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Hitler & The Nazis
Jackson Sloane
Alex Navi
Emilio Yera
Jordan Etebar
Jonah Malkin
Adolf Hitler
Dates of Leadership:
- named Chancellor of Germany (January
30th, 1933 – April 1945)
- Hitler named Fuhrer of Germany (August
1934 – April 1945)
 Country of Rule: Germany
Adolf Hitler cont.
Political Beliefs: Though he is not the only
creator of Nazism, a German brand of
Fascism, he was by far the most passionate
about this newfound way of life.
 His beliefs led to the discovery of a new group
known as the Nazis, with Hitler as their
Adolf Hitler’s Goals
Guiding Principles/Ultimate Goals:
1. Lebensraum: more living space; Hitler’s desire to expand
Germany’s land.
2. He believed that Aryans were a “master race”
3. He believed that they should rule the “inferior” people
4. He claimed that Germany surrounded by enemies and that
it was only a matter of time before they would be attacked
5. He believed in rebuilding the military to become the best in
the world
6. He believed in censoring media, newspapers, and political
because these were examples of anti-nazi ideals.
Support Groups of the Nazis
Support Groups:
Nazi Party in general
S.S. Schutzstaffel
Middle class Germans
Gestapo (Nazi secret service aka police)
Hitler youth program
Early Years
Hitler’s Background:
1. Birth date: April 20, 1889 – April 30, 1945
2. Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party
3. He was a decorated veteran of WWI, earning an Iron Cross Award,
(medal of bravery)
4. Joined the German Worker’s Party in 1919 and became leader of
NSDAP in 1921
5. In 1923, he attempted to take over the German Government, but failed
and was imprisoned
6. In prison he wrote the book Mein Kampf, which set forth his beliefs
and goals for Germany
7. Hitler became obsessed with war after reading his father’s picture book
about the Franco-Prussian war
Hitler’s Attitude
1. He was a large military supporter
2. Developed a Fascist Totalitarian state
3. Very racist towards non-aryan and non-pure blood
German people, ex: Jews, homosexuals, mentally and
physical handicaps.
4. Great motivator and public speaker
5. Very passionate in his speeches
6. Nationalist
Methods of Gaining Power
 Went
to the German people during the depression
promising them a turn in the economy and a
new Germany
 Promoted nationalism to the people and
propaganda for military power
 Censored all media against him
Results of Hitler's Rule
Germany was a much more industrialized and
developed nation
More motivation and nationalism throughout the
Genocide of Jews made the Jewish population
Improved German military
Improved weaponry
Hitler Video