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Nervous System Practical
Photos of Models and Illustrations
RMC Design
 cell body
 dendrites
 axon
 axon hillock
 schwann cells
 myelin sheath
 motor end plate
 axon terminals
 nodes of Ranvier
Neuron Model
RMC Design
 anterior median fissure
 posterior median sulcus
 central canal
 dorsal root ganglia
 dorsal root
 ventral root
 spinal nerve
white matter
anterior column
lateral column
posterior column
RMC Design
gray matter
gray commissure
posterior horn
lateral horn
anterior horn
RMC Design
Ventricle Model
 lateral ventricles (L & R)
 third ventricle
 fourth ventricle
 choroid plexus (capillary bed)
 cerebral aqueduct
RMC Design
 Cerebrum
 cerebral hemisphere
 corpus callosum
 Diencephalon
 thalamus
◄Intermediate mass
 hypothalamus
 infundibulum
 pituitary gland
 Cerebellum
 brain stem
 Midbrain
◄cerebral peduncles
◄cerebral aqueduct
◄corpora quadrigemina
 medulla oblongata
 pons
Sagittal Brain
RMC Design
 fissures
 longitudinal fissure
 transverse fissure
 lobes
 frontal
 parietal
 temporal
 occipital
 convolution (gyri)
 precentral (motor) gyrus
 postcentral (sensory) gyrus
 sulci
 central sulcus
 lateral sulcus
 Cerebellum
 Pons
 Medulla oblongata
RMC Design
Lateral Brain
Brain in
 longitudinal fissure
 transverse fissure
convolution (gyri)
 precentral (motor) gyrus
 postcentral (sensory) gyrus
 central sulcus
 lateral sulcus
corpus callosum
 third ventricle
pituitary gland
 fourth ventricle
cerebellum - arbor vitae
 choroid plexus
 cerebral aqueduct
cerebral peduncles
corpora quadrigemina
Intermediate mass
RMC Design
Brain in Skull
cerebral cortex
optic nerve
trigeminal nerve
superior oblique muscle
Inner ear
- semicircular canals
- cochlea
- vestibulocochlear nerve
RMC Design
 corpus callosum
 third ventricle
 fourth ventricle
 choroid plexus
 cerebral aqueduct
 thalamus
 Intermediate mass
 hypothalamus
 pituitary gland
 cerebellum - arbor vitae
 Midbrain
 cerebral peduncles
 corpora quadrigemina
 medulla oblongata
 pons
Sagittal Brain
RMC Design
cerebral hemisphere
corpus callosum
dura mater
fourth ventricle
cerebral aqueduct
Intermediate mass
pituitary gland
cerebellum - arbor vitae
 cerebral peduncles
 corpora quadrigemina
medulla oblongata
RMC Design
Torso Head
optic nerve
trigeminal nerve
vestibulocochlear nerve
inner ear
superior oblique muscle
lacrimal gland
RMC Design
Torso Head
Neuron/Muscle Model
 Schwann cell
 nodes of Ranvier
 axon terminal
 axon
 synapse
 motor end plate
RMC Design
Skin Model
 free nerve endings
 Meissner's corpuscle
 Pacinian corpuscle
RMC Design
Upper Arm
 brachial plexus
 median nerve.
 ulnar nerve.
RMC Design
Spinal Cord
 cervical nerves 8 pairs
 thoracic nerves - 12 pairs
 lumbar nerves - 5 pairs
 sacral nerves - 5 pairs
 coccygeal nerve - 1pair
RMC Design
Wall Model
 cervical plexus
 lumbosacral plexus
 lumbar plexus
 brachial plexus
 femoral n.
 median n.
 sacral plexus
 radial n.
 sciatic n.
 intercostal nerves
 ulnar n.
 tibial n.
RMC Design
Muscle Eye Model
 Lateral rectus
 Medial rectus
 Inferior restus
 Superior rectus
 Inferior oblique
 Superior oblique
 Optic nerve
 Optic chiasma
 Sclera
 Cornea
 Pupil
 Iris
Do not take apart everything on the list is on the outside.
RMC Design
 lacrimal apparatus
 lacrimal gland
 Canaliculi
 lacrimal sac
 nasolacrimal duct
 Iris
 Pupil
 Sclera
RMC Design
Internal Eye
 retina
 macula lutea
 fovea centralis
 ciliary body
 ciliary muscle
 Suspensory ligaments
 optic disc
 optic nerve
 choroid coat (turn over)
 posterior cavity (vitreous humor)
 anterior cavity (aqueous humor)
RMC Design
(absent parts)
external auditory meatus
auditory (eustachian) canal
RMC Design
vestibulocochlear nerve
semicircular canals
New Ear
Outer ear
 auricle
 external auditory meatus
Middle Ear - auditory ossicles
 malleus
 stapes
 Incus
Auditory (eustachian) canal
RMC Design
Inner Ear
vestibulocochlear nerve
semicircular canals
Internal Ear
 tympanic membrane
 auditory ossicles
 malleus
 Incus
 stapes
 vestibulocochlear nerve
RMC Design
 semicircular canal
oval window
◄ ampullae
scala vestibuli
 Vestibule
scala tympani
cochlear duct
◄ organ of Corti
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