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Setting the Stage
The World in the 19th Century
The lasting effects of the Enlightenment
 Remember in the 1700’s, a new philosophical movement began…
changing the way man thought about the world and his place within it.
 breaking away from church teachings and divine absolutism
 reason, logic, contemplation of the physical world
 Clash between Church, Crown, Citizen
 Rousseau, Locke, Montesquieu, Descartes
– German Idealism:
– Transcendentalism:
– Romanticism:
– Realism:
Talkin’ bout a revolution!
 The philosophies of the Enlightenment led the common man
to recognize his own value and embrace their natural rights.
 This new movement would lead directly to major
revolutions throughout the world.
American Revolution–War for Independence
French Revolution
Haitian Revolution
Russian Revolution
Latin American Revolutions
Social revolutions
German and Italian Unification
French Revolution: most important
revolution in history
 Why?
Change from Failure
 The failure of the French Revolution created a radical chain
reaction of paranoia and overreaction throughout Europe.
 The beheading of a monarch
 Fear and overreaction
 Backlash
 CoV
Specific conflict from the
Congress of Vienna
 The Congress of Vienna convened to settle conflicts that arose after
the failure of the French Revolution.
 Spheres of influence
 The Napoleonic Empire was dismantled and hereditary monarchies
were reestablished.
 The Holy Roman Empire was permanently dissolved.
 The practice of slavery was officially denounced.
Congress of Vienna
 balanced the European powers so that no one “kingdom”
dominated any other power.
 Sparked nationalism
 Russian Restructuring:
 French Monarchy:
People Unite!!!
Italian Unification:
German Unification:
Unstable Alliances:
Power to the people? Not yet!
Oh Germany… what do you do?
 Prussia unites
 Realpolitiks
 France declares war 1870
 France loses, signs the Treaty of Frankfurt
 Prussia takes Alsace Lorraine
 Bismarck distracts France with Egypt
 Balkan Crisis: Three Emperor League
 Britain takes Cyprus to protect trade routes in colonies and
India around the Meditterranean Sea.
Will the real Emperor please
stand up?
 Ascended the throne in 1848.
 Enlightened Despot
 Dual Monarchy
 Balkan Region vs. Russia
 Personal tragedies
 Heir
 Last significant monarch
Industrialization in the West
 Industrialization flourishes
 Led by Britain
 Common man changes
  -
 Absolutism
 Religion
 Imperialism
 People Unite
This war represents the German revolution, a greater political
event than the French Revolution of the last century… You
have a new world, new influences at work, new and unknown
objects and dangers with which to cope… The balance of
power has been entirely destroyed.
-- Disraeli
Prime Minister of Britain
1. To what extent is Disraeli correct?
2. Discuss this quote in relation to historiography.
New Science
 The 1800’s saw a greater emphasis on scientific developments in natural science based on
the empirical method and scientific theory. In fact, the 19th century sees science develop
as a profession.
 Andre Ampere:
 James Maxwell:
 Charles Darwin:
 Emile Durkheim:
 Wilhelm Wundt:
 Frans Boas:
Long term effects of new science
New World Order
The questioning nature of new science, combined with the new
awareness of the common man, lead to new social and political
movements throughout Europe.
The New Thinkers
 Marx and Engels:
 John Stuart Mill:
 Sir Robert Peel:
 Friedrich Nietzsche:
Scientific Revolution:
The new Enlightenment… put into action!
In the meantime… is God dead?
 Despite the new wave of philosophies and de-emphasis on religion, a large majority
of the European population still believed in a form of religion.
 Middle Class
Lower Class
 7 different dominant religions:
 The Arts influenced
Rumble in the Balkans
A disorganized and lucky war.
Why the hostility?
And in the other corner… Egypt!
France vs. Britain Cage Match
Place Prize: Suez Canal
Oh Germany… really?
What are the consequences of Bismarck’s
Did the French Revolution lead to the
Path to Total War
New enlightened philosophies two major revolutions  Congress of
Vienna  carving of Europe  Industrialization  series of
revolutionary activity  paranoid authoritarian governments 
Armament race  stronger armies, stronger navies,  Imperialism 
domination of global resources  economic expansion global tensions
between international powers  tensions between people and
governments  new science and philosophies  unstable alliances 
creates unbearable tensions that snap with the assassination of Archduke
Ferdinand of AustriaWWI