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A Cyber-Based Collaborative
Framework for Thermodynamic
Education and Research
Subrata Bhattacharjee and Christopher Paolini
Mechanical Engineering Department
San Diego State University
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
• Demonstration of TEST ( as an
educational tool.
• How such a tool used by thousands of students,
educators, and professionals can benefit from
the cyber infrastructure.
• Web service and how our work can benefit the
educational and research community
• Ongoing and future work
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
TEST – The Expert System for Thermodynamics
• A web based educational tool for students,
educators, and professionals.
• It is a cross-platform visual environment for
solving thermodynamic problems and pursuing
what-if scenarios.
• It has a large user base – more than 1000
registered educators, and 10,000 students and
• It is freely accessible to all academic institution.
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
TEST Home Page -
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
Multimedia Problems
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
A Large Selection of Solvers (Daemons)
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
The Open Steady Daemon
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
A Combustion Problem
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
Open Steady Combustion Daemon
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
Equilibrium Daemon – Set Up Species
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
Equilibrium Daemon – Evaluate States
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
Equilibrium Daemon – Products Composition
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
A Framework for Community Computing
• Convert stand-alone application into client/server and
ultimately to peer-to-peer model – improve speed.
• Users can contribute new data and make it immediately
available to others.
• Web service for speed – distributed parallel computing in
a grid.
• Web service for versatile use of our code. Published
through WSDL and located by UDDI, your computer may
find our publicly available methods and data on
equilibrium. Like the peer-to-peer song search.
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
Standalone Software Architecture
• The “old” way: provide
self-contained software
applications to end
• Inflexible: new and
experimental thermochemical data can not
be added by one remote
user and used by
another remote user in
real time.
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
• Service Oriented
Architectures extend
the benefits of object
oriented programming
to the network reusability, flexibility,
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
Client/Web Service Communication
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
UDDI: Web Service Discovery
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
Web Services – Technologies and Tools
• An abundance of tools and technologies exist for the
development of collaborative, networked engineering
applications using Web Services
Web Server,
J2SE, Apache
Axis, etc.
Web Service
Java Equilibrium
Codes, IDE, etc.
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
• TEST is freely accessible from
• Equilibrium daemon is one of the many
thermodynamic calculators (applets).
• Ability for user to upload data and make it
available to others – work in progress.
• Extend the codes to include multiple phases –
future plan.
• Migrate to web service architecture for speed
and community computing – future plan.
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006
Web Service Related Abbreviations
XML: standard language for describing data that is exchanged over a network.
SOAP: a protocol based on XML for transmitting data in a distributed computing environment.
JAX-RPC: a freely available Java API that allows a Java client to call web service methods in a distributed
computing environment using SOAP based XML messages. Hides the complexity of SOAP from the developer.
Automatically generates the proper SOAP message when invoking a remote method from a web service.
Provides a mapping tool named wscompile that automatically generates the WSDL file from a JAX-RPC service
SAAJ: a freely available Java API for generating and sending SOAP messages. Used by JAX-RPC to create and
send SOAP messages synchronously (send and wait for reply) or asynchronously (send and continue).
JAXP: a freely available Java API for processing XML documents.
JAXR: a freely available Java API for accessing UDDI registries. Used by clients to discover web services by
querying JAXR providers. JAXR providers then query registry providers who respond back to the JAXR provider.
The JAXR provider transforms the registry provider response into a JAXR compliant response so it can be
interpreted by the JAXR client.
JAXB: a freely available Java API that provides a mapping from an XML document to a set of Java classes and
interfaces based on the XML document's schema. A benefit for developers since JAXB enables an application to
operate with Java content and not with XML data.
WS-Security: provides security enhancements such as authentication and integrity in SOAP messages sent
between a client and web service.
[email protected]
NSF Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure in Combustion Science April 19-20, 2006