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Chapter Introduction
Section 1 The Road to World War I
Section 2 The War
Section 3 The Russian Revolution
Section 4 End of the War
Chapter Summary
Chapter Assessment
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Key Events
As you read this chapter, look for the key
events of World War I, the Russian
Revolution, and the Paris Peace
Conference. 
• Archduke Francis Ferdinand was
assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. 
• Militarism, nationalism, and alliances
drew nations into war. 
• The United States’s entry into the war
helped the Allies.
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Key Events
As you read this chapter, look for the key
events of World War I, the Russian
Revolution, and the Paris Peace
• The impact of the war at home led to
an increase in the federal government’s
powers and changed the status of
women. 
• The Russian Revolution ended with
the Communists in power.
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Key Events
As you read this chapter, look for the key
events of World War I, the Russian
Revolution, and the Paris Peace
• Peace settlements caused lingering
resentment. 
• The League of Nations was formed.
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The Impact Today
The events that occurred during this period
still impact our lives today. 
• World War I led to the disintegration of
empires and the creation of new states. 
• Communism became a factor in global
conflict as other nations turned to its
ideology. 
• The Balkans continue to be an area of
political unrest.
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Chapter Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be
able to: 
• define the Triple Alliance and the Triple
Entente. 
• summarize the causes of World War I. 
• describe the stalemate on the Western
Front and events on the Eastern Front. 
• explain innovations in warfare. 
• explain what is meant by “total war” and
its effects.
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Chapter Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be
able to:
• trace the fall of czarist Russia and the rise
of the Communists. 
• explain the Allies’ victory. 
• list the major provisions of the Treaty of
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The Road to World War I
Main Ideas
• Militarism, nationalism, and a crisis in the
Balkans led to World War I. 
• Serbia’s determination to become a large,
independent state angered Austria-Hungary
and initiated hostilities. 
Key Terms
• conscription 
• mobilization
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The Road to World War I
People to Identify
• Archduke Francis
Ferdinand 
• Gavrilo Princip 
• Czar Nicholas II 
• General Alfred von
Schlieffen 
• Emperor William II 
Places to Locate
• Serbia 
• Bosnia
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The Road to World War I
Preview Questions
• How did the assassination of Archduke Francis
Ferdinand lead to World War I? 
• How did the system of alliances help cause
the war?
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The Road to World War I
Preview of Events
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In 1919, the German government was allowed
to submit a counterproposal to the Treaty of
Versailles. In it the Germans agreed to many of
the terms, including reparations, territorial
adjustments, and reduction of the military.
However, the counterproposal said that for
Germany to sign the treaty as it stood, the
country would be signing its own death warrant.
It asked that a neutral inquiry into the question
of responsibility for the war be held, one that
would inspect the archives of all the nations that
had fought. The counterproposal was rejected
almost entirely.
Nationalism and the System of
• Liberals during the first half of the 1800s
hoped that the formation of European
nation-states would lead to peace. 
• However, the imperialist states that
emerged during the second half of the
1800s became highly competitive over
trade and colonies.
(pages 717–718)
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Nationalism and the System of
Alliances (cont.)
• Two main alliances divided Europe: The
Triple Alliance (1882) was made up of
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy; and
the Triple Entente (1907) was made up of
France, Great Britain, and Russia.
(pages 717–718)
Nationalism and the System of
Alliances (cont.)
• During the early 1900s, several crises
erupted, particularly in the Balkans, which
created a great deal of anger and tension
between the nations of the two alliances. 
• Each nation was willing to go to war to
preserve its power.
(pages 717–718)
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Nationalism and the System of
Alliances (cont.)
• European ethnic groups, such as Slavs in
the Balkans and the Irish in the British
Empire, dreamed of creating their own
national states, which also increased
tensions in Europe.
(pages 717–718)
Nationalism and the System of
Alliances (cont.)
How did the growth of nation-states lead
to increased competition and tension in
Nations became focused on their own selfinterest, which led to competition with other
nations. Imperialist expansion led to
rivalries for trade and colonies. Nationstates formed alliances and were prepared
to go to war if necessary to preserve their
power and that of their allies.
(pages 717–718)
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Internal Dissent
• Another source of strife in Europe was
dissent within nations. 
• As socialist labor movements became
more powerful, they used strikes to
achieve their goals, which led to unrest. 
• Conservative national leaders feared that
revolutions would break out. 
• Some historians believe that these
leaders may have been willing to go to
war in order to suppress internal dissent.
(pages 718)
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Internal Dissent (cont.)
What was a primary source of internal
dissent in Europe during the early
The strikes by Socialist labor
movements were the primary source of
internal dissent in Europe during the
early 1900s.
(pages 718)
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• After 1900 there was a huge increase
in the size of European armies, which
increased tensions among nations. 
• Conscription–compulsory service in the
military–was common in Europe before
1914. 
• Between 1890 and 1914 European
armies doubled in size. 
• The numbers of soldiers in European
armies were: Russia, 1.3 million; France
and Germany, 900,000 each; Britain, Italy,
and Austria-Hungary, 250,000 to 500,000
(pages 718–719)
Militarism (cont.)
• Prior to 1914, European countries
aggressively prepared for war. 
• This militarism led to the increased power
of military leaders, who created complex
war plans. 
• Because powerful military leaders did not
want to alter their war plans, they greatly
limited the choices of political leaders in
time of international crisis.
(pages 718–719)
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Militarism (cont.)
What were three effects of increased
militarism in Europe during the early
The size of armies doubled between
1890 and 1914, countries focused on
preparations for war, and military
leaders became more powerful and had
more control over political decisions.
(pages 718–719)
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The Outbreak of War: Summer 1914
• While militarism, nationalism, and the
desire to control internal dissent all had
a part in starting World War I, the outbreak
of fighting stemmed directly from events
in the Balkans in 1914.
(pages 719–720)
• States in southeastern Europe had long
struggled for independence from the
Ottoman Empire. 
• Russia and Austria-Hungary competed for
control of these new states. 
• In 1914, Serbia wanted to form a large
Slavic state in the Balkans. 
• Serbia was supported by Russia and
opposed by Austria-Hungary. 
• Many Europeans were afraid that this
conflict in the Balkans would lead to war.
(pages 719–720)
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The Outbreak of War: Summer 1914
• In June 1914, Archduke Francis
Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his
wife were killed by the Serbian terrorist
Gavrilo Princip in the city of Sarajevo. 
• The Serbian terrorists wanted Bosnia
to become independent from AustriaHungary.
(pages 719–720)
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The Outbreak of War: Summer 1914
• The Austro-Hungarian government
wanted to declare war on Serbia but
was worried that Russian would come
to Serbia’s aid. 
• Austrian leaders asked for help from their
German allies. 
• Emperor William II agreed to give
Germany’s full support. 
• In July 1914, Austria-Hungary declared
war on Serbia.
(pages 719–720)
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The Outbreak of War: Summer 1914
• Russia responded by supporting
Serbia. 
• Czar Nicholas II ordered partial and then
full mobilization of the Russian army. 
• Austria-Hungary and Germany
considered the mobilizations acts of war.
(pages 719–720)
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The Outbreak of War: Summer 1914
• The Germans warned the Russians to
halt mobilization, and the Russians
refused. 
• Germany then declared war on Russia
on August 1. 
• Because Russia and France were allies,
Germany had planned to defeat France
first and then attack Russia with full force.
(pages 719–720)
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The Outbreak of War: Summer 1914
• This plan, designed by General
Alfred von Schlieffen, was called the
Schlieffen Plan. 
• Germany declared war on France on
August 3.
(pages 719–720)
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The Outbreak of War: Summer 1914
• The Germans demanded that Belgium–a
neutral country–allow German armies to
pass through it on the way to France. 
• This action led Britain, who was allied with
France and Russia, to declare war on
Germany. 
• By August 4, World War I had begun.
(pages 719–720)
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The Outbreak of War: Summer 1914
When Archduke Francis Ferdinand was
assassinated, the conflict appeared to be
only between Serbia and AustriaHungary. Yet this event led to World War
I, which involved all the great European
powers. How did the system of alliances
in Europe contribute to this progression
of events?
(pages 719–720)
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The Outbreak of War: Summer 1914
The system of alliances brought many more
countries into the conflict. By pledging to
support Serbia, Russia caused AustriaHungary to get support from its ally,
Germany. Austria-Hungary then declared
war on Serbia. Russia responded by
mobilizing its army. Germany and AustriaHungary declared war on Russia. Since
France was an ally of Russia, the Germans
invaded France. This action caused Great
Britain, an ally of France and Russia, to
declare war on Germany and AustriaHungary.
(pages 719–720)
Checking for Understanding
Define Match each definition in the left column with the
appropriate term in the right column.
A 1. military draft
A. conscription
B 2. the process of assembling
troops and supplies and
making them ready for war
B. mobilization
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Checking for Understanding
Explain why Great Britain became
involved in the war.
The official reason for Britain
becoming involved in the war was
that Germany violated Belgian
neutrality. The actual cause was
Britain’s concern about its own
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Checking for Understanding
List the ethnic groups that were left
without nations after the nationalist
movements of the nineteenth century.
Slavic minorities in the Balkans and in
the Hapsburg Empire, the Irish in the
British Empire, and the Poles in the
Russian Empire were ethnic groups
that were left without nations after the
nationalist movements of the
nineteenth century.
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Critical Thinking
Analyze How did the creation of
military plans help draw the nations
of Europe into World War I? In your
opinion, what should today’s national
and military leaders have learned from
the military plans that helped initiate
World War I? Explain your answer.
Countries could not partially mobilize
or limit war fronts.
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Analyzing Visuals
Examine the painting of Emperor
William II of Germany shown on page
719 of your textbook. How does this
portrait of the emperor reflect the
nature of leadership before World
War I?
The portrait of the emperor shows the
rise of militarism.
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Give an example that explains the
following sentence: “It was against this
backdrop of mutual distrust and hatred
that the events of the summer of 1914
were played out.”
The War
Main Ideas
• The stalemate at the Western Front led to
new alliances, a widening of the war, and
new weapons. 
• Governments expanded their powers,
increased opportunities for women, and made
use of propaganda. 
Key Terms
• propaganda 
• total war 
• trench warfare 
• planned economies
• war of attrition 
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The War
People to Identify
• Lawrence of Arabia 
• Woodrow Wilson 
• Admiral Holtzendorff 
Places to Locate
• Marne 
• Verdun 
• Tannenberg 
• Gallipoli
• Masurian Lakes 
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The War
Preview Questions
• How did trench warfare lead to a stalemate? 
• Why did the United States enter the war?
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The War
Preview of Events
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When President Woodrow Wilson
declared war in 1917, he called it the “war
to end all wars” and said that the United
States would fight to “make the world safe
for democracy.” The government asked for
volunteers, saying it needed a million men.
However, public support was not as strong
as the government would have liked. In
the first six weeks after war was declared,
about 70,000 men volunteered, which led
Congress to start the draft.
1914 to 1915: Illusions and
• The events of August 1914 shattered two
previously held ideas: that war was not
worth fighting and that diplomats could
prevent war.
(pages 721–723)
1914 to 1915: Illusions and
Stalemate (cont.)
• Government propaganda–ideas spread
to influence public opinion–had stirred
up national hatreds before the war. 
• When the war began, propaganda was
used to urge people to defend their own
country. 
• The majority of people thought their
country’s cause was just.
(pages 721–723)
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1914 to 1915: Illusions and
Stalemate (cont.)
• All European wars since 1815 had only
lasted a few weeks. 
• In August 1914, most people thought the
war would be over by Christmas.
(pages 721–723)
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1914 to 1915: Illusions and
Stalemate (cont.)
• On the Western Front, Germany swept
through Belgium into northern France and
was stopped a short distance from Paris
at the First Battle of the Marne. 
• The Western Front turned into a
stalemate, with neither side able to push
the other out of the system of trench
warfare they had begun. 
• The trenches stretched from the English
Channel nearly to the Swiss border. 
• For four years both sides remained in
almost the same positions.
(pages 721–723)
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1914 to 1915: Illusions and
Stalemate (cont.)
• On the Eastern Front, the war was far
more mobile. 
• The Russian army moved into eastern
Germany but was defeated at the Battle
of Tannenberg and the Battle of
Masurian Lakes, making Russia no
longer a threat to invade Germany. 
• The Russians defeated Austria-Hungary
and dislodged them from Serbia.
(pages 721–723)
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1914 to 1915: Illusions and
Stalemate (cont.)
• The Italians, who had been allied with
Germany and Austria-Hungary, broke their
alliance in 1915 and attacked AustriaHungary. 
• The Germans came to the aid of the
Austrians and together they defeated
the Russians in several battles and
drove them back. 
• About 2.5 million Russians had been
killed, captured, or wounded.
(pages 721–723)
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1914 to 1915: Illusions and
Stalemate (cont.)
• The Russians were almost out of the
war. 
• After defeating Serbia, Germany turned
its attention back to the Western Front.
(pages 721–723)
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1914 to 1915: Illusions and
Stalemate (cont.)
What illusion did most people have
about the war in August 1914?
What was the reality?
Most people thought that the war would
be over by Christmas. It lasted for years,
not months.
(pages 721–723)
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1916 to 1917: The Great
• The trenches on the Western Front
included massive tangles of barbed wire,
machine-gun nests, gun batteries, and
heavy artillery. 
• The soldiers lived in holes in the ground. 
• The territory between the two sides was
called no-man’s-land.
(pages 723–724)
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1916 to 1917: The Great
Slaughter (cont.)
• Military leaders did not know how to fight
trench warfare. 
• They were used to mobile battles. 
• The only plan they could devise was to
order masses of soldiers to attack the
other side and try to break through.
(pages 723–724)
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1916 to 1917: The Great
Slaughter (cont.)
• Each side tried this tactic. 
• They would begin with heavy artillery and
then send in thousands of troops. 
• The men who attacked were completely
exposed to machine-gun fire. 
• Millions of young men died in these
attacks, and no breakthrough came. 
• At Verdun, France, in 1916, 700,000 men
were killed in 10 months. 
• World War I had become a war of
attrition, where each side tried to wear
the other down.
(pages 723–724)
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1916 to 1917: The Great
Slaughter (cont.)
• Airplanes for war were used for the first
time in World War I. 
• By the end of 1915, airplanes spotted
enemy positions from the air. 
• Later they attacked ground targets. 
• In time, machine guns were mounted on
airplanes, and they fought each other for
control of the air.
(pages 723–724)
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1916 to 1917: The Great
Slaughter (cont.)
• The Germans used their giant gas-filled
airships to bomb points in Britain, but they
stopped when the British realized that
they could easily shoot down the airships.
(pages 723–724)
1916 to 1917: The Great
Slaughter (cont.)
What strategy did military leaders use to
win the war in the trenches? Why did it
not work?
They attacked fixed positions with huge
masses of soldiers, hoping to break
through the lines. Enemy machine guns
fired on the attacking soldiers. Millions
of soldiers lost their lives without affecting
troop positions.
(pages 723–724)
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Widening of the War
• Because the war in the trenches was
bogged down, both sides tried to get
new allies and to widen the war. 
• In November 1914, Russia, Great Britain,
and France (the Allies) declared war on
the Ottoman Empire. 
• In 1915, they tried to open a Balkan front
by attacking Gallipoli, near
(page 724)
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Widening of the War (cont.)
• Then Bulgaria entered the war on the side
of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the
Ottoman Empire (the Central Powers). 
• The Allies withdrew from Gallipoli after a
disastrous campaign. 
• Italy opened up a front against AustriaHungary on the side of the Allies. 
• In 1918, British forces from Egypt
defeated the Ottoman Empire in the
Middle East. 
• They used troops from Australia, India,
and New Zealand.
(page 724)
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Widening of the War (cont.)
• The Allies seized German colonies in the
rest of the world. 
• Japan, an ally of Britain, seized Germanheld islands in the Pacific Ocean.
(page 724)
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Widening of the War (cont.)
Why did both sides want to find new
allies and widen the war?
The war on the Western Front was a
stalemate costing millions of lives. Each
side hoped that new allies would give
them an advantage.
(page 724)
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Entry of the United States
• The United States tried to stay neutral in
the first years of World War I. 
• This became more difficult as the war
dragged on.
(pages 725–726)
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Entry of the United States (cont.)
• The naval war between Britain and
Germany became the reason why the
United States joined the war. 
• In order to keep supplies from reaching
their enemies, each country enforced a
naval blockade of the other. 
• German submarines sank both military
and civilian ships, including passenger
ships. 
• This practice was called unrestricted
submarine warfare.
(pages 725–726)
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Entry of the United States (cont.)
• In 1915, the Germans sank the British
ship Lusitania, killing 1,100 civilians and
causing strong protests from the American
government. 
• The Germans stopped unrestricted
submarine warfare for some time until
German naval officers such as Admiral
Holtzendorff convinced the emperor to
resume the practice.
(pages 725–726)
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Entry of the United States (cont.)
• The Germans did not think that the United
States would enter the war before the
British were starved. 
• However, in April 1917, the United States
responded to unrestricted submarine
warfare by declaring war on Germany. 
• Though large numbers of American troops
did not arrive until 1918, the Allies were
given a powerful psychological boost as
well as money and supplies.
(pages 725–726)
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Entry of the United States (cont.)
What mistake did the Germans make
that led to the entry of the United States
into the war?
They thought that in spite of American
protests over unrestricted submarine
warfare, the United States would never
send troops to Europe. After the
Germans resumed the practice of
sinking all ships, the United States
entered the war.
(pages 725–726)
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The Home Front: The Impact of
Total War
• World War I became a total war that
required a complete mobilization of people
and resources. 
• It demanded the total commitment of the
countries involved, soldiers and civilians
alike. 
• The war had an enormous impact on
everyone’s life.
(pages 726–727)
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The Home Front: The Impact of
Total War (cont.)
• As the war dragged on, governments
had to increase their powers in order to
obtain the manpower and supplies they
needed. 
• Millions of men were drafted into the
military. 
• Governments set up planned economies,
which included economic controls, food
and material rationing, regulated
transportation, and controls on imports
and exports.
(pages 726–727)
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The Home Front: The Impact of
Total War (cont.)
• Governments and leaders such as U.S.
president Woodrow Wilson saw all
citizens as part of the war effort.
(pages 726–727)
The Home Front: The Impact of
Total War (cont.)
• As the casualties mounted in the war,
public support for the war waned. 
• Authoritarian governments used force
to keep people working. 
• Other governments passed new laws
to severely restrict dissent, exercised
increased control of news sources,
and tried to keep morale up with new
propaganda techniques.
(pages 726–727)
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The Home Front: The Impact of
Total War (cont.)
• Women assumed new roles during World
War I, taking over jobs previously held
only by men, including factory and
trucking jobs. 
• These changes were generally seen as
temporary, lasting only while men were
away fighting the war. 
• One positive result of women’s role in the
war was that in Germany, Austria, and the
United States they were given the right to
vote not long after the war ended.
(pages 726–727)
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The Home Front: The Impact of
Total War (cont.)
• Most women in Britain were given the right
to vote in 1918 before the end of the war.
(pages 726–727)
The Home Front: The Impact of
Total War (cont.)
How did governments deal with their
citizens’ waning enthusiasm for the war?
Some countries forced their citizens to
do whatever was necessary. Other
countries persuaded their citizens with
propaganda programs and by passing
laws that restricted dissent.
(pages 726–727)
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Checking for Understanding
Define Match each definition in the left column with the
appropriate term in the right column.
B 1. fighting from ditches
protected by barbed wire,
as in World War I
C 2. a war based on wearing
the other side down by
constant attacks and
heavy losses, such as
World War I
A 3. ideas spread to influence
public opinion for or
against a cause
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A. propaganda
B. trench warfare
C. war of attrition
D. total war
E. planned
Checking for Understanding
Define Match each definition in the left column with the
appropriate term in the right column.
D 4. a war that involves the
complete mobilization of
resources and people,
affecting the lives of all
citizens in the warring
countries, even those
remote from the battlefields
E 5. economic systems directed
by government agencies
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A. propaganda
B. trench warfare
C. war of attrition
D. total war
E. planned
Checking for Understanding
Explain why World War I required
total warfare.
Masses of men had to be organized
and supplies had to be manufactured
and purchased for years of combat,
which led to measures that affected
the lives of all citizens in the warring
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Checking for Understanding
List some of the occupations opened
to women by the war.
Possible answers: Some occupations
opened to women by the war included
chimney sweeps, truck drivers, farm
laborers, and factory workers in heavy
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Space Bar to display the answer.
Critical Thinking
Identify What methods did
governments use to counter the loss
of enthusiasm and opposition to the
war at home?
Governments used propaganda,
expanded police powers, arrested
protesters, and applied censorship to
counter the loss of enthusiasm and
opposition to the war at home.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Analyzing Visuals
Examine the photograph of British
soldiers shown on page 723 of your
textbook. How does this photograph
illustrate the type of warfare that
emerged during World War I? What
aspects of trench warfare are not
shown in the photo?
The photo shows trench warfare and
soldiers waiting for next assault. The
photo does not show the disease,
death, and uncomfortable conditions.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Summarize the situations of the Allies
and the Central Powers in the spring
of 1917.
The Russian Revolution
Main Ideas
• The czarist regime in Russia fell as a result of
poor leadership. 
• The Bolsheviks under Lenin came to power. 
• Communist forces triumphed over antiCommunist forces. 
Key Terms
• soviets 
• war communism
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The Russian Revolution
People to Identify
• Alexandra 
• Bolsheviks 
• Grigori Rasputin 
• V. I. Lenin 
• Alexander Kerensky 
• Leon Trotsky 
Places to Locate
• Petrograd 
• Siberia 
• Ukraine 
• Urals
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The Russian Revolution
Preview Questions
• What promises did the Bolsheviks make to the
Russian people? 
• Why did civil war break out in Russia after the
Russian Revolution?
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Russian Revolution
Preview of Events
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listen to the audio again.
Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov (V. I. Lenin) was
born in 1870 to a middle-class family. He
was educated and became a lawyer. In
1887, his older brother was executed by
the czarist police for planning to
assassinate the czar. This event turned
Lenin into a revolutionary, and he
dedicated his life to overthrowing the czar.
Background to Revolution
• Due to a lack of experienced military
leaders and technology, Russia was
unprepared for World War I. 
• The Russian army was poorly trained and
equipped and suffered terrible losses. 
• By 1917, the Russian will to continue
fighting in the war had disappeared.
(pages 732–734)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Background to Revolution (cont.)
• Czar Nicholas II relied on his army and
government to keep him in power. 
• His wife Alexandra cut him off from
events. 
• She was strongly influenced by Grigori
Rasputin, who claimed to be a holy man. 
• Though he had no military experience,
Czar Nicholas II insisted on commanding
the army in the field and was away from
the capital. 
• In his absence, Alexandra made important
decisions with the help of Rasputin. (pages 732–734)
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Background to Revolution (cont.)
• The Russian people became increasingly
upset with the czar and his wife due to
military and economic disasters. 
• Conservatives wanted to save the
deteriorating situation and assassinated
Rasputin late in 1916. 
• However, this did not save the monarchy.
(pages 732–734)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Background to Revolution (cont.)
• In March 1917, working-class women led
a series of strikes in the capital city of
Petrograd. 
• They were upset about bread shortages
and rationing. 
• They called a general strike that shut
down all the factories.
(pages 732–734)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Background to Revolution (cont.)
• Alexandra reported the situation to
Nicholas, describing the demonstrators
as hooligans. 
• Nicholas responded by ordering troops to
break up the crowds with force. 
• However, many soldiers refused to shoot
and joined the demonstrators. 
• On March 12, the Duma, or legislature,
met and established a provisional
government. 
• The government then urged the czar to
step down, which he did.
(pages 732–734)
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Background to Revolution (cont.)
• The provisional government was headed
by Alexander Kerensky and decided to
continue fighting the war. 
• This was a grave mistake, as it upset
workers and peasants who wanted to
end the years of fighting.
(pages 732–734)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Background to Revolution (cont.)
• The government was also challenged by
the soviets–councils representing
workers and soldiers–who came to play
an important role in Russian politics. 
• Soviets sprang up around the country,
and were mostly made up of socialists.
(pages 732–734)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Background to Revolution (cont.)
How did Nicholas II’s absence from
Petrograd influence Russian events
in 1916 and 1917?
In his absence, his wife Alexandra made all
the important decisions. She was under the
influence of Rasputin and had little
understanding of what was going on.
Nicholas got all his news from Alexandra,
which kept him cut off from important
events. Neither of them understood the
extent of the frustration and anger of the
Russian people.
(pages 732–734)
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
The Rise of Lenin
• The Bolsheviks were a small faction of
a Marxist party. 
• They were led by V. I. Lenin and were
dedicated to a violent revolution to
overthrow the capitalist system.
(page 735)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Rise of Lenin (cont.)
• Lenin lived abroad between 1900 and
1917. 
• When the provisional government was
formed, he went to Russia hoping that
the Bolsheviks could seize power. 
• German military leaders helped him travel
to Russia in an attempt to create disorder.
(page 735)
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The Rise of Lenin (cont.)
• Lenin believed that the Bolsheviks should
try to gain control of the soviets. 
• He saw the soviets as groups already
in place that could help overthrow the
provisional government. 
• The Bolsheviks promised to end the war,
redistribute land to the peasants, transfer
control of factories and industries from
capitalists to the workers, and transfer
government power to the soviets.
(page 735)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Rise of Lenin (cont.)
• Three slogans summed up the Bolshevik
program: “Peace, Land, Bread,” “Worker
Control of Production,” and “All Power to
the Soviets.”
(page 735)
The Rise of Lenin (cont.)
What promises did the Bolsheviks make
to the Russian people?
They promised to end the war, redistribute
land to the peasants, transfer control of
factories and industries from capitalists to
the workers, and transfer government
power to the soviets.
(page 735)
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Space Bar to display the answer.
The Bolsheviks Seize Power
• By the end of October 1917, the
Bolsheviks had 240,000 members
and held majorities in the Petrograd
and Moscow soviets. 
• On November 6, the Bolsheviks seized
the Winter Palace, and the provisional
government collapsed.
(page 736)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Bolsheviks Seize Power (cont.)
• Lenin turned over power to the Congress
of Soviets, which represented soviets
throughout Russia. 
• He held on to the real power in a Council
of People’s Commissars, however, which
he ran.
(page 736)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Bolsheviks Seize Power (cont.)
• The Bolsheviks renamed themselves the
Communists. 
• In March 1918, Lenin ended the war with
Germany by signing the Treaty of BrestLitovsk, giving up territory in eastern
Poland, Ukraine, Finland, and the Baltic
provinces. 
• He believed that these territories would
eventually return to Russia as the socialist
revolution spread through Europe.
(page 736)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Bolsheviks Seize Power (cont.)
How did the Bolsheviks gain power over
the Russian government?
Their membership grew very large, and,
on November 6, 1917, they seized the
seat of the provisional government,
which then collapsed, leaving them in
(page 736)
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Space Bar to display the answer.
Civil War in Russia
• Soon after the Communists took power,
civil war broke out in Russia. 
• Many people were opposed to the
Communists, including groups loyal
to the czar, liberals, and anti-Leninist
socialists. 
• They were aided by the Allies, who
gave them troops and supplies, hoping
Russia would rejoin the war.
(page 736)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Civil War in Russia (cont.)
• The Communist (Red) Army fought in
many places between 1918 and 1921. 
• The opposing, or White, forces first
attacked from Siberia in the east. 
• Other attacks came from Ukrainians
and the Baltic regions. 
• By 1920, the Red Army had defeated
most of the White forces. 
• The Communists then gained control
over Georgia, Russian Armenia, and
(page 736)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Civil War in Russia (cont.)
• The royal family was captured by the
Communists and moved to a mining town
in the Urals, where they were eventually
(page 736)
Civil War in Russia (cont.)
Why did the Allies oppose the
Communist government in Russia?
They wanted Russia to rejoin the war
(page 736)
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Space Bar to display the answer.
Triumph of the Communists
• The Communists won the civil war in part
because they had an excellent army. 
• As commissar of war, Leon Trotsky had
brilliantly organized the army and
instituted rigid discipline.
(pages 736–737)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Triumph of the Communists (cont.)
• The opposition to the Communists was
not unified and was torn by political
differences and mistrust. 
• They lacked a common goal. 
• Some wanted to restore the czar. 
• Others wanted a more democratic
(pages 736–737)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Triumph of the Communists (cont.)
• The Communists had a strong sense of
purpose and conviction. 
• They were also able to put their ideals to
work in practical ways, for example by
controlling banks, farms, and industries
to serve the Communist war effort, a
policy known as war communism.
(pages 736–737)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Triumph of the Communists (cont.)
• The Communists also used revolutionary
terror to further their goals. 
• The Cheka, or secret police, sought out
anyone who opposed the Communists
and created an atmosphere of fear among
the people.
(pages 736–737)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Triumph of the Communists (cont.)
• When the Allies sent troops to oppose the
Communists, the Communists used this
act to appeal to Russian patriotism. 
• They asked Russians to join with them in
fighting foreign attempts to control the
(pages 736–737)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Triumph of the Communists (cont.)
• By 1921, the Communists had complete
control of Russia. 
• The country had become a centralized
state dominated by a single party. 
• Because of the role of the Allies in the civil
war, the Communists mistrusted them and
remained hostile.
(pages 736–737)
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Space Bar to display the information.
Triumph of the Communists (cont.)
How did war communism and terror help
the Communists gain control of Russia?
The Communists used war
communism–government control of
banks, farms, and industries–to get the
food and supplies they needed to win
the civil war. They used terror to root out
opposition and stifle dissent by creating
a climate of fear in the people.
(pages 736–737)
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Checking for Understanding
Define Match each definition in the left column with the
appropriate term in the right column.
A. soviets
B 1. in World War I Russia,
government control of
B. war communism
banks and most industries,
the seizing of grain from peasants, and the
centralization of state administration under
Communist control
A 2. Russian councils composed of representatives
from the workers and soldiers
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Space Bar to display the answers.
Checking for Understanding
Explain why Lenin accepted the loss of
so much Russian territory in the Treaty
of Brest-Litovsk.
Lenin promised the people peace,
thinking the socialist revolution would
make the treaty irrelevant.
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Space Bar to display the answer.
Checking for Understanding
List some of the different opinions that
split the White forces.
Some favoring a restoration of the
czarist regime and others favoring a
liberal democracy were different
opinions that split the White forces.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Critical Thinking
Explain How did the presence of Allied
troops in Russia ultimately help the
The presence of foreign forces stirred
Russian patriotism, to which the
Communists appealed.
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Space Bar to display the answer.
Analyzing Visuals
Examine the photograph of Czar
Nicholas II and his family shown on
page 733 of your textbook. Is this
photograph an idealized view of royalty?
Do you think the people of Russia would
have agreed with this view of the royal
family as portrayed in this photograph,
especially during World War I?
The royalty appear prosperous, but the
country was poor.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Summarize the effects of World War I
on the Russian Revolution.
End of the War
Main Ideas
• Combined Allied forces stopped the German
offensive. 
• Peace settlements brought political and
territorial changes to Europe and created
bitterness and resentment in several nations. 
Key Terms
• armistice 
• mandate
• reparation 
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End of the War
People to Identify
• Erich von Ludendorff  • David Lloyd George 
• Friedrich Ebert 
• Georges Clemenceau 
Places to Locate
• Kiel 
• Lorraine 
• Alsace 
• Poland
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End of the War
Preview Questions
• What were the key events in bringing about an
end to the war? 
• What was the intended purpose of the League
of Nations?
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Space Bar to display the information.
End of the War
Preview of Events
Click the Speaker button to
listen to the audio again.
The 1919 Treaty of Versailles demanded
that Germany pay $5 billion in reparations
for damages caused by the war. In 1921,
Germany had paid nearly half the amount.
However, the reparations committee met
and decided that Germany should pay a
total of $32.5 billion by 1963, an amount
that many experts agreed could cause
the German people to starve.
The Last Year of the War
• During 1917, the Allies had been defeated
in their offensives on the Western Front,
and the Russians had withdrawn from the
war. 
• The Central Powers appeared to have the
(pages 739–741)
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The Last Year of the War (cont.)
• The German military official Erich von
Ludendorff decided to take a military
gamble. 
• In March 1918, the Germans launched a
large offensive on the Western Front and
came to within 50 miles of Paris. 
• The Germans were stopped at the
Second Battle of the Marne by French,
Moroccan, and American troops and
hundreds of tanks.
(pages 739–741)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Last Year of the War (cont.)
• In 1918, the addition of more than one
million American troops helped the Allies
begin to advance toward Germany. 
• By the end of September, General
Ludendorff told German leaders that
the war was lost.
(pages 739–741)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Last Year of the War (cont.)
• The Allies were not willing to negotiate
with the German government under
Emperor William II. 
• The German people were angry and
exhausted by the war. 
• In spite of attempted government reforms,
German workers and soldiers in towns
such as Kiel revolted and set up their
own councils. 
• On November 9, William II left the country.
(pages 739–741)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Last Year of the War (cont.)
• The German Social Democratic party,
led by Friedrich Ebert, declared that
Germany would become a democratic
republic. 
• On November 11, the new German
government signed an armistice with
the Allies that ended the war.
(pages 739–741)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Last Year of the War (cont.)
• In December 1918, a group of radical
socialists formed the German Communist
Party and then tried to seize power. 
• They were defeated by the new
government, which was backed by the
army. 
• The revolutionary leaders were killed. 
• The attempt by the Communists to take
over the government left many middleclass Germans deeply afraid of
(pages 739–741)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Last Year of the War (cont.)
• At the end of the war, ethnic groups in
Austria-Hungary sought independence. 
• The Austro-Hungarian Empire
disintegrated into the independent
republics of Austria, Hungary, and
Czechoslovakia and the monarchial
state of Yugoslavia. 
• National rivalries in the region would
weaken eastern Europe for years to
(pages 739–741)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Last Year of the War (cont.)
How did the German government change
from a monarchy to a democratic republic?
After the German military realized they had
lost the war, the government sought to
make peace with the Allies. The Allies
would not deal with the autocratic
government. The German people became
angry and began to form their own councils.
Within a short time, William II was
persuaded to step down. The Social
Democratic party assumed control and set
up the new republic.
(pages 739–741)
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
The Peace Settlements
• In January 1919, representatives of the
Allied nations met in Paris to make a final
settlement of the war.
(pages 741–744)
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• President Woodrow Wilson outlined his
“Fourteen Points,” with which he intended
to create a lasting peace. 
• The points included proposals for open
treaty negotiations, reducing military
strength, and ensuring self-determination,
or the right of each people to have its own
nation. 
• Wilson proposed a new world order based
on democracy and cooperation among
nations. He suggested creating an
association of nations to guarantee
political independence for all countries.
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• The Paris Peace Conference was
complicated by many factors. 
• Secret treaties had been made before the
war that promised territories to certain
nations. 
• National interests created problems as
well. 
• For example, the British under Prime
Minister David Lloyd George wanted
to make the Germans pay for the war.
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• Led by Georges Clemenceau, the French
wanted to insure national security. 
• They sought to do this by stripping
Germany of all weapons, having them
make huge payments, called reparations,
and creating a buffer state between
Germany and France in the German
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• The United States, Britain, and France,
known as the Big Three, made most of
the important decisions at the Paris
Peace Conference. 
• Germany was not included. Russia was in
a civil war and could not attend, and Italy
was not given a large role.
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• The Big Three argued about many
points. 
• Wilson wanted to create a League of
Nations to be an international
peacekeeping organization. 
• The conference accepted his proposal. 
• In return he agreed to territorial
settlements that were not consistent
with his idea of self-determination.
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• The French gave up their wish for a
Rhineland buffer state and accepted a
defensive alliance with Britain and the
United States to guarantee future security
against Germany.
(pages 741–744)
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• The Treaty of Versailles was the final
peace settlement of World War I. 
• It was actually five separate treaties with
the defeated nations: Germany, Austria,
Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey. 
• The treaty declared that the Germans
were guilty of starting the war. 
• It ordered Germany to pay reparations for
all damages suffered by the Allies.
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• The treaty required Germany to greatly
reduce its military forces and return the
territories of Alsace and Lorraine to
France. 
• Sections of eastern Germany became
part of a new Polish state. 
• German land on both sides of the Rhine
was turned into a demilitarized zone to
prevent future aggression toward France.
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• The German government accepted the
peace terms because it had no choice. 
• To refuse would mean to go back to
war. 
• However, the treaty outraged and
angered the German people, who felt
the Treaty of Versailles was a harsh
and unfair peace.
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• Eastern Europe was greatly changed as a
result of the war and the peace treaties. 
• The Russians and Germans lost much
territory. 
• The Austro-Hungarian Empire was gone.
• New nation-states emerged, including
Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania,
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria,
and Hungary.
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• Lands in the Balkans changed hands as
Romania received territory from Russia,
Hungary, and Bulgaria. 
• Yugoslavia was formed, which included
Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes.
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• Though the Paris Peace Conference was
supposedly guided by the principle of selfdetermination, the mix of peoples in
eastern Europe made this very difficult,
and many compromises were made. 
• As a result, almost every eastern
European state included ethnic
minorities. 
• For example, there were Germans in
Poland and Hungarians in Romania. 
• These ethnic mixes would lead to conflicts
in later years.
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• The peace treaty also broke up the
Ottoman Empire. 
• In return for Arab support, the Allies had
promised Arab states within the Ottoman
Empire that they would be independent
after the war. 
• France and Britain changed their minds
and took over control of Lebanon, Syria,
Iraq, and Palestine.
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• Because Wilson opposed new colonial
acquisitions, these acquisitions were
called mandates. 
• Under the mandate system, a country
controlled another as a mandate on
behalf of the League of Nations, but it
did not officially own the territory.
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
• World War I undermined the previously
held idea of human progress. 
• Entire populations had slaughtered each
other in unprecedented ways. 
• The devastation of the war also opened
the door to revolutions and further
(pages 741–744)
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Space Bar to display the information.
The Peace Settlements (cont.)
Why did Germany accept the terms of
the Treaty of Versailles even though it
was outraged by its terms?
The Germans had no real choice. The
people and military could only refuse by
going back to war, which was not
(pages 741–744)
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Checking for Understanding
Define Match each definition in the left column with the
appropriate term in the right column.
C 1. a nation governed by
another nation on behalf
of the League of Nations
B 2. payment made to the victors
by the vanquished to cover
the costs of a war
A 3. a truce or agreement to end
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answers.
A. armistice
B. reparation
C. mandate
Checking for Understanding
Explain why the mandate system was
created. Which countries became
mandates? Who governed them?
The mandate system was created as
an alternative to territorial annexation.
France oversaw Lebanon and Syria;
Britain oversaw Iraq and Palestine.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Checking for Understanding
List some of President Wilson’s
proposals for creating a truly just and
lasting peace. Why did he feel the need
to develop these proposals?
President Wilson proposed opening
peace agreements, a reduction in
armaments, self-determination, and
the creation of a “general association
of nations.”
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Critical Thinking
Making Generalizations Although
Woodrow Wilson came to the Paris
Peace Conference with high ideals,
the other leaders had more practical
concerns. Why do you think that was
National leaders had national interests
in mind.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Analyzing Visuals
Compare the photograph of troops
going to war on page 721with the
painting on page 715 of your textbook.
How do you think the soldiers’
expectations compared to their actual
The soldiers expected a short
adventure, not a long war.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Review the major consequences of
World War I on European society. In
what sense did the conflict undermine
“the whole idea of progress”?
Chapter Summary
The outline below shows four themes of
the chapter.
Using Key Terms
Insert the key term that best completes each of the following
1. The practice of requiring young people to join the
military, which was followed by many nations before
World War I, was called _______________.
2. Before World War I, many European nations
completed the _______________
of their military
by assembling troops and supplies for war.
trench warfare baffled
3. The development of _______________
military leaders who had been trained to fight wars
of movement.
war of attrition
4. World War I became a _______________,
or war
based on wearing the other side down by constant
attacks and heavy losses.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answers.
Using Key Terms
Insert the key term that best completes each of the following
5. World War I involved a complete mobilization of
resources and people that affected the lives of all
citizens in the warring countries–a situation called
total war
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Reviewing Key Facts
Culture Explain the social changes
promised by the Bolshevik slogans.
Bolshevik slogans promised an end
to the war, redistribution of land to
peasants, transfer of factories and
industries from capitalists to
committees of workers, and transfer
of government power to soviets.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Reviewing Key Facts
Culture Describe the role and
contribution of women during World
War I. What was their status after the
During the war, women assumed many
of the jobs men had vacated. After the
war, women were encouraged to
relinquish those jobs. They retained
some social freedom and in some
countries received the right to vote.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Reviewing Key Facts
History Why were Alexandra and
Rasputin able to control the czar’s
government during much of World War
Alexandra and Rasputin were able to
control the czar’s government during
much of World War I because Czar
Nicholas II was away leading the
Russian army, leaving Alexandra to
make decisions. She had come under
Rasputin’s influence.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Reviewing Key Facts
Government What did the creation of
a League of Nations have to do with
Woodrow Wilson’s willingness to sign
the Treaty of Versailles?
Woodrow Wilson agreed to make
compromises on territorial
arrangements in the Treaty of
Versailles, believing that the League
of Nations could later fix any unfair
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Critical Thinking
Decision Making Compare Lenin’s
beliefs and goals with those of
Woodrow Wilson. Which leader has
had the greater impact on world
history? Why?
Lenin stressed revolution and
dictatorial government. Wilson
affirmed democratic values, selfdetermination, and free institutions.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Critical Thinking
Analyzing Why do some people feel
that it is unlikely that a lasting peace
could have been created at the end of
World War I?
Some people feel that it was unlikely
that a lasting peace could have been
created because there were too many
compromises, too many unresolved
issues, and resentment among nations.
Some people feel that the agreement
was not satisfactory to all.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Analyzing Maps and Charts
Study the chart below and answer the questions on the
following slides.
Analyzing Maps and Charts
Which of the Big
Three nations at
the Treaty of
Versailles wanted
to punish
Germany for
World War I?
Britain wanted to
punish Germany
for World War I.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Analyzing Maps and Charts
What was the effect
of the Treaty of
Versailles on
Germany’s military?
The treaty called for
reducing Germany’s
army and navy,
eliminating its air
force, and
demilitarizing the
German land along
the Rhine River.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Analyzing Maps and Charts
What territory did
France regain after
the war?
France regained
Alsace and Lorraine.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Standardized Test Practice
Directions: Choose the best answer to the following
The role Russia played in World War I can best be
described as
A a strong supporter of Germany and Austria.
B a strong supporter of France and Great Britain.
C a weak role due to the Russian Revolution.
D militarily strong because of its vast army.
Test-Taking Tip An important word in this question is
best. Although it is true that Russia entered on the side
of France and Great Britain, it could never provide
strong support due to internal weaknesses.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Explore online information about the topics
introduced in this chapter.
Click on the Connect button to launch your browser and go to
the Glencoe World History Web site. At this site, you will find
interactive activities, current events information, and Web sites
correlated with the chapters and units in the textbook. When
you finish exploring, exit the browser program to return to this
presentation. If you experience difficulty connecting to the Web
site, manually launch your Web browser and go to
Government Research the concept of neutrality
as defined by international law and practiced in the
twentieth century. Consider the U.S. Neutrality Acts of
1935, 1936, and 1937.
Science and Technology–Aviation
Science and Technology–Submarines
Click on a hyperlink to view the corresponding slide.
Art Bring in copies of visual arts used as
propaganda before and during World War I,
including posters, cartoons, or paintings. Who
were the artists? How effective was their work?
Literature Read all or parts of All Quiet on the
Western Front and then write a letter in which you
try to explain to your friends and family back home
exactly what you are experiencing in the trenches
on the Western Front. What difficulties do you face
in trying to describe what you are experiencing?
Science and Technology Prepare a display
showing the development of aviation during
World War I.
Cartography Draw your own thematic map to show
the widening of the war into the Balkans, the Middle
East, Africa, and Asia. You should include an
appropriate legend for your maps. Discuss reasons
why military leaders sought to expand the conflict
into these areas.
Science and Technology The first submarine to be
used in combat was built by an American, David
Bushnell, in 1776 and was used during the
Revolutionary War. It was made of wood and moved by
means of a hand-turned propeller. (The craft was used
in an unsuccessful attempt to blow up a British warship
in New York harbor.) By the late 1800s, an American
engineer named Simon Lake had made considerable
advances in submarine technology, including the use of
horizontal rudders for diving and water ballast for
submergence. The U.S. Navy was slow to see the
merits of Lake’s work. In the early 1900s, however, Lake
was hired by the United States.
Geography Study the map on page 729 of your
textbook. How far was the Lusitania form the Irish
coast when it was sunk? How far apart were the two
ships sunk by the U 20 on May 6, 1915? What was
the approximate distance between Ireland and
Literature Research and report on one of the
following: Maksim Gorky, a champion of the
revolutionary movement in Russia; Alexander Blok,
who wrote “The Twelve,” a poem about the
revolution; or Vladimir Mayakovski, a poet who
popularized the revolution.
Political Science
Click on a hyperlink to view the corresponding slide.
Political Science Research and compare the
League of Nations and the United Nations. Or, you
may choose to research the Treaty of Versailles to
discover what, specifically, were its provisions.
Government Discuss the failure of Wilson’s
approach to the peace. Since the United States
entered the war so late and since no battles were
fought on United States soil, was it fair for Wilson
to expect the European nations to share his views?
African American Soldiers
German U-Boat Attacks
Click on a hyperlink to view the corresponding slide.
African American Soldiers More than 350,000
African Americans served in segregated units in
World War I. Several units saw action alongside
French soldiers fighting against the Germans. The
French Legion of Honor was awarded to 171 African
German U-Boat Attacks After the sinking of the
Lusitania, German submarines continued to torpedo
merchant vessels without warning. In March 1916,
fearing the United States would enter the war,
Germany stopped the attacks. With the war
stalemated, however, Germany resumed
unrestricted submarine attacks in February 1917,
sinking four American ships in just two months.
Wilson cited German violations of “freedom of the
seas” as a reason for entering the war in April 1917.
The Windsor Family Anti-German feeling reached
near-hysteria in many of the Allied countries during
World War I. In the United States, German-language
instruction was dropped from schools. In Britain,
King George V changed his family name from the
German Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to the English name
World War I and the Russian Revolution were
important turning points in world history. Identify
changes that resulted from these two events.
Interpreting Military
Movements on Maps
Why Learn This Skill?
Although wars begin over many different issues, they end as
fights to control territory. Because wars are basically fought
over land, maps are particularly useful tools for seeing the
“big picture” of a war.
This feature can be found on page 745 of your textbook.
Interpreting Military
Movements on Maps
Learning the Skill
The map key is essential in interpreting military maps. The
key explains what the map’s colors and symbols represent.
Use the following steps to study the key: 
• Determine the meanings of the colors on the map. Usually,
colors represent different sides in the conflict. 
• Identify all symbols. These may include symbols for battle
sites, victories, and types of military units and equipment. 
• Study the arrows, which show the direction of military
movements. Because these movements occur over time,
some maps give dates showing when and where troops
advanced and retreated.
This feature can be found on page 745 of your textbook.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information.
Interpreting Military
Movements on Maps
Learning the Skill
Once you have studied the key and the map, follow the
progress of the campaign that is shown. Notice where each
side began, in which direction it moved, where the two sides
fought, and which side claimed victory.
This feature can be found on page 745 of your textbook.
Interpreting Military
Movements on Maps
Practicing the Skill
The map on the right shows
the Middle East front during
World War I. Study the map
and then answer the
questions on the following
This feature can be found on page 745 of your textbook.
Interpreting Military
Movements on Maps
Practicing the Skill
On which side did Arabia and Egypt fight?
Arabia and Egypt fought with the Allied forces.
This feature can be found on page 745 of your textbook.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.
Interpreting Military
Movements on Maps
Practicing the Skill
Who won the battle at the Dardanelles?
The Central Powers won the battle at the
This feature can be found on page 745 of your textbook.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.
Interpreting Military
Movements on Maps
Practicing the Skill
Describe the movement of the Central Powers
The Central Powers moved north from the
Ottoman Empire across the Black Sea into
This feature can be found on page 745 of your textbook.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.
Interpreting Military
Movements on Maps
Practicing the Skill
When did the Allies win the most battles in the
Middle East?
The Allies won the most battles in the Middle
East in 1917 and 1918.
This feature can be found on page 745 of your textbook.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.
Advancing troops in the
Battle of the Somme
British artillery firing on the Germans at the Battle of the Somme
Read The Battle of the Somme on page 716 of your
textbook. Then answer the questions on the following
This feature can be found on page 716 of your textbook.
When and where did this battle begin?
The battle began on July 1, 1916, near the
Somme River in France.
This feature can be found on page 716 of your textbook.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.
Who were the opposing forces?
The opposing forces were the British and
French against the Germans.
This feature can be found on page 716 of your textbook.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.
What was “No-Man’s-Land”?
“No-Man’s-Land” was the unoccupied area
between opposing armies.
This feature can be found on page 716 of your textbook.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.
What details in the story suggest that this was,
in fact, a Great War?
The great number of lives lost, the large
amount of equipment used, and the violence
and destruction described made this a Great
This feature can be found on page 716 of your textbook.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.
Click the image on the
right to listen to an
excerpt from page 738
of your textbook. Read
the information on
page 738 of your
textbook. Then answer
the questions on the
following slides.
This feature can be found on page 738 of your textbook.
Click the Speaker button to listen to the audio again.
Did John Reed agree or disagree with Lenin?
John Reed agreed with Lenin and considered
Lenin a hero.
This feature can be found on page 738 of your textbook.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.
How do you know that Reed’s account of Lenin
is biased?
Possible answers: Phrases such as “great
Lenin” and “the idol of the mob, loved and
revered as perhaps few leaders in history
have been” show bias.
This feature can be found on page 738 of your textbook.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.
Trench Warfare
Warfare in the trenches of the
Western Front produced
unimaginable horrors. Battlefields
were hellish landscapes of
barbed wire, shell holes, mud,
and injured and dying men. The
introduction of poison gas in 1915
produced new forms of injuries.
Read the excerpt on pages 722–
723 of your textbook and answer
the questions on the following
This feature can be found on pages 722–723 of your textbook.
Explain What was the rationale behind the “live
and let live” system?
Each side realized that it was not going to
drive out the other, so they refrained from
shelling latrines or attacking during breakfast.
This feature can be found on pages 722–723 of your textbook.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.
Writing about History Write several journal
entries as if you were a soldier in the trenches.
This feature can be found on pages 722–723 of your textbook.
Modern Warfare
After viewing “Modern Warfare,” you should: 
• Understand that the development of technology increases
the military's ability to inflict massive death and destruction. 
• Recognize that new technologies caused World War I to be
the most costly conflict, in terms
of lives lost, in history. 
• Know the immediate cause and
the major participants in World
War I.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information.
Click in the window above to view a preview of the World History video.
Modern Warfare
How did World War I begin?
World War I started when Austria-Hungary
declared war against Serbia after the
assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
Modern Warfare
On what day did World War I come to an end?
An armistice was declared on November 11,
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answer.
the Archduke Francis
Ferdinand and his wife
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answers.
to avenge the seizure
of Bosnia by Austria
Germany had the
largest number of
soldiers and great
wealth and so was
likely to be a strong
opponent in a war.
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answers.
the czar
the peasants
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answers.
the czar, the officials,
the nobles, and the
middle classes
on November 11, at 5
A.M., Paris time in Paris
at 11:00 A.M. Paris time
Click the mouse button or press the
Space Bar to display the answers.
They rejoiced.
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