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1800s International Affairs
• Nationalism
– “What we must fight for is to
safeguard the existence and
reproduction of our race and our
people, the sustenance of our
children and the purity of our
blood, the freedom and
independence of the fatherland, so
that our people may mature for the
fulfillment of the mission allotted it
by the creator of the universe.” –
Adolph Hitler
1800s International Affairs
• Nationalism
– “All of us, who are members of
the Germanic peoples, can be
happy and thankful that once
in thousands of years fate has
given us, from among the
Germanic peoples, such a
genius, a leader, our Fuehrer
Adolf Hitler, and you should be
happy to be allowed to work
with us.” – Heinrich Himmler
1800s International Affairs
• Nationalism
– “We have only one task, to
stand firm and carry on the
racial struggle without mercy.”
– Heinrich Himmler
1800s International Affairs
• “The fuhrer of the Third Reich
has freed the German man
from his external humiliation
and from the inner weakness
caused by Marxism – and has
returned him to the ancestral
Germanic values of honor,
loyalty and courage.”
- Conrad Grober
Road to the Second World War
 The Nazi party begins to rise in power. The Nazis
proclaim the superiority of the German “master
race” and blame the Jews for the German defeat in
World War I and for the troubled economy.
Road to the Second World War
Hitler becomes
The first
concentration camp
First anti-Jewish law
Road to the Second World War
The Nuremberg Laws are passed, denying
Jews citizenship for Germany and forbidding
marriage between Jews and non-Jews.
 1936
Germany and Italy form an alliance
Road to the Second World War
Germany invades Austria
The Munich agreement is signed
Kristallnacht (Germans beat/kill Jews, burn
synagogues, raid Jewish stores)
Road to the Second World War
Germany invades Czechoslovakia
Germany invades Poland: World War II begins
(France and Great Britain declare war on
Road to the Second World War
Germany invades (pretty much all of Europe)
 Japan joins the Axis
Road to the Second World War
Germany invades the Soviet Union
 The United States declares war (joins the
Soviet Union and Great Britain) after Japan
attacks Pearl Harbor
Road to the Second World War
1942 The “Final Solution” is secretly announced
at a conference of Nazi officials: Europe's Jews
are to be “exterminated”.
 Construction of death camps begins in Poland
Timeline: Before Hiding
“I can remember that as early as 1932,
groups of Storm Troopers came marching
by singing: ‘When Jewish blood splatters
from the knife.” - Otto Frank
Timeline: Before Hiding
“Because so many of my German
countryman were turning into
hordes of nationalistic, cruel, antiSemitic criminals, I had to face the
consequences, and though this
did hurt me deeply, I realized that
Germany was not the world and I
left my country forever.”
- Otto Frank (Source: Cara
Weiss Wilson, Dear Cara: Letters
from Otto Frank.)
Timeline: Before Hiding
June 12, 1929 Anne Frank is born in
Frankfurt, Germany.
1933 Frank family moves to Amsterdam,
Holland, when Hitler comes to power in
June 12, 1942 Anne receives a diary for her
thirteenth birthday.
July, 1942 Margot Frank gets a call to report
to a transit camp.
July 6, 1942 The Frank family moves into the
“secret annex”.
Germans in the Netherlands
Identification of Dutch Jews with
yellow stars and laws discriminating
against them
In 1942 the Germans began sending
them to concentration camps
Of the 140,000 Jews living there,
102,000 were exterminated by the
In Europe, over 6,000,000 Jews were
Timeline: After Hiding
Aug 4, 1944 The Franks are arrested, taken to a
police station, then to Westerbork, a transit camp in
Oct 30, 1944 Anne and her sister, Margot, are sent
to Bergen-Belsen.
Jan 6, 1945 Edith Frank dies of starvation in
Jan 7, 1945 Auschwitz is liberated. Otto Frank is the
only survivor from the annex.
March 1945 Margot dies of typhus in Bergen-Belsen.
April 1945 Anne dies of typhus in Bergen-Belsen.