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and the
Rise of Nazi Germany
Chapter 13
Section 5
Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
I. The Weimar Republic’s Rise and Fall
 At the end of WWI, Germany was on the
brink of chaos
 Kaiser (German name for king) Wilhelm
abdicated or stepped down (unpopular)
 Germany was then forced to face the Treaty
of Versailles head on and accept the blame
for WWI
 A new German govt. was created it was called the Weimar
Republic and it was lead by a….
 CHANCELLOR- prime minister
 The republic faced severe problems from
the start
Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
Weimar Republic weak from the start
Lots of in-fighting in the new govt.; the new govt.
was blamed for the signing of the Treaty of Versailles
German Jews blamed for both economic and political
problems in Germany
In 1923, Germany fell behind in war reparation
As a result, France occupied the coal-rich
German workers refused to work under the French
To solve the problem, the Weimar Republic printed money
to continue to pay the workers
Soon inflation hit (so much money it no longer had
The German Mark became almost worthless
84,000 fifty-million mark notes = $1 US
Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
With help from the Western powers (Britain,
France and the U.S.) inflation brought back
under control
War reparations were reduced to help Germany
get back on their feet
France withdrew from the Ruhr Valley
Germany slowly recovers then….
The Great Depression will hit Germany; reviving
Germany’s memories of misery
Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
II. Nazi Party Rise to Power
 Adolf Hitler born in Austria in 1889
 Age 18 he moved to Vienna
 There he learned many of his racial views towards Jews,
Serbs, Poles, and other groups (Non-Germans)
 Fought in WWI (Germany)
 Like most Germans, he blamed the Weimar
Republic for the countries problems post WWI
 After the war, he joined a political party and became involved
in politics
 Within a year, he became leader of the
National Socialist German Workers Party
Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
Hitler organized like Mussolini did, a combat squad called “storm
Later called the Gestapo, then the “SS”
Wrote a book, “Mein Kampf” (My struggle)
In it, Hitler talks of extreme nationalism, racism, and anti-Semitism
(hatred of Jews)
Describes Germans as the “Master Race”
Blames the Jews for the horrible condition of Germany
Calls for all Germans to unite into one
great nation
Also calls for “Lebensraum” or living space
(Germany must expand and become bigger)
Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
Hitler’s first attempt to take power fails
Called the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923
Poorly planned and led; Hitler arrested and sent
to jail; treason
A year later he was released from prison
Got back into politics
The Great Depression then hit Germany (poor
and chaotic times)
That gave Hitler his chance
Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
His National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZIS)
became more and more popular
Promised to end war reparations, create jobs and defy the
Treaty of Versailles by rearming Germany
Hitler was an excellent speaker and was a symbol of power
and strength in a time of
German weakness
People flocked to him….by 1933
Hitler was voted Chancellor of
Germany through legal means
Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
III. The Third Reich Controls Germany
 Once in office, Hitler and the Nazi’s sought to consolidate all
power inside and outside of govt.
 Hitler called for a renewed sense of nationalism
 Under Hitler, Germany formed what was called the….
 THIRD REICH- German master race that would dominate
Europe for 1,000
 Like Mussolini and Stalin, Hitler took
complete control of his citizens
everyday life
Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
He created jobs by building houses, highways, and replanting
Rebuilt German military; stopped war reparation payments
(Defying the Treaty of Versailles)
Used his GESTAPO- secret police, to root out opposition and
to maintain control
Enemies and critics soon arrested and or killed
Hitler then created the NUREMBURG LAWS- deprived Jews
of German citizenship and place severe restrictions on them
Had to wear the “Star of David” on their clothing, Jews could
not marry non-Jews, could not attend German schools, and
could not hold govt. jobs
Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
Kristallnacht or “nigh of the broken glass” came next (1938)
Nazi-led mobs attacked Jewish communities all over
Goal was to eliminate Jews from German society….(Final
Solution will come later)
Hitler also created the “Hitler Youth”
Indoctrinated young people with Nazi ideology; taught
prejudice against the Jews, discipline, order and military
Women’s roles were limited like in Mussolini’s Italy
Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
Hitler also sought to replace religion with Nazi culture
IV. Authoritarian Rule in Eastern Europe
 The rest of Eastern Europe (the countries carved out of old
Russian, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and German Empires)
also struggled after WWI
 Most of the countries were small and had very little in terms
of natural resources or knowledge of the democratic process
 Inequality was rampant
 The Great Depression also affected them
 Strong ethnic rivalries
 Seen as easy / tempting targets for Hitler, Mussolini and
Stalin to expand their countries….leads to WWII
Ingredients for a
Totalitarian State Cake!!
1. Single-party DICTATORSHIP with blind obedience
3. Use of POLICE SPIES AND TERROR to enforce the
will of the state
4. Government control of the media to indoctrinate and
control citizens through PROPAGANDA
5. Use of schools and youth organizations to spread
ideologies to children **INDOCRINATE THE YOUTH
6. Strict CENSORSHIP of artists, writers, and
intellectuals with dissenting opinions
Mix well and bake at 350* for a scrumptious