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World War I – World War II
By Kassidy Durfee, Evan Perez, &
Emily N.
Presidents in this Era
Woodrow Wilson – in office 1913-1921
W. G. Harding – in office 1921-1923
Democratic Party
Persuaded Congress to pass the Federal Reserve
Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, the Clayton
Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act, and an
income tax
Republican Party
Signed the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921,
established the Bureau of the Budget, and created
the General Accounting Office
Calvin Coolidge – in office 1923-1929
Republican Party
In 1924, signed the Indian Citizenship Act
Presidents in this Era
Herbert Hoover – in office 1929-1933
Franklin Delano Roosevelt – in office 1933-1945
Republican Party
Expanded civil service coverage of Federal positions,
suggested a Department of Education, and instructed
the justice department to pursue gangsters on tax
fraud. Thus effectively trapping Al Capone
Democratic Party
Served 4 terms in office, victoriously implemented the
New Deal program, and pulled the US out of
Harry S Truman – in office 1945-1953
Democratic Party
Dropped both atomic bombs on Japan
Election of 1912
President Taft (R)
Woodrow Wilson (D)
call for the strict government
regulation of monopolies
called for limits on campaign
contributions by corporations, tariff
reductions, stronger antitrust laws,
banking reform, a federal income
tax, a single term presidency, &
the independence of Philippines
Winner- Woodrow Wilson
 6,296,284 in Popular vote
 435 in Electoral College
Election of 1916
underlined retention of the
protective tariff, civil service
protection, conservation of natural
resources, & restrictions on
Theodore Roosevelt
President Wilson (D)
Charles E. Hughes (R)
called for military preparedness, a
ban on child labor, women's
suffrage, and prison reform
straightforward preparedness
program & ban on child labor
Winner- Woodrow Wilson
9,126,868 in Popular vote
277 in Electoral College
Election of 1920
16,144,093 in Popular vote
404 in Electoral College
1923- Harding dies in office. VicePresident Calvin Coolidge takes
reduce the tariff, income tax, farm
relief with easier credit, free
Philippines, strict antitrust laws, &
reduce unemployment
Robert de La Follette
reducing taxes, collect foreign
debts, protective tariff, opposing
farm subsidies for crop prices, eighthour workday, banning child labor,
& a federal anti-lynching law.
John W. Davis (D)
reflected the party's determination to
continue Woodrow Wilson's
progressive agenda at home &
idealistic involvement abroad
Winner- Warren G. Harding
President Calvin Coolidge (R)
condemned Wilson’s handling of
World War I, opposed the League of
Nations, advocated a higher
protective tariff, & supported new
immigration requirements.
James M. Cox (D)
Election of 1924
Warren G. Harding (R)
Anti- industrial monopolies, public
ownership of water resources and
railroads, inheritance tax, & tax
relief for farmers
Winner- Calvin Coolidge
15,723,789 in Popular vote
382 in Electoral College
Election of 1928
Herbert Hoover (R)
promised lower taxes, a protective
tariff, opposition to farm subsidies,
a new farm agency, & the
vigorous enforcement of
downplayed the tariff issue,
support for public works projects,
a federal farm program, federal
aid to education, & enforcement of
Winner- Herbert Hoover
Election of 1932
21,427,123 in Popular vote
444 in Electoral College
President Hoover (R)
called for a balanced budget, a
protective tariff, & urged repeal of
the 18th Amendment
Franklin D. Roosevelt (D)
Al Smith (D)
“A new deal for the American
Winner- Franklin D. Roosevelt
15,723,789 in Popular vote
472 in Electoral College
Election of 1936
President Roosevelt (D)
“business and financial monopoly,
speculation, reckless banking”
no new deal, preservation of free
enterprise, private competition,
equality of opportunity,
reemployment, & relief
Winner- FDR
Election of 1940
27,752,648 in Popular vote
523 in Electoral College
President Roosevelt (D)
Alf Landon (R)
Wendell Willkie (R)
still the New Deal…
opposed FDR's public power
policies, especially the TVA, &
anti-American involvement in
Winner- Franklin D. Roosevelt
27,313,945 in Popular vote
449 in Electoral College
Election of 1944
President Roosevelt (D)
Thomas E. Dewey (R)
end the war promptly, promote world-wide stability after the war, develop Pan-American
solidarity & reestablishing liberty at home
Winner- FDR
get through the war and continue to utilize implemented New Deal programs, equal pay
for equal work regardless of sex
25,612,916 in Popular vote
432 in Electoral College
April 12, 1945- Franklin D. Roosevelt dies in office. His VicePresident Harry Truman resumes the rest of the term in his place.
Setting the Stage For War…
In 1914 tensions in Europe were at an alltime high. Eventually WWI could not be
 M.A.N.I.A. (causes of world war 1)
 Alliances
 Nationalism
 Imperialism
 Assassination
Causes Of WWI
Militarism- the policy of building up strong
military forces to prepare for war.
From 1910-1914 defense expenditures increases
France- 10%
Britain- 13%
Russia- 39%
Germany- 73%
The European powers modernized and equipped their
armies and navies, bringing the continent closer to war.
Causes Of WWI
Triple Entente- Britain, France, and Russia
Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
(at first anyway)
Nationalism- Each European superpower had
developed a firm but excessive belief in its own
cultural, economic, and military supremacy.
This sense of invincibility led to interesting
confrontations as things heated up before the first
World War.
Don’t worry there will be pictures
eventually, I promise. :D
Causes Of WWI
Imperialism- In the late 19th and early 20th
centuries, colonies were both a sign of prestige
and a source of great wealth.
Germany, France, and Britain began competing for
foreign markets and territory in Africa, which
increased tension between the countries.
Assassination- June 28, 1914
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his pregnant wife
Sophie are murdered by the Black Hand while visiting
Sarajevo, the Bosnian capital, and participating in a
This was the spark that ignited the Great War or
World War I.
Domino Effect
July 28, 1914- Austria-Hungary declares war on
Germany supports Austria-Hungary
Russia backs Serbia
August 1- Germany declares war on Russia
August 2- France pledges support for Russia
August 3- Germany declares war on France
On the way to France, Germany invades Belgium,
which angers Great Britain.
Don’t Worry, It Continues…
August 4- Great Britain supports Belgium and
declares war on Germany
August 6- Austria-Hungary declares war on
Russia and Serbia declares war on Germany
August 19- US President Wilson declares the
United States a neutral party in the conflict.
August 23- Mons Battle
First French and British coop. against Germany
Retreat to the Marne River
August 26- Battle of Tannenberg
Russian and German conflict 90,000 killed or
Sides Are Taken
Allied Powers
Central Powers
May the Battle(s) Begin.
September 5, 1914 the First Battle of
Marne begins.
Trench warfare is seriously used for the first
time in the war.
 Retreated French and British soldiers from the
Mons Battle against German long range
 First time air recon and radio interceptions
were used in a major conflict
 France learned of German position
 Called
for reinforcements from Paris
 Soldiers came in taxis and buses to get there
See pictures!
Major Military Actions
October 19, 1914- First Battle of Ypres
November 3- UK blockades Germany from North
February 4, 1915- Germany declares waters
surrounding Great Britain a war zone.
Created a submarine blockade, no merchant ship was
February 19- Dardanelles Campaign begins
April 22- Second Battle of Ypres begins
Attempt to halt German advances
First recorded time that Germans used poisonous
April 25- Battle of Gallipoli begins
Major Military Actions
May 7, 1915- RMS Lusitania is sunk by a
German u-boat.
May 23- Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
September 5- Tsar Nicholas II takes intimate
control of Russia’s armies
February 21, 1916- Battle of Verdun begins
Longest battle of WWI, lasted until December 18th
May 4- Germany makes Sussex Pledge
May 31- Battle of Jutland
Betrayed Central Powers and joined Allies
Full scale military naval battle
July 1- Battle of Somme
First time tanks are introduced to battle
Major Military Actions
January 19, 1917- Germany sends Zimmerman
telegram to Mexico
March- Germany violates pledge to suspend
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
April 2- President Wilson goes before Congress to
request a declaration of war.
April 6, 1917- United States of America declares
war on Germany
July 30- Third Battle of Ypres begins
November 7- Bolsheviks overthrow Russian
government in revolution
December 17- Armstice between Russia and
Central Powers goes into effect
More of Them….
January 8, 1918- President Wilson issues his 14
March 21- Germany launches it’s Spring
April 21- Baron Manfred von Richthofen (Red
Baron) is shot down
July 15- Second Battle of Marne begins
November 9- Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates and
flees Germany
November 11- Germany signs armstice
June 28, 1919- Treaty of Versailles is signed.
WWI is over
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of St. Germain
Treaty between allies and Hungary. Greatly reduced Hungary’s
atomic might
Treaty of Neuilly
Ended the war with Austria and dismantled Austrian Empire
Treaty of Trianon
Demilitarized Germany, Germany had to take full responsibility for
the war, many territories were taken from Germany and
distributed, and the League of Nations was established to keep
the peace
Bulgaria was to pay $100 million in reparations and demilitarized
to an army of 20,000 men only. They also gave up a few territories
Treaty of Serves
Peace treaty with the Ottoman Empire. Thought to be extremely
harsh. the Allies were given the power to control their finances,
Armenia was established, & the Kingdom of Hejaz was
Technology From the War
Machine Gun
 Poison Gases
 Tanks
 Submarines
 Airplanes
 Gas Masks
 Longer Range Artillery
Effects of WW1
World War 2
 Prosperity of USA
 Dismantling of Europe’s monarchies
 German resentment
 New super weapons (for the time)
 US recognized entirely as a global power
 Women’s liberation
 Global Trade increase
The Roaring Twenties
Post-war, the economy of the United States
soared partially due to inflation.
Women’s skirts became shorter and morals
became looser.
Gang activity ran ramped. Bootleggers in
Chicago and New York.
Jazz and dancing characterized the age.
Parties and illegal drinking were heavy
Speakeasies and Flappers
Cinema and Radio
The Great Gatsby- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Winnie-the-Pooh- A.A. Milne
All Quiet on the Western Front- Erich Maria
The Sun Also Rises- Ernest Hemingway
This Side of Paradise- F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Hobbitt- J.R.R. Tolkien
Gone With the WindOf Mice and Men- John Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath- John Steinbeck
Harlem Renissance
African-American literary and artistic
cultural Revolution in 1921.
The first black recording house opened in
 African Americans had their own musicals in
 In 1923, the Harlem Globetrotters were
 Langston Hughes
 Zora Neale Hurston
 Rise of jazz.
The Dirty Thirties
The Great Depression
Causes Stock
Market Crash
 Over speculation
 Bank Failures
 Reduction of Consumers
 Economic Policy with Europe
 Drought
World War 2
Hitler & dictators
 Treaty of Versailles
 Failure of Appeasement
 Failure of the League of Nations
March 1935- Germany begins rearmament
March 1936- German troops re-occupy the Rhineland
March 1938- German forces annex Austria
September- Germany annexes Sudetenland and signs
the Munich Agreement with Britain and France.
March 1939- Germany annexes all of Czechoslovakia
August- Germany and Russia sign a 10 non-aggression
September- Germans begin attacking Poland
Britain and France declare war on Germany
So does Canada
Russian Armies invade poland
WW2 Highlights
March 1940- Soviet Union conclude a
peace girl Treaty
 April- German Troops invade Denmark
 May- Main Dutch Army surrenders to
Germany. Belgium surrenders
 June- Norway surrenders to Germany.
Italy declares war on Britain and France.
France surrenders to Germany
 July- Battle of Britain begins
WW2 Highlights
September 1940- War in Africa begins.
Japan signs the Tripartite, joining forces
with Germany and Italy
 April 1941- Yugoslavia & Greece
surrender to Germany
 June- Germany launches a massive attack
on the Soviet Union
 December 8, 1941- Pearl Harbor
 December 9, 1941- USA is in the war
WW2 Highlights
January 1942- Wannsee Conference is held
February- Japanese land in Singapore
May- Japanese forces capture the Philippines.
Battle of Coral Sea.
June- Battle at Midway
September- German forces begin the battle for
November- Operation Torch.
February 1943- German army surrenders at
WW2 Highlights….Again
August- Allied forces recapture Sicily
November- Hitler issues a directive warning of
Allies landing in western Europe. Battle of Berlin
March 1944- Allies win Battle of Berlin.
June- D-Day. AM forces recapture Rome
July-September- tons of small places are
October- US returns to the Philippines
December- ‘Battle of the Bulge’
Last Time I Promise
March 1945- Allies bomb Tokyo killing
 April 30, 1945- Adolf Hitler and his wife
commit suicide in an underground bunker
 May- Soviets complete the capture of
 August- Atomic Bombs are dropped on
Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan
 September- Japan signs official surrender
Foreign Policy
One major factor of United States and Germany having
tensions was Germany’s unrestricted warfare. Events
such as the sinking of unarmed vessel ships Ex: The
sinking of the RMS Lusitania
Another major factor that led to the US joining the war
was the Zimmerman Telegram, a telegram written by
German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmerman to the
German Ambassador in Mexico City, proposing an
alliance against U.S. This along with the submarine
attacks led to the public opinion sway from neutrality to
Even before declaring war, the United States helped the
allies with supplies on merchant ships. The United
States declared war on April 17, 1917.
Foreign Policy After WW1
After WW1, Wilson developed the League of
Nations and his Fourteen Points in order to
make sure that this Great War never happened
Fourteen Points is rejected and United States
leaves meetings.
Treaty of Versailles put huge financial
punishments on Central Powers, mainly
This inevitably lead to World War 2.
Foreign Policy on WW2
After news of Germany’s aggression, Roosevelt started
to take steps in order to prepare the U.S. for war.
The United States remained neutral but helped out
Britain with acts such as the Lend Lease Act, giving
Britain old battleships for naval bases in North and South
U.S. passed the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, 1937, &
All neutrality was gone after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
FDR went to Congress the next day December 8, 1941
and asked for a declaration of war.
Major Supreme Court Decisions
Korematsu v. United States 1944
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the United
States feared an attack in the US by Americans
of Japanese descent might help the enemy, so
the government put them into internment camps.
Fred Korematsu challenged this saying that the
government didn’t have the power to issue
relocation orders and he was being discriminated
because of his race. The court decided with the
government because the need to protect the
country was a greater priority than individual
rights of the Japanese and the Japanese
Major Supreme Court Decisions
Takao Ozawa v. United States
Filed for United States citizenship under the
Naturalization Act of 1906, wanted Japanese
to be classified as white. The court ruled him
ineligible for naturalization. Japanese were
members of an “unassailable race” , lacking
provisions in any Naturalization act.
Major Supreme Court Decisions
De Jonge v. Oregon 1937
A case that held that the fourteenth
amendment due process clause applies to
freedom of assembly
18th Amendment- 1919
19th Amendment- 1920
Prohibits denying someone the right to vote based on
sex. Gave women the right to vote
20th Amendment- 1933
Made the production, transport, and sale of alcohol
Changed the date of when the terms of President,
Vice-President, and Senators end/begin
21st Amendment- 1933
Repealed the 18th Amendment and only amendment
to ever repeal a previously existing one