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To understand how and why the United States
grew during the 19th and early 20th Centuries.
After the Spanish-American War, the United
States had acquired an empire.
As the 20th Century began, the United States
cared about their interests in the Pacific and
Asia, as well as their interests in Latin America.
The handling of the affairs between the United
States and Latin America ran the line between
very good and poor, it was all dependent upon
the American president.
After the war, the United States acquired Puerto
Rico from the Spanish.
 In 1900, the United States Congress passed
the Foraker Act.
 The act established the government in Puerto
Rico. It was very similar to the government
established in the Philippines.
The United States would select the governor
and choose the eleven members of an
executive council.
Five of the council members must be nativeborn Puerto Ricans.
The council would serve as the upper house of
the legislature.
The lower house would have their members
elected by the people of Puerto Rico.
The reaction to the Foraker Act was mixed.
Leaders such as Ramon Betances were completely
against the Foraker Act.
Puerto Rican businessmen were in favor of the Foraker
Act, it created investment in the island and helped to
strengthen the economy.
Puerto Rican farmers were against the Foraker Act,
many American investors would take the best land.
Many Puerto Ricans, however, were dead set against
American rule. They were certainly not independent.
What was the Foraker Act?
This act established the first American-style
government in Puerto Rico. The government
would have a two house legislature. The upper
house would be chosen by the US and the
lower house would be chosen by the people
 1900 - Foraker Act.
 PR became an “unincorporated territory.”
 Citizens of PR, not of the US.
 Import duties on PR goods
 1901-1903  the Insular Cases.
 Constitutional rights were not automatically extended
to territorial possessions.
 Congress had the power to decide these rights.
 Import duties laid down by the Foraker Act were
After the Spanish-American War, the United
States kept an active interest in Cuba.
The United States had invested a lot of money
in the Cuban economy, so they were interested
in the island’s affairs.
The United States also cared about keeping the
Cubans under tight control so that no other
nation would influence their decision making
The military government of Cuba was led by
General Leonard Wood, who made dramatic
improvements for the Cuban way of life.
 Walter Reed, an American doctor, made huge
strides in improving the medical and health
standards of the island.
 However, the average Cuban, did not like the
United States interfering in their daily affairs.
In 1900, the Cubans drafted their own Constitution.
The following year, the United States Congress passed the Platt
The Platt Amendment stated:
1-The Cubans would sell/rent land to the United States.
(Guantanamo Bay)
2-The United States would maintain law and order in Cuba.
3-Cuba could not borrow more money than they could repay in a loan
from a foreign nation.
The Cubans accepted the terms of the Platt Amendment and then
the American troops left the island.
In 1959, Cuba overthrew the American-supported government.
What was the Platt Amendment?
This amendment allowed the US to receive land
in Cuba, provide a constant presence in Cuba
to maintain law and order and Cuba could not
borrow $ from any other nations besides the
Teller Amendment (1898)
The US Senator, Orville Platt,
the man who sponsored the
Platt Amendment (1903)
Cuba was not to enter into any agreements with foreign powers that would
endanger its independence.
The U.S. could intervene in Cuban affairs if necessary to maintain an
efficient, independent govt.
Cuba must lease Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. for naval and coaling station.
Cuba must not build up an excessive public debt.
The idea of building a canal across Panama began
in the 1800s.
During the Spanish-American War, the United
States realized how important a canal would have
been in their military strategy.
During the growth of big business, American
businesses, supported the idea of building a canal
for quicker travel.
With the victory in the war, the United States
believed they could build the canal.
Getting the canal built was a difficult task.
The first difficulty was in getting the permission to
build the canal.
The French were the first to build the canal. They
started in 1881, but they soon ran out of money.
The French company, then, sold the rights to build
the canal. The US Congress paid $40 million to get
the rights. President Roosevelt gave the green
The second difficulty was the government of
The United States and the Colombian
governments tried to negotiate a deal to sell
the land. However, the United States’ offer of
$10 million was too low in the eyes of the
Colombian government.
The Colombians feared that their decision
would anger the US. It did.
In November 1903, people who wanted a canal
to be built in Panama, staged a revolt.
 American warships were sent by President
Roosevelt to stop the Colombian soldiers from
ending the Panamanian revolt.
 Soon after, the Republic of Panama was
established and the US immediately recognized
their sovereignty, gee…the Canal.
Panama and the United States signed the HayBunau-Varilla Treaty.
 In this treaty, the United States would pay $10
million dollars and then pay $250,000 annually
to control the land needed to build the canal.
 The United States also agreed that Panama
would be independent.
Building the canal was a serious undertaking.
The US had to build a canal through jungles and
The builders had to contend with diseases from
mosquitoes such as malaria. Colonel William
Gorgas fought to end yellow fever and malaria in
the region.
The canal was finally opened in 1914. The United
States controlled the canal from 1914 until 1999
when the canal was put under the control of the
 1850  Clayton-Bulwer
 1901  Hay-Paunceforte
 Philippe Bunau-Varilla,
agent provocateur.
 Dr. Walter Reed.
 Colonel W. Goethals.
 1903  Hay-Bunau-
Varilla Treaty.
Theodore Roosevelt at Panama Canal
Who attempted to build a canal across
The French, but they ran out of $.
What did the US offer Colombia for the rights to
build the canal?
Ten million dollars which the Colombians
rejected. The US would then sponsor the
Panamanian Revolution.
Why were the Colombians against the canal
They thought the offer was too low.
Who was William Gorgas?
The doctor who rid the canal area of yellow
Getting the Panama Canal built was part of
Theodore Roosevelt’s Big Stick Diplomacy-this
was his foreign policy. (Remember, his
domestic policy dealt with progressive issues.)
Roosevelt stated, “Speak softly and carry a big
stick and you will go far.” Roosevelt believed
that the United States should use force (the big
stick) when necessary to protect Americans
As president, Theodore Roosevelt was concerned
that many Latin American nations were not able to
repay their debts to Europe.
Roosevelt, also believed that the nations of Europe
would use force to collect what was rightfully
This did happen when the nations of Europe
blockaded Venezuela so they would repay its
Roosevelt believed that this could happen…again
and again.
In 1904, Roosevelt added a corollary (addition) to
the Monroe Doctrine.
The Roosevelt Corollary stated that the United
States would intervene in Latin America if the
nation would be unable to pay their debts.
The Roosevelt Corollary, also stated that the
United States would use its international police
power to protect the nations of Latin America and
prevent Western Europe from interfering in Latin
This corollary was put to use in 1905.
Chronic wrongdoing… may in
America, as elsewhere,
ultimately require
intervention by some
civilized nation, and in the
Western Hemisphere the
adherence of the United
States to the Monroe
Doctrine may force the
United States, however
reluctantly, in flagrant
cases of such wrongdoing or
impotence, to the exercise
of an international police
power .
Where and how did President Roosevelt use big
stick diplomacy?
Theodore Roosevelt used his big stick policy in
Latin America. He used the big stick policy
because he was concerned that many Latin
American nations would not be able to pay their
debts to Europe.
What was the Roosevelt Corollary?
This corollary written by Theodore Roosevelt
stated that the US would have to interfere in
Latin America if those nations were unable to
pay their debts.
Dollar Diplomacy was the foreign policy of
President William Howard Taft.
Taft, followed Roosevelt, in that both men
believed that the United States should interfere
in the affairs of the nations in order to protect
our interests.
Taft, also believed that the United States
should invest money in the nations of Latin
This idea worked and strengthened our
economy while bolstering our political strength.
The United States could use the raw materials
of Latin America to make our goods while the
nations would provide markets for our goods.
We would be stronger politically because with
our investments, we would have a say in the
events of Latin America without using force.
Taft also protected our interests by
guaranteeing Latin American debts.
 By doing this, the United States would prevent
the nations of Europe from investing in Latin
Improve financial
opportunities for American
Use private capital to
further U. S. interests
Therefore, the U.S.
should create stability and order
abroad that would best promote
America’s commercial interests.
Who was the President that used dollar
diplomacy in Latin America?
Dollar Diplomacy was the foreign policy of
William Taft in Latin America. His policy
encouraged American businesses to invest
money in the region.
When Wilson became President in 1913, he
used the ideas of New Freedom to handle the
events in Latin America.
 Wilson, went against the ideas of Taft and
Roosevelt in Latin America by encouraging fair
play and friendship instead of using economic
and political pressure.
 He, too, was not perfect.
Wilson used force several times in the Caribbean.
Wilson, sent in the military, when he thought our
interests were threatened. He sent the military to
help back democratic governments.
Wilson’s use of force and American interference
was not welcomed by the people of Latin America.
One good thing Wilson did was he bought the
Virgin Islands from Denmark for $25,000,000.
Mexico, also, proved to be a tough place for
Wilson’s foreign policy.
Mexico, in the early years of the 20th century,
underwent a violent revolution.
1912: The President of Mexico, Francisco
Madero , was assassinated by followers of
General Victoriano Huerta.
The US did not recognize Huerta’s government
as legitimate. Taft left this problem for Wilson.
Wilson, also, did not recognize the government
of Huerta.
 The United States refused to send aid to
 1914: The United States military was sent to
Mexico to stop an arms shipment to Huerta.
The United States and Mexico nearly go to war.
General Huerta was forced to leave office.
The new government of Mexico was led by
American-supported Venustiano Carranza.
With the support of the United States, this
government was opposed by many Mexicans,
including Pancho Villa.
Villa began killing American troops in northern
Mexico as well as being the only man to invade
the US. Villa attacked southern New Mexico.
How did President Wilson want to change the
US foreign policy towards Latin America?
Wilson wanted to stop using military force and
pressure and encourage the US to abide
(follow) by the rules of fair play, friendship and
Where did Wilson use force?
He used force in the nations of Haiti and the
Dominican Republic.
What was the problem between the US and
In the time of Wilson’s presidency, the US had a
problem recognizing the government of Mexico
that was led by General Victoriano Huerta.
Why did General Pershing lead American forces
into Mexico?
The reason is because the US was being
attacked by Mexican rebels led by Pancho Villa.
Victoriano Huerta seizes control of Mexico
and puts Madero in prison where he was
Venustiano Carranza, Pancho Villa,
Zapata, and Alvaro Obregon fought
against Huerta.
The U.S. also got involved by occupying
Veracruz and Huerta fled the country.
Eventually Carranza would gain power in
Pancho Villa
Francisco Madero
The U. S. should
be the conscience
of the world.
Spread democracy.
Promote peace.
Condemn colonialism.
General John J. Pershing captures Pancho Villa in 1914.