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World War II
Goal 10
Nazis ( nat-zees)
Nazi Rise to Power
What do you know about the Treaty of Versailles?
Young radical named Adolf Hitler joins National
Socialist Party (Nazi); tries revolution in early 1920s
Arrested and jailed
Writes book called Mein Kampf; blames Jews &
Nazi Party gains more power after Great Depression
hits the world in 1929-30
Natzees Continued
Hitler & Nazis gain control of German
government LEGALLY in 1933
Set up “Third Reich” (fascism - nationalistic,
racist, dictatorship)
Nazis begin “educating” youth of Germany
Start eliminating political competition
Start persecuting Jews
Nuremburg laws Anti-Semitic Laws
Natzees take over…
Italy has fascist government under Benito
Mussolini; begins to ally with Hitler
Japan gains power; invades Manchuria in
1931 & invades China in 1937
Hitler begins to break Treaty of Versailles
Begins troop buildup & military buildup
Sends troops into Rhineland in 1936 (French &
GB do nothing)
Hitler takes control of Austria in 1938
Hitler threatens to take Sudetenland (NW
Munich Conference (1938)
British use policy of appeasement; agree to give
Sudetenland in exchange for no further aggression
Neville Chamberlin (British Prime Minister) “We’ve achieved
peace in our time.”
Hitler takes rest of Czechoslovakia in Spring 1939
Who vs. Who this time?
Axis Powers
France (before defeat)
FDR, Churchill, Stalin
Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito
America: Pre-War Years, 1939-1941
Cash & Carry
Tripartite Pact
Sept. 1939: allowed warring nations to buy US arms; must
pay cash & transport own goods
Establishes the Axis Powers
Sept. 1940: Germany, Italy, Japan sign
Lend/Lease Act
1941: British out of cash; US lends/leases goods
US also provides aide to Soviet Union
Pre War Continued
German U-Boats
U-boats attack US ships (1941)
Roosevelt orders Navy to fight back IF attacked
Japan attacks US
US cut off trade to Japan (including oil) to
persuade them to stop expansion in Pacific
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941
US declares war on Japan; Italy & Germany
declare war on US
War at Home
5 Million Americans
volunteered for military
10 Million more drafted via
Selective Service
US industry converts to
complete war-time
War Production Board
(WPB) regulates industries
for war-time production
Women join workforce
(Rosie the Riveter)
Government sets up Office
of Price Administration
Price freezes set up to
regulate economy
US citizens begin rationing
materials; most for military
Propaganda used to
convince citizens to help
US discriminates against Japanese-Americans
– Internment camps set up for Japanese-Americans
on West Coast
– 110,000+ relocated from homes to concentration
– Most are native born
– Korematsu v. United States, 1944 – Supreme
Court rules in favor of US gov’t
Japan continues expansion in Pacific while US is weak
(after Pearl Harbor)
Japan takes Philippines from US in early 1942
General Douglas McArthur vows “I shall return”
Troops suffer Bataan Death March
US suffers many early attacks by German U-Boats
Stalin urges US & British to invade Europe in 1942
Instead US & British attack North Africa (Nov. 42)
Allies defeat Germans in N.Africa by May 1943
Attack next moves into Italian Peninsula in 1943
***Major Battles-Europe***
Aug.1942-Feb.1943; Turning Point of WWII
Germans lose ¼ of their fighting force; bloodiest battle in history (1.5
million casualties)
Germans fight defensively in the East for the rest of the war
June 6, 1944; Massive allied invasion into France
Largest land/sea/air invasion in world history; leads to allied advances in
Known as Operation Overlord
Battle of the Bulge
Last German effort to stop Allied advance from West (Ardennes)
Dec.1944-Jan.1945; Failed effort left German forces in the West weak
US advances into Germany relatively unharmed
Major Battles-Pacific
Midway ***
October 1944; Largest naval battle in modern history
Japanese begin using kamikaze pilots
Iwo Jima***
Aug.1942-Feb.1943; First major land offensive against Japan
Leads to “Island Hopping”
Leyte Gulf
June 4-7, 1942; Turning point of the war in the Pacific
Weakens Japanese navy; they fight defensively for rest of the war
Feb-Mar.1945; 22,000 Japanese killed (216 capture)
Fierce fighting; Japanese wouldn’t surrender
Mar-June 1945; last stop before mainland of Japan
Japanese continue to fight to the end (200,000 military & civilian casualties)
US plan invasion of Japan
D-Day: June 6, 1944
End of the War
FDR dies April 12, 1945, Truman takes over.
– Soviets lay siege to Berlin in April 1945
– Hitler and many top Nazi leaders commit suicide
– Germans finally surrender on May 8, 1945
– Japanese refuse to surrender
– Manhattan Project - US develops atomic bomb Dr. Robert
– US decided to use bombs on Japan, hoping to force surrender
– Aug.6, 1945 US drops “Little Boy” on Hiroshima
 Up to 145,000 killed
– Aug.9, 1945 US drops “Fat Man” on Nagasaki
 Up to 75,000 killed
– Aug.15, Japan announces decision to surrender, officially doing so
on Sept. 2, 1945
After Effects
Yalta Conference (Feb. 1945)
Potsdam Conference (July 1945)
High ranking Nazi officers put on trial for war crimes
Highest ranking officer (Goering) sentenced to death; commits suicide
before being executed
Japan Rebuilt
Germany divided into 4 occupation zones; leads to communist East
Germany and democratic West Germany
Nuremburg Trials
United Nations created; tensions between Allies begin over post-War
Eastern Europe (democracy or communism)
US rebuilds Japan, establishing a constitution/democratic gov’t
Cold War
Tensions between US & USSR continue until 1990 regarding spread of
communism/democracy (Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, etc.)