffixes and prefixes
Business 86, Medical Terminology
CBC- complete blood count
Page 9- syllabus
Stat- immediately
UA- urinalysis
p.r.n.- as needed
ABG- arterial blood gases
bid- two times a day
tid- three times a day
h.s.- hour of sleep/bed time
Q, q- every
p- after
pc- after meals
ac- before meals
c- with
s- without
a- before
ADL- activities of daily living
Business 86, Medical Terminology
Study for body structure test using pgs. 9,
43, 55 syllabus
Complete pgs. 50-54 (syllabus)
Complete pgs. 104-117 (book)
Term Plus Integumentary-TE and MV study questions for
chapter 5
Read pgs. 120-151 (book)
Business 86, Medical Terminology